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Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning — Chapter 85 Tang San’s Attack

“Come here quickly, slowly.”

Li Xuan urged, holding the fake Clear Sky Hammer and swinging it around.

The weight of this hammer is very heavy, and the weight becomes heavier as the materialized weapon becomes larger.

In fact, to put it bluntly, he created a real hammer.

The only difference is that it is a weapon, not a martial spirit, and it is very strong. It will even become stronger as the spirit ring ages.

“It’s a good ability. It feels very similar to creation, but it’s not as abnormal as creation. I still need to continue to explore its realization, etc.”

Li Xuan raised his left hand, and a key materialized, then disappeared and materialized into a stool, and even another Clear Sky Hammer.

“Not bad, not bad, very good.”

Li Xuan looked at the Clear Sky Hammer in his left and right hands, and nodded with satisfaction.

However, it was not easy to use two, so he still withdrew one handful, only holding one handful and looking at the scale beast.

“Don’t move, I’ll try the hammer.”


The scaled beast lay on the ground, holding its head with its two paws, looking like it was giving in.

“What a coward.”

Li Xuan took the Clear Sky Hammer and started the experiment. He hit the scaled beast with a furious punch, and the scaled beast’s eyes were filled with resentment.

“Okay, the test is almost working. It’s not bad. It’s very strong.”

Li Xuan nodded with satisfaction and looked at a few small bugs next to the orange tree, anticipation flashing in his eyes.

“They are all good things. Let’s keep them first. The next goal is to find a lightning rabbit with space capabilities and get its teleportation ability.”

Li Xuan is looking forward to gaining the ability to teleport. With teleportation, he can use teleportation to attack targets. He can teleport directly around the enemy and chop with the long knife, which will definitely make the enemy feel very uncomfortable.

Of course, you can also smash it. In short, teleportation is definitely a very abnormal ability, so Li Xuan will never give up.

Think of this.

Li Xuan left the natural space and returned to the basement.

“It’s getting late, let’s eat first, and find Tang San to do the task tomorrow.”

After making the decision, Li Xuan started busy cooking, but he always felt that it was not easy for his eyes and soul.

“Find some time to study it carefully later.”

Li Xuan muttered and fell into busyness again.

The next morning, the sun shines on the earth, bringing vitality to all things.

Li Xuan slept until dawn, lying lazily on the big bed, staring at the beautiful scenery in a daze.

【Ding! Energy is being absorbed crazily, energy is being absorbed in a large way.】

The system’s beep sounded suddenly, and Li Xuan frowned, listening to the sound with some surprise.

“The system has absorbed energy again. Has the will of the world changed something again?”

Li Xuan was very confused. Although the world’s will in this world was very mechanical, when it came to Tang San, it would consume energy from time to time to correct and protect Tang San, the son of destiny.

“Let’s take a look from God’s perspective. It should be something unexpected happened on Tang San’s side.”

While Li Xuan ran to wash up, he used his God’s perspective to check on Tang San.

“Huh? Why is he with the master? And he seems to be talking happily, so he is in some trouble.”

Li Xuan frowned, wondering what Tang San and the master were talking about, but it must be related to Tang San’s improvement in strength.

“They left the school and bought a lot of radishes. I know they are preparing to get the soul rings.”

When Li Xuan saw the carrot, he understood everything instantly, his eyes gleaming as he thought about how to trick Tang San.

“Tang Hao is still secretly protecting Tang San. Do you want me to transform into a fat green man and give the three of them a beating? Forget it, let’s use my identity as the Haotian Sect to attack Tang San first. The mission is urgent.”

After finishing cleaning up, Li Xuan quickly left the academy and headed in the direction of Tang San and the others, relying on the ghost tiger mount to reach the vicinity of the Soul Hunting Forest first.

Near the Soul Hunting Forest.

Li Xuan’s appearance has changed drastically, turning into a cute little boy with short blond hair.

The whole person is cute, looking like he has just turned six years old, very innocent.

His arrival attracted a lot of people’s attention. After all, he looked so cute, and he was alone, so he really attracted a lot of attention.

“Kid, why are you here alone? Where is your companion?” A beautiful woman who looked very kind asked warmly.

“They’re coming soon, now, here they come.”

Li Xuan watched Tang San and the master coming together and walked over quickly.

When the kind lady saw this scene, she frowned and turned around to find her companion.

“What? Didn’t it succeed?” asked another beautiful companion.

“No, this child is very weird. My charm has no effect. He is not as innocent as he appears, or someone is secretly protecting him.”

“It’s a pity. Such a cute child would be great if he could be brought back to be raised and played with.”

“Indeed, but our target is children with special martial arts. If we can get them back and use them as fertility machines, our entire family will benefit.”

“Yes, please pay more attention.”

Several gentle and kind-looking beauties were wandering nearby, talking to others from time to time, making melodious laughter, attracting everyone’s attention.

But when many teams see these people, they instinctively stay away and don’t want to have contact with them. Obviously they are very difficult to deal with.


These beauties who are not easy to mess with are all vigilant and serious when they see the guards of Wuhun Palace. They are obviously afraid of the guards of Wuhun Palace, which also proves that Wuhun Palace is not easy to mess with.

Ta Ta Ta!

The master and Tang San got off the carriage and walked towards the Soul Hunting Forest together.

The master said a lot along the way, which also made Tang San’s perception of the master change a lot.

It’s just that I’ve always been worried about the master’s use of the master’s manuscripts.

“Okay, let’s go into the Soul Hunting Forest and help you get the soul ring. You must have a warrant to enter the forest. I have a piece here that can be entered at any time.” The master said calmly.

“Thank you, Master. Although I don’t agree with you in many aspects, I am still very grateful to you for helping me obtain the spirit ring.” Tang San thanked you.

“It’s okay. What aspect of me do you disagree with? You can bring it up and I will help you clear up your doubts.” The master said calmly.


“Hello, do you want to enter the Soul Hunting Forest? Can you take me in with you?”

Li Xuan walked over and asked with an innocent smile.


Seeing the very young Li Xuan, both Grandmaster and Tang San were a little dazed.

Because Li Xuan was very young at first glance, like a child who had just awakened, he couldn’t even reach Tang San’s shoulders.


Tang San and the master were surprised that such a young child actually wanted to enter the Soul Hunting Forest.

Because this indicates that the child in front of him has reached the edge of advanced soul master.

“Do you want to advance to the soul master level?” Tang San asked hurriedly, wanting to know the other party’s strength.

After all, he, Tang San, had been hindered from practicing for so long by various ‘accidents’. He was now almost six and a half years old and had not yet become a soul master.

The child in front of him was obviously younger than him, and he actually wanted to become a soul master, which made Tang San feel a sense of urgency, so he eagerly wanted to know the opponent’s strength.

“No, I just went to the Soul Hunting Forest to collect some small pets.” Li Xuan said, blinking his big innocent eyes.

“Huh, it turns out you’re not going to become a soul master. You scared me.”

When Tang San heard that he was not an advanced spirit master, he instinctively breathed a sigh of relief. After all, a child younger than himself would indeed be a bit stressed if his strength surpassed his own.

“I’ve already become a soul master, why do I need to advance? I’m already level 13.” Li Xuan continued to speak innocently, even blinking his big innocent eyes.

“What? Level 13? Are you sure?”

Tang San was stunned, looking at the child in front of him in disbelief. Even the master was a little surprised and undecided.

“Of course.”

Li Xuan blinked his big eyes, and his soul power suddenly wavered around him, shrouding Tang San in an instant.

“This is!!”

Feeling this fluctuation in soul power, Tang San and the master were startled, and they all looked at the short Li Xuan in surprise.

“This soul power fluctuation definitely exceeds the thirteenth level, and is very close to the fourteenth level.”

The master was very solemn, feeling that even if the blond child in front of him didn’t show his soul ring, it still frightened them.

As for Tang San, his face tensed up, and intense pressure arose in his heart.

First there was the mysterious Ji San from the Sacrifice clan, then there was Li Xuan in the academy who beat Xiao Chenyu with his physical strength, and now a little blond boy appeared.

Each of these people is similar to him in age, but each one has extraordinary strength.

This also deeply affected Tang San’s proud heart, feeling that there were many more geniuses in this soul world than he imagined.

Even if he had help from his previous life, he still felt stressed. Even his innate soul power was no longer something to be proud of, it had become a shame.

【Ding! Successfully hit Tang San’s self-confidence once, reward: +10 souls]

PS: After it is put on the shelves, the monthly vote is very important, everyone can vote for it.

PS1: By the way, does the master know that the innate soul power is level 20? In other words, I always believed that the highest level of innate soul power was level ten. When I was at Shrek Academy, it seemed that the dean also thought it was level ten.

PS2: Let me tell you about the functions of monthly tickets and recommended tickets.

During the free period, there is a promotion system that competes for rankings, data, and recommendations. If you have more recommendation votes, more collections, and good results, you can continue to compete for rankings, gain more exposure, and accumulate more readers.

If there are few recommendation votes, few collections, and the book fails to compete for the list, it must be put on the shelves. Like many books with 100,000 words on the shelves, they are put on the shelves because they fail to compete for the list and fail to be promoted.

I originally planned to put this book on the shelves with 100,000 words. After all, my previous two books were both with 100,000 words or more. However, since you voted more vigorously and your collections were okay, I just took the chance to compete for the list, and then I wrote for free until I reached 20. With 10,000 words, the score is considered to be above average. For the remaining free books with up to 300,000 words, their data are too terrifying and they can’t compete at all, so they are put on the shelves.

Of course, the monthly vote list can also be competed for after it is put on the shelves, so the monthly votes starting at noon tomorrow will be more important than the recommended votes.


Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Li Xuan activates the Almighty Troublemaking System and travels across the Douluo Continent.
You get the Green Fat Experience Card at the beginning, and every time you complete the experience, you can get some of the Green Fat's abilities.
Top defense, god-level monster power, infinite endurance, explosive everything.
Ding! Please select one.
Elementary option: Destroy Notting Academy, reward: The first soul ring evolves into a ten thousand year soul ring.
Intermediate option: Change Shrek Academy to the Academy of the Most Excellent Female Soul Master, reward: twin martial souls.
Advanced option: Use a hundred thousand year soul skill to teach Master Yu Xiaogang a lesson. Reward: 5 Green Fat Experience Cards.
Tang San: "The full-level Clear Sky Hammer was bounced away by Li Xuan with one finger!"
Xiao Wu: "No hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can match Li Xuan's physique. He is the strongest titled Douluo in history."
Qian Renxue: "Li Xuan, Wuhun Palace is a dowry, are you willing to marry me?"
PS1: Invincible writing + refreshing writing, traveling through all the worlds in the later stage
PS2: Book recommendation: Rebirth cheat cheat, "Konoha One Punch Superman Template" and "Konoha Super Saiyan"

Author's Other Novels


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