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Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning — Chapter 73 Defeat Tang Hao in Three Breaths [To the (FMG) boss, ten thousand rewards plus more, migh

Some shabby little hotel.

Tang San busily arranged for the students to rest, then he breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the kitchen.

He felt that he was extremely unlucky today, being cheated and unlucky in every way.

Even when it got dark at the end, he led a group of students and ran towards the college.

As a result, the college was closed and none of them could enter.

Now, even Tang San felt a headache, because he had no money and didn’t know how to arrange for these students.

Fortunately, there are noble people to help.

There was a fat hotel owner who felt sorry for them and invited them to stay in a small hotel for free, but he needed to clean the kitchen.

After hearing the news, Tang San weighed it again and again and decided to agree. He had no choice but to agree.

There are so many students with no one to arrange for them. If something happens, he will feel guilty for the rest of his life.

Fortunately, Tang San inquired about it and learned that this hotel had a good reputation. It had been open for many years and had only one fat owner.

Tang San felt relieved now, took his classmates to live here, and then arranged for the students to move in.

After a lot of work, these students were finally arranged, and Tang San followed the agreement and went to the back kitchen to clean up.

“There are not many people in such a small hotel, and the kitchen must be small. It should be cleaned quickly. The fat boss is really a good person.”

Tang San said as he walked into the kitchen. When he saw the scene in the kitchen clearly, he was completely stunned.

Because the back kitchen was bigger than expected, the key point was that the back kitchen was as dirty as a pigsty, with all kinds of dirty dishes, all kinds of oil stains, and all kinds of garbage.

Seeing such a scene, Tang San was dumbfounded on the spot. It took him a while to react and said: “I take back what I just said.”

“Ahem, the kitchen hasn’t been cleaned all year round, so it’s a bit messy. Why don’t you ask your classmates to help?” The shop owner coughed twice and said embarrassedly.

“Is this a little messy?”

Tang San was about to cry but had no tears left. The kitchen in front of him was like a garbage dump, it was extremely messy.

The key point is that those students waited so long because of him, which led to their classmates being cheated, so it was difficult for Tang San to ask his classmates for help.

The depressed Tang San could only say helplessly: “They are all tired, let them rest, I can do it myself.”

“Can you really do that? With such a dirty kitchen, I’m afraid you will have to work until dawn by yourself.” The fat boss persuaded.

“It’s okay, I can do it.”

With a look of distress on his face, Tang San started to fetch water, clean the kitchen, and started working alone.

“Hey, let me help you.” The fat boss couldn’t bear it and started to help.

“Thank you.” Tang San was grateful.

“It’s okay.” The fat boss shook his head and continued.

“By the way, the reason why I asked you to help me is because yesterday a little bald boy said that there were some homeless children who could clean the kitchen for me today, so I found you.”

“What? Yesterday?!” Tang San was stunned, looking at the fat boss in surprise.

“Yes, I was surprised too. I didn’t believe it until I saw you were homeless, so I believed it.” The fat boss explained.

“How old is the bald boy? What does he look like?” Tang San asked hurriedly, because it was probably this person who had tricked him.

“He’s not that old, about the same as you. I can’t remember his appearance clearly, but there are two words written on his head, Ji San.” The fat boss thought for a moment and explained.

“Sacrifice San?”

Tang San was confused, but the next second he thought of the Sacrificial Clan of the Shensuan Sect, who were also the opponents who caused the downfall of the Master’s Yuan Clan.

“It should be them. I have never offended anyone. If anyone is going to suddenly attack me, it is probably this sacrificial clan.”

Tang San frowned. He never expected that just three months into his apprenticeship, the sect’s opponent would appear, and a series of operations would screw him up.

The key is that the other person seems to be a child, which is quite shocking.

“It seems that I have to be more careful in the future. I don’t know what’s going on with Master. I should ask more about the sacrificial clan.”

Tang San had no choice but to continue busy in the kitchen.

And the other side.

Tang Hao was staring at the glasses teacher indifferently.

From the moment the first old lady appeared, Tang Hao noticed something was wrong.

After all, as a titled Douluo, he could easily detect some details.

But he didn’t stop him, because these experiences were helpful to Tang San’s growth, so Tang Hao just let it go.


The person who tricked Tang San must not be let go. The old lady Tang Hao couldn’t take action, but Tang Hao didn’t care about the glasses teacher in front of him, so he directly arrested him and questioned him.

“Continue, does the bald boy have any other information besides the sacrifice on his head?” Tang Hao said coldly.

“Yes, Master Ji San asked me to tell you that joining the Shensuan Sect does not require the consent of Elder Yuan. It must be agreed by the Ji Clan, because garbage is not qualified to be the opponent of the Ji Clan.

He also said that although killing is not allowed in the same sect, competition is allowed, so Master Jisan prepared the appetizers from before. By the way, this is the letter left by Master Jisan. “

The glasses teacher took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Tang Hao.

Such an action made Tang Hao narrow his eyes, feeling that everything was in the hands of the bald boy Ji San.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Hao opened the envelope with a cold face and began to read the contents of the letter.

[I am Ji San, the third disciple of the Ji clan. I heard that Elder Yuan accepted a disciple named Tang San. For Tang San, Elder Yuan spent a lot of life force and even went into seclusion to modify some techniques. 】

[The dignified elder Menyuan, is it worth the sacrifice for a new disciple? I want to see if the so-called Tang San is qualified to ask Elder Yuan to pay such a price. 】

[I have prepared a test for you. If you can withstand the green fat man’s 10 breaths tomorrow, even if you pass the test, if you fail, the green fat man will destroy Notting College. 】

[Then the students will not be able to go to school, and it is also because of you. You will always feel guilty. Just stop here and sacrifice three times. 】

“Green Fat? 10 breaths, what a big breath.”

Looking at the contents of the letter, Tang Hao’s eyes were filled with confusion.

This was obviously a member of the Shensuan Sect, who looked down upon Tang San and deliberately tricked Tang San. Tang Hao was very angry for this.

Tang Hao was very dissatisfied that the son of a dignified and titled Douluo was looked down upon and was not qualified to be the opponent of the Sacrifice clan.

“It seems that I haven’t taken action for many years, and some people have forgotten my reputation. Let this so-called green fat man feel my true strength tomorrow.”

Tang Hao said coldly, holding the envelope and walking away. He planned to secretly throw part of the letter to Tang San, and then wait for the green fat man to appear tomorrow.

the other side.

in natural space.

Li Xuan lay on the soft lady’s bed and said boredly: “System, I have arranged it so carefully, don’t you have any tasks?”

Ding! Please select one.

Elementary option: Defeat Tang Hao in nine breaths. Reward: Advanced Pounding Technique.

Intermediate option: Defeat Tang Hao in six breaths. Reward: Top Melee Combat

Advanced option: Defeat Tang Hao in three breaths. Reward: God-level melee combat

PS: Tang Hao is an important plot character and the option can be triggered multiple times in the future. It is not recommended to kill Tang Hao.


Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Li Xuan activates the Almighty Troublemaking System and travels across the Douluo Continent.
You get the Green Fat Experience Card at the beginning, and every time you complete the experience, you can get some of the Green Fat's abilities.
Top defense, god-level monster power, infinite endurance, explosive everything.
Ding! Please select one.
Elementary option: Destroy Notting Academy, reward: The first soul ring evolves into a ten thousand year soul ring.
Intermediate option: Change Shrek Academy to the Academy of the Most Excellent Female Soul Master, reward: twin martial souls.
Advanced option: Use a hundred thousand year soul skill to teach Master Yu Xiaogang a lesson. Reward: 5 Green Fat Experience Cards.
Tang San: "The full-level Clear Sky Hammer was bounced away by Li Xuan with one finger!"
Xiao Wu: "No hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can match Li Xuan's physique. He is the strongest titled Douluo in history."
Qian Renxue: "Li Xuan, Wuhun Palace is a dowry, are you willing to marry me?"
PS1: Invincible writing + refreshing writing, traveling through all the worlds in the later stage
PS2: Book recommendation: Rebirth cheat cheat, "Konoha One Punch Superman Template" and "Konoha Super Saiyan"

Author's Other Novels


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