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Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning — Chapter 96 Tang Xiao, who is extremely happy and sad (two updates)

A few days later.

A hundred miles away from Notting City, in a quiet and peaceful small valley.

Li Xuan turned into an ordinary wild cat, stepped on the head of a black bear, and looked at the black bear who was pretending to be dead speechlessly.

“Get up and continue to help me test my combat effectiveness. I’ve only beaten you for a while, and you’re just pretending to be dead. It’s really unprofessional.”

Li Xuan turned into a wild cat, with its mouth open and kept complaining.

Since he completely mastered the ability to fly, Li Xuan suddenly had a whim and wanted to test how far his physique could reach.

To put it simply, without using soul power or revealing soul rings, just rely on physical strength to see what kind of combat effectiveness you can achieve.

If the test is satisfactory, then he can pretend to be a real creature and beat others violently without others seeing it. That is the real pleasure.

So he flew to this valley and found a strong-looking black bear to test.


After a while, the black bear was slapped on the ground and unable to get up.

He didn’t use any soul power at all, he just shot directly, and the black bear pretended to be dead.

“Really, even if you want to test your combat prowess.”

Li Xuan shook the cat’s head and looked at the black bear helplessly, feeling that this black bear was too weak to resist being beaten.

Li Xuan raised his little paw and pushed the black bear’s head. The frightened black bear hurriedly hugged its head and curled up motionless, looking scared.

“What a coward. Forget it, find another target.”

Li Xuan ignored the black bear, but used God’s perspective to find a few more powerful targets.

However, as the capabilities increased, the data panel became more and more messy. Li Xuan looked uncomfortable, so he started to adjust.

“Underwater breathing, night vision, and god-level cooking skills have been shown. God-level melee combat has been changed to god-level combat, and there are also soul rings.”

Li Xuan made constant adjustments and quickly streamlined the data panel, which was successfully released.


[Li Xuan]: 5 experience cards

[Physique]: 116


[Martial Spirit]: 1% Silver Dragon King Martial Spirit, Unknown Spirit Eye Martial Spirit.

[Soul Power]: Level 14 Soul Master

[Soul Skill]: Manifestation

[Passive]: 15% super defense, 15% super poison resistance, 5% super endurance, 5% super recovery

[Ability]: God’s perspective, natural space, god-level transformation, god-level forging, god-level archery, god-level swordsmanship, god-level fighting

“It looks much more comfortable this way, and there are still soul rings from the year 1100 that can be upgraded. Let’s save them now and use them on the second soul ring in the future.”

Li Xuan muttered, his eyes locked on the Silver Dragon King Martial Spirit, and then looked at the Star Dou Forest.

“After we destroy the Star Luo Empire, we will go to the Star Dou Forest. It’s time to see the sleeping Silver Dragon King.”

After Li Xuan finished speaking, his eyes fell on the column of soul power attributes again, and he shook his head.

He rarely practices soul power now and spends most of his time doing tasks, but his soul power improves quite quickly. He was clearly at level thirteen a few days ago and is now at level fourteen.

“I still think it’s more important to improve basic attributes. Body and soul are the foundation.”

Li Xuan murmured, attaching great importance to these two attributes.

Because sometimes the soul master’s ability is limited, but the body and soul can play a greater role at such times.

So he still prefers basic attributes and decides to improve his body and soul more.

“Let’s continue looking for targets to test and see where my physical fitness has reached.”

As Li Xuan spoke, he turned into a snow eagle, flapped his wings and soared into the sky, looking for a new target.

the other side.

Haotian Sect.

Tang Xiao sat on the sect leader’s seat.

Looking at the newly built exquisite hall, looking at a disciple named Haotian Sect below, looking at the powerful elder.

An uncontrollable smile appeared on his face.

Since the big green monster attacked Haotian Sect last time, the entire Haotian Sect has suffered heavy losses.

A lot of various wealth and soul tools were lost, and the sect was completely destroyed, and the disciples were all hit.


With his encouragement and financial support from Tang Yuehua.

Haotian Sect was rebuilt, and this reconstruction was even more prosperous, resplendent, dazzling, and extraordinary than the previous one.

However, the disciples and elders, under this blow, worked hard and practiced hard.

Now, the overall strength of the sect has been greatly improved, and almost everyone has become much stronger.

This also made Tang Xiao very happy.

But what really surprised Tang Xiao was that the five elders unexpectedly developed a fusion skill. Yes, it was a fusion skill, not a martial soul fusion skill.

Martial soul fusion skills are different from fusion skills. The former is fusion enhancement and then sublimation, while the latter is fusion enhancement.

Although the fusion skills are not as good as the martial soul fusion skills, the five elders are Titled Douluo. There is no need to explain how powerful the Titled Douluo’s fusion skills are, right?

Such a happy event also made Tang Xiao feel happy.

“You are very good, very good. I have seen your improvement, especially the fusion skills of the five elders, which is even more unexpected.”

After Tang Xiao said this, he turned to look at the elders and said with approval.

“Our Haotian Sect has such fusion skills. When we encounter the big green monster again, we will definitely kill it on the spot and reestablish the majesty of our Haotian Sect!”

“Kill him on the spot and restore his dignity! Kill him on the spot and restore his dignity!”

The disciples shouted in unison, with joy in their eyes and looking forward to the scene of killing the big monster in the future.

“Hahaha, okay, okay, later I will arrange for people to search for information about the big green monster. When we find it, it will be its death!”

Tang Xiao laughed. When he thought that the sect had fusion skills, he couldn’t help but feel happy and felt that the future was bright.

But right now.

Tang Yuehua walked in from the outside with an angry look on his face, stared at Tang Xiao and said coldly.

“Brother, I have something to tell you. Come to the side hall with me immediately!” Tang Yuehua said angrily and turned towards the side hall next to him.

“what’s the situation?”

Everyone was surrounded and looked at Tang Yuehua who was leaving with some confusion.

You must know that Tang Yuehua has always been gentle, quiet and noble, and always has a gentle smile.

But now.

Everyone saw the frost on Tang Yuehua’s face and noticed the beauty’s anger.

This made everyone wonder what happened, and they didn’t understand what big event could make Tang Yuehua so angry.

The key point was that Tang Yuehua looked at Tang Xiao with an angry look on his face, which seemed to prove that Tang Xiao had made Tang Yuehua angry. This result made the elders frown.

To know.

Tang Yuehua is the most popular person in the sect, especially this time Tang Yuehua provided a large amount of money to help the sect rebuild.

But now Tang Yuehua is so angry, which makes the elders a little worried and don’t want Tang Yuehua to be angry.

So the elders frowned and looked at the sect leader, which meant, what are you doing stupidly? Apologize quickly.


Tang Xiao was confused at this moment. He had no idea what was going on, and he also found that his sister was angry at him, which seemed to prove that he had done something wrong.

“It’s strange, I really thought I didn’t do anything wrong.” Tang Xiao murmured in confusion, and was about to enter the side hall.

Bang, bang, bang!

The sound of throwing things suddenly sounded from the side hall, and then an angry voice came again: “Tang Xiao, come in immediately!!”

“I’m coming!”

Tang Xiao was stunned, and quickly walked into the side hall under the dissatisfied eyes of everyone.

Several elders looked at each other and quietly came to the door of the side hall.

“Tang Xiao, you did a good job, but you ended up giving up, you bastard!!”


“Wait a minute, what’s going on? Yuehua, what are you talking about? Why can’t I understand?”

As soon as Tang Xiao walked into the side hall, a bottle was thrown at him, almost hitting him.

“You don’t understand? Let me ask you, have you come into contact with a blond woman named Li a few years ago? Tell me!” Tang Yuehua glared.

“Blonde woman named Li? No?”

Tang Xiao was confused. Although he often went down the mountain to purchase supplies, he really had no impression of the blond woman named Li.

“No impression? Take a look for yourself. This is a letter from your second brother. He hasn’t contacted us for so many years, but because he saw your son, he had to contact me and ask you why you abandoned your wife and son!”

“A letter from my second brother? Abandoning his wife and son!”

Tang Xiao was completely dumbfounded. He was very happy to receive the letter from his second brother, but what would it be like to abandon his wife and son? He was completely confused.

The elders outside were eavesdropping, but after hearing these words, they hurriedly rushed into the side hall.

“Yuehua, what did you just say? The letter from Tang Hao? And the sect master abandoned his wife and son? What’s going on?”

The elders asked hurriedly and looked at Tang Yuehua in disbelief.

“You will know after reading this letter. The child’s name is Li Ba, he possesses the Clear Sky Hammer, and his first soul ring is the 2500-year-old purple soul ring.”

“What? 2500-year-old purple soul ring?”

The elders were completely shocked when they heard this. They immediately took the letter and read it carefully, reading all the information in the letter.

After reading it, the elders all looked at Tang Xiao with red eyes.

“Tang Xiao, I need an explanation! Are you still a man? Why did you abandon your wife and children!”

“That’s right, can you bear to have such a good young man living outside and even hating the Haotian Sect? What’s going on!”

“Tang Xiao, I always thought you were a responsible person, but I didn’t expect you to do such a thing. I’m so angry!”

The elders stared at Tang Xiao angrily, and each of them had a bad temper and wanted to beat him.

“I don’t know?”

Tang Xiao was confused. He still didn’t know what happened. He didn’t even read the letter and was scolded. His brain was confused.


Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Green Fat Hammer Explosive Douluo at the beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Li Xuan activates the Almighty Troublemaking System and travels across the Douluo Continent.
You get the Green Fat Experience Card at the beginning, and every time you complete the experience, you can get some of the Green Fat's abilities.
Top defense, god-level monster power, infinite endurance, explosive everything.
Ding! Please select one.
Elementary option: Destroy Notting Academy, reward: The first soul ring evolves into a ten thousand year soul ring.
Intermediate option: Change Shrek Academy to the Academy of the Most Excellent Female Soul Master, reward: twin martial souls.
Advanced option: Use a hundred thousand year soul skill to teach Master Yu Xiaogang a lesson. Reward: 5 Green Fat Experience Cards.
Tang San: "The full-level Clear Sky Hammer was bounced away by Li Xuan with one finger!"
Xiao Wu: "No hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can match Li Xuan's physique. He is the strongest titled Douluo in history."
Qian Renxue: "Li Xuan, Wuhun Palace is a dowry, are you willing to marry me?"
PS1: Invincible writing + refreshing writing, traveling through all the worlds in the later stage
PS2: Book recommendation: Rebirth cheat cheat, "Konoha One Punch Superman Template" and "Konoha Super Saiyan"

Author's Other Novels


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