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Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning — Chapter 57 Getting into big trouble

Listening to the system prompts and feeling the pinch on his little face, Li Xuan looked at the vigorous Liu Erlong speechlessly.

This woman with long flowing hair is so tough that she even dared to squeeze the earl’s little face.

However, with her strong character, just rubbing her little face would be considered a favor, so Li Xuan wouldn’t make it difficult for her.

“Okay, I can support you in establishing a college, but I have a condition. The new college must be a women’s college.” Li Xuan slapped Liu Erlong’s hand away.

“Women’s college? But there are many male students in the school, and there are no high-end schools for civilians to attend. If only girls are admitted, the boys will have nowhere to go.” Liu Erlong worried.

“Then let all these boys wear women’s clothes. If new students come to school, they must also wear women’s clothes, otherwise there is no need to discuss anything.” Li Xuan said firmly.


Liu Erlong frowned, feeling that women’s clothing was too deceiving, but seeing Li Xuan’s firm attitude, she had no choice but to nod.

“Okay, I’ll listen to you. You are an earl and you can’t be offended.”

“That’s right. Now, you keep these things. Remember, from now on, I will be the dean of Lanba College and you will be the deputy dean. That’s it.”

Li Xuan left the money to establish the college, waved his hand and left, walking away calmly and calmly, completely ignoring the huge wealth.

Such freedom and ease, such trust in giving money to her without hesitation, and the handsome appearance of spending money like water, also surprised Liu Erlong deeply.

She looked at Li Xuan who was walking further and further away, and murmured secretly.

“Little guy, I owe you a big favor this time. If someone bullies you in the future, I’ll see if I don’t beat them up.”

Liu Erlong said with determination in her eyes. With her character, she would definitely do this if she said such a thing.


Unknowingly, Li Xuan exchanged money for a powerful female bodyguard. Even if Li Xuan didn’t care, this bodyguard would loyally protect him.

the other side.

On the lively street.


Li Xuan stretched and walked step by step towards Tiandou Auction House, while also checking the natural space through his consciousness.

“The space is finally a little more spacious. I have finally disposed of part of the gold soul coins that took up the space. I will go to Tiandou Auction House later and buy it so that the space will be more spacious.”

Li Xuan muttered secretly, his consciousness swept across the entire space, and found that the upgrade of his soul just now had increased the natural space and made it bigger and bigger.

Seeing the white wolf king in the space holding a bucket in his mouth and diligently watering various fairy grasses, Li Xuan couldn’t help but smile.

“Everything is going in a good direction, and the next step is to buy the auction house.”

In joy, Li Xuan strode to Tiandou Auction House.


To his great surprise, the owner of the auction house actually rejected him, and he refused very simply.

Even around the auction house, a large number of architectural life soul masters came.

These life-style soul masters are not good at combat abilities, but their martial souls can quickly build auction houses, which is very miraculous.

When Li Xuan left the auction house, he looked at the life soul masters.

It was found that the souls of living soul masters are diverse and have different divisions of labor, but the construction speed is several times faster than the construction speed in the previous life.

This result surprised Li Xuan.


The salary and construction of soul masters would also consume a lot of money, but the owner of the auction house didn’t take it seriously. He was obviously very wealthy.

“It seems that the last raid had little impact on them. Then when they finish building it, we can smash it again and loot it again.”

Li Xuan secretly made a decision and glanced at the waitresses in the auction house. One hundred thousand gold soul coins for these women was enough to show the terrifying financial resources of the auction house.

“I remembered that in the original work, Ning Fengzhi and Prince Xuexing both auctioned goods according to the rules, and the auction house also auctioned soul bones. It seems that this auction house has a lot of background.”

Li Xuan thought secretly and felt that this auction house should not belong to the power of the Tiandou Empire, let alone the strength of the Star Luo Empire. The only one that could be considered was the Spirit Hall.

“Is it the Wuhun Palace?”

Li Xuan was puzzled, but no matter whose power it was, they would definitely smash it again when the auction house was built, hurt them and make them cry.

With dissatisfaction, Li Xuan returned to Du Douluo’s house, and happened to see Poison Douluo and Dugu Yan talking about something, looking very serious.

“Li Xuan is back, sit down quickly.”

When Poison Douluo saw Li Xuan coming back, he hurriedly stood up and smiled kindly.

“I’m sleepy, go to bed.”

Li Xuan planned to plan the next route, so he said hello and went directly back to his room.


Li Xuan leaned on the bed, drinking water from the wine gourd, and thinking about what to do next.

“There are two tasks now, one for Tang San and one for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. It seems that Tang San’s has been delayed for too long.”

Li Xuan frowned and took out the map to check, “I’ll leave tomorrow. First go to the nearby Qibao Glazed Sect, and then go straight to the Holy Soul Village.”

After making the decision, Li Xuan continued to drink the emotional water as usual, and when he was full, he was ready to go to sleep, when his eyes suddenly condensed.

“Huh? The martial spirit has actually been upgraded to one level. I didn’t practice Xuantian Kung just now, but now it has been upgraded to one level. It seems to be the effect of the emotional water.”

Li Xuan was surprised to feel the fluctuation of soul power in his body, and then called up the data panel to check the status.


[Li Xuan]: 4 experience cards

[Physique]: 30


[Martial Spirit]: 1% Silver Dragon King Martial Spirit

[Soul Power]: Level 8 Soul Warrior

[Soul Ring]: None

[Passive]: 15% super defense, 5% super endurance, 5% super poison resistance, 5% super recovery

[Ability]: God’s perspective, natural space, underwater breathing, night vision, divine cooking skills, advanced forging, divine archery, top transformation, advanced swordsmanship.

“As expected, I have become an eighth-level soul warrior, and as the effect of the emotional water increases, my improvement will become faster and faster. Then should I go to the Soul Palace?”

Li Xuan muttered secretly, lying on the bed thinking, and fell asleep soon after.

The next morning the sun shines on the earth, bringing vitality to all things.

Li Xuan woke up drowsily and walked outside.

I happened to see Dugu Yan sitting at the dining table, with his two white hands on his chin, bored in a daze.

“Brother Li Xuan, you’re awake. Sit down and eat quickly. I made breakfast and there are fruits here.” When Dugu Yan saw Li Xuan coming out, she jumped up like a lively deer.

“Why are you so happy? Is something good happening?” Li Xuan took an orange and handed it to Dugu Yan, gesturing for her to peel the orange for him.

“Brother Li Xuan, take a guess.”

Dugu Yan’s cute little face was full of smiles. While peeling oranges for Li Xuan, her big eyes turned into crescents.

“Is it true that martial arts and soul rings have undergone new changes?” Li Xuan said after eating an orange segment that was handed over to him.

“Eh? I wanted you to guess a few more times, but I didn’t expect you to guess it just once.”

Dugu Yan exhaled helplessly, feeling that everything was under Li Xuan’s control.

“Okay, show it to me.”


Dugu Yan immediately displayed his martial soul and soul ring. The light spots on the martial soul became clearer under the rippling soul power fluctuations.

“There has indeed been a certain improvement. Yes, by the way, what did your grandfather say to you yesterday? Why are you looking so serious?” Li Xuan said suddenly.

“This.” Dugu Yan was a little hesitant, not sure whether he should say it or not.

“You are my maid, are you sure you don’t want to tell me?” Li Xuan raised his eyebrows.

“Well, then I told you not to be angry.” Dugu Yan said with a trace of tangle on his little face.

“Say it.”

“Well, grandpa told me yesterday that Sect Leader Ning and Sword Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect planned to deal with brother Li Xuan becoming a giant monster, and they even asked grandpa for poison.”

“Oh? The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect? It seems they want to help the Tiandou Empire establish its power.” Li Xuan thought of that mission.

“Yes, the palace was bombed by brother Li Xuan, which also exposed the weakness of the empire. The Xingluo Empire’s troops on the border increased. The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect wanted to establish its prestige, so…”

“I understand. I plan to leave today and I won’t necessarily come back when. You just wait for me at home and learn more about taking care of others. Do you understand?”

“Eh? Brother Li Xuan, are you leaving? Do you want to kill Sword Douluo and the others? Grandpa said that if they die, the Tiandou Empire will be in danger. Brother Li Xuan, okay?”

Dugu Yan panicked, not knowing what to do. His face was full of worry, and he felt like he had gotten into a big trouble.

Because Poison Douluo didn’t let her talk about it, but she did.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything. You can wait for me at home. Besides, Lanba Academy is my property. You can help take care of it and build me a small villa there.”

“Well, I know, brother Li Xuan, are you really not going to kill them?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll give you a beating at most.”

Li Xuan twisted his neck. He was still hesitant to deal with the Qibao Glazed Sect at first, but now he has no hesitation.

“Xiao Yanyan, I leave these to you and practice well. My maid is too weak and will embarrass me. Do you understand?” Li Xuan pinched Dugu Yan’s little face and said.

“Yeah, I know.”

“That’s it, I’m leaving.”

Li Xuan left, leaving behind a lot of emotional water, but Dugu Yan knew that Sword Douluo and the others would be miserable and would be very miserable.

After a while.

Poison Douluo came back from the palace. He just sat down and picked up some tea to drink when Dugu Yan ran over.

“Grandpa, I got into trouble. I told Brother Li Xuan about Sword Douluo, and then Brother Li Xuan left, saying that he would blast them.”


When Poison Douluo heard this, his hands trembled suddenly and all the tea was spilled, but he ignored it and stood up in shock.

“I’m sorry grandpa, brother Li Xuan asked, I dare not not say it.” Dugu Yan had a tangled look on his face.

“We are going to be in big trouble this time. No, I have to let Sword Douluo and the others leave Tiandou City. Otherwise, if Li Xuan blasts them in Tiandou City, they will be in big trouble.”

After Poison Douluo finished speaking, he hurriedly left, preparing to tell Sword Douluo and the others that they had received news that someone from Wuhun Palace had gone to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, so Sword Douluo and the others would inevitably leave.

When they get hammered on the road, it will only be considered bad luck for them. Anyway, Tiandou City is fine and it will not affect his Poison Douluo, so the trouble will be much less.

So Poison Douluo walked very quickly, almost leaving quickly.

Didn’t you find it? Mine are all 3,000-word chapters. Two chapters are equivalent to three chapters of others. The main reason is that the plots are connected together. It would be uncomfortable to read them separately.


Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Li Xuan activates the Almighty Troublemaking System and travels across the Douluo Continent.
You get the Green Fat Experience Card at the beginning, and every time you complete the experience, you can get some of the Green Fat's abilities.
Top defense, god-level monster power, infinite endurance, explosive everything.
Ding! Please select one.
Elementary option: Destroy Notting Academy, reward: The first soul ring evolves into a ten thousand year soul ring.
Intermediate option: Change Shrek Academy to the Academy of the Most Excellent Female Soul Master, reward: twin martial souls.
Advanced option: Use a hundred thousand year soul skill to teach Master Yu Xiaogang a lesson. Reward: 5 Green Fat Experience Cards.
Tang San: "The full-level Clear Sky Hammer was bounced away by Li Xuan with one finger!"
Xiao Wu: "No hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can match Li Xuan's physique. He is the strongest titled Douluo in history."
Qian Renxue: "Li Xuan, Wuhun Palace is a dowry, are you willing to marry me?"
PS1: Invincible writing + refreshing writing, traveling through all the worlds in the later stage
PS2: Book recommendation: Rebirth cheat cheat, "Konoha One Punch Superman Template" and "Konoha Super Saiyan"

Author's Other Novels


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