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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 110 A big step for the wizarding world

Using magic spells is not difficult for wizards.

Standard spells, standard wand swings, enough magic power… everything falls into place.

But letting the curse wander between the formed and the unformed, no one had ever done that until Dumbledore performed their research.

“This is an achievement worthy of the Order of Merlin. Headmaster, you should apply for it.” Headmaster Flitwick said excitedly. He had never known that magic could be like this.

“Of course,” Dumbledore said with a smile, “Although I already have one, Quirinus, Percy, and Hermione need it.”

These words made Percy excited, and Hermione straightened her back and combed her hair.

Voldemort smiled tiredly. He had not yet emerged from the shadow of [The Secret of Time]. He was extremely tired, but his spirit was very high because he had also made full progress.

“Quirrell, if I had known you were doing this, I would have studied it with you.” Dean Flitwick said enviously. It was obvious that he cared very much about the Order of Merlin.

In fact, everyone here really cared.

“Can this magical effect be popularized?” Professor McGonagall, the rational monster, asked.

“It requires some Muggle knowledge, but it’s not complicated. The main thing is to understand wave patterns, which requires strong spatial analysis capabilities…”

Dumbledore thought for a while and said, “Fiveth graders and above, who have enough spatial analysis ability and work hard enough, should be able to do it.”

Using and researching are completely different things. It is difficult to find the path, but it will always be much easier to follow the path of the predecessors.

“Is this its ultimate effect?” Professor Sprout asked.

“No, I think we can study it more deeply. In fact, we just found it, and more attempts are needed for its application.”

Dumbledore said, turning to look at Voldemort, “Tell me what you think, Quirinus. You have done more than me. I think you should also have more opinions.”

Hermione nodded excitedly on her seat, while Percy took the lead in applauding, and soon the applause filled the entire audience.

Voldemort swallowed the food in his mouth and glanced at his students with excitement, as if the breakfast time had turned into a commendation meeting.

“To put it bluntly, we are one step closer to the essence of magic.”

Voldemort’s words made the students excited. They didn’t care whether Voldemort was right or wrong, as long as the words sounded powerful, that was enough.


A dissatisfied voice sounded, attracting everyone’s attention. When everyone looked, it was Snape.

“Do you have any objections? Professor.” Voldemort asked him.

“It’s really exciting to let magic swim between two forms, but when it comes to its essence… let’s talk about its function. You can’t use it to scare away enemies.” Snape said in a strange tone.

You can’t blame Snape for being arrogant. He has been having a hard time recently and suffered a lot of injustices. Moreover, the principal no longer trusts him. This is what makes him sad.

He even felt that his position had been threatened, and maybe next year, he would leave Hogwarts – he liked it here, it was full of her shadow, and her children.

“If it’s practical…”

Voldemort frowned and said, “If it is used in potions, I think it also has a role. For example, during the potion brewing process, the wrong ingredients should be taken out. Of course, before the ingredients take effect.”

Snape was slightly startled, this was something he didn’t expect.

“Nice idea, Quirinus, your thinking is obviously more divergent than mine.” Dumbledore praised.

Voldemort nodded slightly to him, then looked at the students and said: “More than that, I think if we can find a magic wave pattern, we can find more. Imagine that all magic can be carefully controlled… “

The students immediately started talking, and the “buzzing” sound filled the entire hall.

“Quiet.” Dumbledore had to ask everyone to stop. “Listen to your professor. He hasn’t finished speaking yet.”

Voldemort nodded to him again to thank him and said, “I’m not talking about ordinary magic spells, just medical spells. I think this is a very, very good research direction. Of course, the wave pattern of medical spells will be more complicated.”

Everyone started discussing again, but this time it ended quickly. They still wanted to hear what Voldemort had to say.

“Okay, the prospects are promising, but I think the use value of Botu has not been fully developed yet. Before that, I have nothing more to say.” After he finished speaking, he smiled apologetically and continued to eat breakfast.

“Okay, kids, let’s eat, you have classes later.” Dumbledore said immediately.

“Headmaster, one last question.” Professor Kettleburn said, “If you were awarded the Order of Merlin, which level would it be?”

“This discovery is worthy of two first-class medals and two third-class medals. This is the glory that belongs to Hogwarts.” Dumbledore said with a smile, and finally sat down to finish his speech.

The students cheered loudly, and the applause almost overturned the dome of the auditorium.

Voldemort also smiled, but soon he finished his meal and left.

In the following classes, he often lost his mind, but the students tolerated him and even consciously became quiet, watching their professor in a daze while looking at the repair spell hanging in front of him.

Dumbledore was not as obsessed as Voldemort. He began to compile information and prepare to publish their findings in curse-related magazines.

Doing this will not only provide a hot spot for future applications for the Merlin Order, but also better publicize this discovery and allow more people to join related research.

Headmaster Dumbledore has never been a selfish person, and he is happy to see more wizards become powerful – except perhaps the dark wizards.

Professor McGonagall also came to the principal’s office that night. She hoped to study the transfiguration diagram with Dumbledore – both of them were masters of transfiguration, so obviously they would work well together.

“Next semester, Mag, I’m too exhausted this year and I need a rest.”

Dumbledore refused, but did not refuse completely, “You can collect some information first and let Hermione and Percy help you, as well as the members of your club.”

McGonagall didn’t force it. After getting the prompt, she went to find Hermione and Percy, and both of them happily agreed.

Three days later, the content compiled by Dumbledore was published in Curse Weekly.

The next day, the Daily Prophet followed up with a brief report, and Transfiguration Today, The Quibbler, and Witch Weekly also published brief introductions.

Slowly, this matter began to be discussed hotly, and many wizards wrote to the newspaper, hoping to see more detailed content.

Curses Weekly and the Daily Prophet then sent reporters to Hogwarts to learn more about what happened.

Dumbledore originally wanted to bring Voldemort to the forefront, but he was still studying the application of Porto, so he refused and only accepted a simple interview.

Dumbledore, who was the main interviewee, gave most of the credit to Voldemort:

“There is no doubt that Professor Quirinus Quirrell, with his wisdom far beyond ordinary people, made the right choice for the Sorting Hat of Hogwarts. He belongs to Ravenclaw.”

“This is a small step for magic research, but it is a giant step for the wizarding world. Believe me, readers, this research brought by Professor Quirinus Quirrell will advance the study of magic in the entire wizarding world. improvement.”

Dumbledore’s generous praise was written in bold under the photos of the four people, which made Quirinus Quirrell’s name resound in the wizarding world.

This child who once acted very cowardly, from this moment on, has received incredible honors and recognition from the entire wizarding world…

His life is destined to be extraordinary.

Available: Eighth update!


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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