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Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning — Chapter 75 Explosion Transformation (Second Update)

The angry Tang San ran to the Wuhun Hall again, planning to apply for the Wuhun Certificate again.

As a result, because it was noon and everyone went to have lunch, Tang San waited another two hours in frustration.

After finally getting the martial arts certificate, Tang San hurried to Notting City Soul Master Academy.

This time he walked very carefully, bypassing everyone along the way with full vigilance, and finally arrived at the gate of Notting College safely.

But, here we are.

Tang San originally thought he could go to school, but he was stopped again by the guard.

“I have proof of the Wuhun Palace here, why aren’t I allowed in?”

Tang San spoke with a dark face, his whole body already on the verge of explosion.

“So what if there is proof from the Spirit Hall? It’s just a Blue Silver Grass martial spirit. Maybe you forged this proof.”

The guard said nonchalantly, not caring about Tang San at all.

“I think you are looking for trouble!!”

Tang San’s eyes were filled with coldness. He had never had a smooth life since he came out of Holy Soul Village. He had been tricked and manipulated in various ways. A series of encounters had already made him angry and wanted to explode.

Now being blocked by the guard again, Tang San said angrily and coldly: “Ask me one last time, will you let me in?!”

“If you don’t let me, what can you do to me?”

The guard looked very angry and even threw Tang San’s martial spirit certificate directly on the ground.

“court death!!”


Tang San suddenly kicked out, sending the guard flying five or six meters away.

“Ah, it hurts me so much. You are looking for death. I think you are looking for death!”

The guard was kicked in the abdomen. He struggled to stand up, clenched his fists and rushed towards Tang San.

the other side.

Tang San also raised his left hand, and the hidden weapon began to move slowly.


A man’s voice suddenly sounded, and then a middle-aged man came from a distance. He was the master.

When the guard saw the person coming, he hurriedly said flatteringly: “Master, you are here.”

The master ignored the guard, but picked up the Wuhun Palace certificate on the ground and looked at it, “The certificate is true. I apologize to you on behalf of the academy.”

After the master finished speaking, he looked at Tang San. There was no slightest contempt in his eyes, but only peace.


Tang San looked at the master in front of him, thinking of the words of the teacher from the Divine Calculation Sect, Tang San narrowed his eyes.

Because this master is very hypocritical, maybe the doorman who prevented him from entering was under the instructions of this master.

Tang San wanted to question whether the other party had done this, but there was no evidence, and since he and the master didn’t know each other, the other party probably wouldn’t let the guard embarrass him for no reason.

In the end, Tang San didn’t say anything more, but the anger in his heart had been suppressed for a long time, and naturally he didn’t look good on the master.

He even directly pulled Wuhundian Zheng over and said coldly: “Hmph, you’re wasting my time.”

After Tang San finished speaking, he walked directly towards the academy without any intention of thanking the master.

This kind of behavior makes the master a little confused.

He kindly helped the child, but the child turned out to be so rude. This irritating master was very angry.

But from the proof of martial arts, he saw that Tang San was special. The innate full soul power and blue silver grass were recognized by him as twin martial spirits.

How could the master miss such a good idea? So he hurried to catch up.

“Child, what’s wrong with you? Why are you angry?”

“Nothing?” Tang San replied with a cold face.

“It seems that you are still angry about the doorman. Just ignore him. This is a test of life. You will understand after you experience it more.”

The master comforted me with a gentle voice, looking like someone who had experienced it before.


Tang San snorted coldly. He had been undergoing training since he came out of the Holy Soul Village. He didn’t pay attention to it at first, but as a result, he was tricked again and again. He was already deceived.

As the saying goes, rabbits will bite when they are anxious, let alone him, so Tang San said coldly.

“If some people ignore him, he will bark even more violently. Only by giving him a severe lesson will he understand how to behave.”

“Child, your temper is too irritable. This is not good. It will have a great impact on your life. After all, you are very special.” The master pointed out something.


Tang San narrowed his eyes, “What do you mean?”

“What I mean is that you are a twin martial soul.”

The master confidently put his right hand behind his back, “Are you weird, why do I know you are a twin martial soul?”

“Yes, why?” Tang San still squinted his eyes, but his body tensed up.

“It’s because of this certificate.” The master took out the martial soul certificate and said again with great enthusiasm.

“According to the ten core competitiveness I have studied, the innate soul power is directly proportional to the quality of the martial soul.

Blue Silver Grass simply cannot satisfy your innate soul power, so you should still have a martial soul. “

The master spoke a lot to prove what he said.


The more Tang San listened, the more the sneer on his face grew.

Because what the other party said was bullshit. His soul power was cultivated through Xuantian Gong, which was completely asymmetrical to this rule.

If it was before.

He might also have been deceived.

But since receiving the teachings from the teacher of the Divine Calculation Sect, he has already understood everything. This master is simply a hypocrite.

The reason why the other party stopped him now was because a blind cat met a dead mouse, and he happened to guess that he had dual martial souls and full innate soul power.

But Tang San knew that all this was a coincidence, so he sneered: “You don’t know anything at all, you are just making wild guesses.”

After Tang San finished speaking, he ignored the other party and headed straight towards the dormitory.

“Wait, I can’t be wrong. You are definitely a twin martial soul. Do you dare to say that you are not a twin martial soul?” The master quickly followed.


Tang San felt even more aggrieved when he heard this.

Because he is indeed a twin martial soul, but his soul power is cultivated through Xuantian Gong.

Xuantian Kung couldn’t be told to this master, so Tang San couldn’t give a reason to refute, so he could only feel aggrieved.

“Child, are you trying to hide your clumsiness? It doesn’t matter, just tell me.” The master smiled gently.

“Tell you?”

Tang San was furious. This hypocritical master actually said that he would only tell him. This was simply an insult to Tang San’s IQ.

Tang San, who had been suppressing his anger, finally couldn’t help but burst out and roared at the master.

“What qualifications do you have for me to tell you? Are you worthy? Get out!”

After Tang San yelled, he clenched his fists fiercely, finally turned around and walked away, quickly walking far away.

The master was left standing there blankly, wondering what was going on. He was obviously so kind, but why was this child so irritable?

“Oh, it must be because of the doorman. This child is still young. Just pay more attention to him. By the way, he doesn’t have a quilt yet. Let me send him a set.”

The master was not angry, but still cared about Tang San.

And if he still gave Tang San a quilt so kindly, it might really make Tang San’s mood change.

Because the will of the world finally moved and began to repair everything.

Tang San, who was walking quickly towards the dormitory area, for this inexplicable reason, the anger in his heart immediately became clear, and his words gradually changed.

“I went too far just now. I yelled at an elder. Even if he was at fault, he shouldn’t be like this. Oh, what’s wrong with me?”

【Ding! The relationship between Tang San and the master once again deteriorated, the world’s will instinct was restored, the system gained a large amount of energy, and the reward: all the abilities Tang San learned in the Tang Sect in his previous life. 】

【Ding! This is the most appropriate time to transform into a green fat person, and it is recommended to transform immediately. 】

The sound of machinery rang in his mind, and Li Xuan stood in a corner of the school, using God’s perspective to view everything.

Seeing Tang San’s constantly changing face, seeing Tang San finally turn into an apologetic expression, he even turned around and walked towards the master.

Li Xuan smiled and said, “It’s too late to look back now, because your test is about to begin.”

Roar! !

The sky-shaking roar resounded in all directions, the powerful shock wave swept in all directions, and countless dead branches and leaves were blown away.

In such a roar, a terrifying big green monster gradually took shape, like an ancient ferocious beast, running towards the master with big green feet.

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Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Li Xuan activates the Almighty Troublemaking System and travels across the Douluo Continent.
You get the Green Fat Experience Card at the beginning, and every time you complete the experience, you can get some of the Green Fat's abilities.
Top defense, god-level monster power, infinite endurance, explosive everything.
Ding! Please select one.
Elementary option: Destroy Notting Academy, reward: The first soul ring evolves into a ten thousand year soul ring.
Intermediate option: Change Shrek Academy to the Academy of the Most Excellent Female Soul Master, reward: twin martial souls.
Advanced option: Use a hundred thousand year soul skill to teach Master Yu Xiaogang a lesson. Reward: 5 Green Fat Experience Cards.
Tang San: "The full-level Clear Sky Hammer was bounced away by Li Xuan with one finger!"
Xiao Wu: "No hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can match Li Xuan's physique. He is the strongest titled Douluo in history."
Qian Renxue: "Li Xuan, Wuhun Palace is a dowry, are you willing to marry me?"
PS1: Invincible writing + refreshing writing, traveling through all the worlds in the later stage
PS2: Book recommendation: Rebirth cheat cheat, "Konoha One Punch Superman Template" and "Konoha Super Saiyan"

Author's Other Novels


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