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Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning — Chapter 74 Miraculous Colorful Fireflies


Looking at the options that suddenly appeared, Li Xuan quickly sat up, glanced at the three options with joy, and finally looked at the last advanced option.

“Not to mention that Tang Hao is seriously injured now. Even if he fully recovers, I can easily defeat him in three breaths, so I choose the advanced option.”

【Ding! After choosing, please come on. 】

“Tomorrow, tomorrow, when Tang San gets over the last pit and goes to the academy, that’s when I destroy Notting Academy. God-level melee combat. I’m looking forward to it.”

After Li Xuan finished speaking, he looked at the natural space and the large number of captive soul beasts, and a smile appeared on his lips.

In the past three months, he has been to many places and collected many strange creatures.

Some creatures have very weird abilities, but they only live for a month at most, and their lifespan is very short, and they cannot become soul beasts at all.


With Emotional Water, this rule is completely broken.

As those creatures were fed with the emotional water, they gradually showed their extraordinary abilities, and even some creatures’ abilities moved even Li Xuan.

“It’s a pity that we didn’t find the Lightning Rabbit. This kind of spirit beast with space capabilities is very good. Of course, the ability of that firefly is truly incredible.”

Li Xuan turned his head and looked at a certain firefly in the distance, as well as several other mysterious insects.

“I wonder what they will become after they become soul beasts? These abilities are so miraculous. If they can be cultivated, they must be great abilities.”

Li Xuan rubbed his hands in anticipation, wanting to see what they would look like after becoming soul beasts.

“However, their abilities are too incredible. It is best to obtain soul rings immediately when they first become soul beasts. Otherwise, if they continue to improve, they may cause disaster.”

Li Xuan looked solemn, feeling that he must pay attention to feeding these little bugs, because their abilities are too incredible, so they must be cultivated carefully.

After thinking about this, Li Xuan gave the White Wolf King a few words before lying on the bed and falling asleep with his eyes closed.

The next morning, the sun shines on the earth, bringing vitality to all things.

Tang San, who had been busy at the hotel all night, took his classmates to the school to register in a depressed mood. As a result, the students all entered the school, but he couldn’t.

Because he no longer had the certificate issued by Wuhun Palace, he had to issue a new certificate, otherwise he would not be able to enter the school, which made Tang San very depressed.

With no other choice, he could only go to Wuhun Palace to issue a new certificate.

After two hours of busy work, Tang San finally got the new proof.

“Finally got it, it was so difficult.”

Tang San let out a breath and walked towards Notting Academy.

At this time, a letter suddenly flew out of nowhere and landed accurately in his hands.


Seeing the words Tang San written on the letter, he looked around in confusion, but he didn’t see who threw it.

With doubts.

Tang San opened the envelope, looked at the content in the letter, and frowned the next second.

“The test of Sacrifice San? Sure enough, he is from the Sacrifice clan, and his name has the same three characters as me. Will there be a green fat test in the future?”

Tang San narrowed his eyes after reading the letter. Although the letter contained the green fat test, Tang San was not afraid. The only thing he was unhappy about was why the Sacrificial Clan was testing him.

“Looks like I need to go to the blacksmith shop.”

Tang San narrowed his eyes, turned and walked to the blacksmith shop, preparing to build a set of powerful hidden weapons for self-defense, and to let the Tang Sect show its power in this world.

In some corner.

After watching his son leave, Tang Hao secretly observed his surroundings.

He told his son most of the content in the letter, except for the sentence, ‘I will endure ten breaths in the hands of the green fat man. ’

Because with the terrifying strength of his Haotian Douluo, Tang Hao can do it, let alone kill the green fat man in ten breaths.

So it’s okay not to say anything.

With such confidence, Tang Hao walked out of the alley and headed in the direction his son left.

“You are Haotian”


Tang Hao turned around and saw the stiff-faced figure not far away, that was Master Yu Xiaogang.

“It’s you!”

Tang Hao was a little surprised to see the master, but his expression darkened the next second.

Because according to the news from Master Tang San, the master picked up Master Tang San’s manuscript, and then published the top ten core competitiveness.

Although the master can comprehend so much knowledge and publish it, it also shows his wisdom.

But Tang Hao didn’t like hypocritical people like the master very much.

So Tang Hao left directly with a cold face, not taking care of the master at all.


The master was a little surprised when he saw Tang Hao leaving.

Because when they met before, the Haotian Douluo had encouraged him a few words, but now the other party’s indifferent expression was as if he was looking at a stranger.

This result made the master very puzzled and did not understand what was going on.

But he was not a flatterer, so he didn’t say much and went directly to buy things.

Two hours later.

Tang San prepared all the hidden weapons and headed towards Notting Academy with confidence.


“You little brat, you actually took advantage of me. Do you believe I’m going to drag you to report to the official?”

A plump middle-aged fat woman with a pockmarked face stared at Tang San fiercely.

“Auntie, it was obviously you who bumped into me.” Tang San took a step back and explained helplessly.

“Nonsense, I’m walking well. You must be taking advantage of me because you think I’m pretty.”

After the pockmarked woman finished speaking, she raised her big hand like a cattail leaf fan and molded her fat face.


Looking at the other party’s ugly face, Tang San took a deep breath, then smelled a smell of body odor, and immediately held his breath.

“I didn’t take advantage of you. I’m just a kid. How could I take advantage of you?”

“What’s wrong with the child? How can he take advantage of others at such a young age and grow up? You must apologize today and be responsible for not letting you go.”

The pockmarked woman grabbed Tang San’s clothes and refused to let him go.

This scene also attracted the attention of many people, and some neighbors came out.

“The current trend is really unpopular. It’s really too much for such a young child to take advantage of others.”

“Yes, Sister Liu has always been kind and kind, and has helped many poor children. Unexpectedly, someone actually extended a vicious hand to her.”

“Although Sister Liu is a little fatter and a little ugly, she is kind-hearted. This child would extend his poisonous hand to such a kind-hearted person. It is really hateful.”

A large group of people gathered around to watch, blocking Tang San from letting him leave. They seemed to be preparing to pull him to report to the official.

Moreover, this pockmarked woman’s reputation seemed to be very good. The neighbors were actually helping her, directly surrounding Tang San and trying not to let him go.

These people were all elderly people, and Tang San couldn’t take action, so he had no choice but to explain.

“I really didn’t, I was just passing by.”

“Impossible. Everyone has seen it. You must apologize, otherwise you will be reported to the police.”

The pockmarked woman spoke in a loud voice, her somewhat stinking breath directed at Tang San’s nose.


Tang San was furious. He was wrongly accused for no reason. He was really furious.

But no matter how he explained, it was useless. A large group of people were tugging at him and dragging him to stop him from leaving, which made him extremely annoyed.

In the end, Tang San was brought to the authorities, but because the incident was too minor and there was no evidence, Tang San was acquitted.

Shortly after.

Tang San walked out of the office with a dark face, arranging his messy hair and torn and damaged clothes.

“Wait, where is my martial arts certificate? Damn it, I’m not going to be tricked again, right?!”

Tang San was stunned and quickly checked his clothes. It turned out that the martial spirit was really lost, and even the hidden weapons he had just made were missing.

“Jesus San, it must be you again, damn it, damn it!!”

Tang San roared angrily, feeling that Ji San was too good at tricking people, so he thought of ways to trick him, which made his face turn blue.

【Ding! Once again hindering Tang San’s enrollment progress, Physique +3]


Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Li Xuan activates the Almighty Troublemaking System and travels across the Douluo Continent.
You get the Green Fat Experience Card at the beginning, and every time you complete the experience, you can get some of the Green Fat's abilities.
Top defense, god-level monster power, infinite endurance, explosive everything.
Ding! Please select one.
Elementary option: Destroy Notting Academy, reward: The first soul ring evolves into a ten thousand year soul ring.
Intermediate option: Change Shrek Academy to the Academy of the Most Excellent Female Soul Master, reward: twin martial souls.
Advanced option: Use a hundred thousand year soul skill to teach Master Yu Xiaogang a lesson. Reward: 5 Green Fat Experience Cards.
Tang San: "The full-level Clear Sky Hammer was bounced away by Li Xuan with one finger!"
Xiao Wu: "No hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can match Li Xuan's physique. He is the strongest titled Douluo in history."
Qian Renxue: "Li Xuan, Wuhun Palace is a dowry, are you willing to marry me?"
PS1: Invincible writing + refreshing writing, traveling through all the worlds in the later stage
PS2: Book recommendation: Rebirth cheat cheat, "Konoha One Punch Superman Template" and "Konoha Super Saiyan"

Author's Other Novels


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