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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 114 Knock knock knock

“Knock, knock, knock.”

After evening classes, Voldemort went to Snape’s office located underground, knocked on the office door in the cold corridor.


Snape’s stern voice sounded – this guy has been in a state of low pressure recently, and his words and deeds have become increasingly disliked by others.

“It’s me, Quirrell,” Voldemort said.


The door opened, and Voldemort saw Snape standing in the back of the office holding a glass bottle. He was looking at him with hatred.

“We have nothing to talk about, Quirrell, what are you doing here?” Snape said in a strange voice.

“Because of the blood curse.”

Voldemort walked in calmly, during which Snape frowned, but Voldemort didn’t care at all, “I wanted to see if the potion could solve the problem, so I came to ask you for advice.”

“No, Quirrell, that is a curse that can cause death. Just wait for death. Please leave here.” Snape said angrily.

Voldemort was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, “Dean Snape, we are colleagues, I think there is no need to be so stiff.”

“Have you remembered that we are colleagues now?” Snape said dissatisfied, “In the corridor on the fourth floor…”

“Okay, Snape, the headmaster asked me to ask for advice.” Voldemort was tired of his venomous tongue. The big bat talked too much today.

Voldemort’s words stunned Snape. He was stunned for three or four seconds before returning to normal, but it seemed that the pressure was even lower.

“He asked you to spy on me, right?” Snape said, “Then just say, Quirrell, you can spy on me as you like, but don’t disturb me when I prepare the potion.”

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head and began to focus on the crucible, without looking at Voldemort again.

Voldemort stopped paying attention to him and began to scan the dimly lit room – rows of shelves filled with hundreds of glass bottles, with sticky plant specimens attached to colorful medicine bottles.

He walked forward and glanced at the labels on the bottles. There were too many potions ingredients here. Snape was indeed a potion master. Even ordinary wizards had no way to buy so many potions.

Four-eyed butterfly velvet.

Voldemort saw a potion material that he was interested in, and carefully took it out to look at it – the materials in the bottle emitted a blue light, but the physical form was not easy to see because they were very finely divided.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t touch them. Quirrell, your salary can’t afford it.” Snape’s stern voice sounded from behind, and Voldemort shrugged and put it back.

“Do you have a potion book? Dean Snape, I want to see the unique book in your hand.” Voldemort turned to him and said.

The two began to look at each other for a long time. Snape’s gloomy eyes showed strong disgust, while Voldemort remained calm.

“In the side study, but don’t touch my notes. They have protective magic on them.” Snape lowered his head and stirred the cauldron.

“Your office is bigger than mine, Dean Snape. Mine doesn’t have so many rooms.” Voldemort said as he walked inside.

“Because I am the Dean. I will wait until you can become the Dean.” Snape said.

Voldemort walked into the side room and saw that the room was filled with bookshelves, which were full of books on potions, from the most basic to the most advanced, covering everything.

First, he took a general look at the titles of the books in the room. What is certain is that Snape placed these books with great care. There was an obvious process from simple to difficult.

Instead of rushing to read the rarest book, Voldemort started from the first book and started reading in leaps and bounds.

It is full of Snape’s notes, which have been revised and revised. It can be seen that he has read even the most basic medicinal materials book many times and made changes to the medicinal properties of different materials each time.

Snape obviously put in a lot of effort to become a Potions Master.

Voldemort himself can also be called a Potions Master, but his potions knowledge was relatively narrow, which allowed him to benefit a lot from Snape’s notes.

“If I have time, I really want to read it all from beginning to end.” Voldemort looked at a room full of books and couldn’t help but sigh.

“You don’t have that time, the curse of the Dark Lord will drive you away, Quirrell, I can feel it.” Snape walked in and said.

Voldemort looked at him doubtfully and asked, “Can you feel it?”

“Of course, I have coveted that position for a long time and have studied it for a long time. The curse is hidden in the castle. Haha, you can’t escape it, Quirrell. No one can escape it.”

Snape said proudly, as if he had seen Voldemort being cursed.

I have to say that in just these few sentences, the emotions and expressions shown by Snape did not look like a good person. This guy was indeed suitable to be a Death Eater.

Voldemort curled his lips, put the basic book back, skipped many basic contents, and took out a more profound potion book.

“How long are you going to stay here, Quirrell? Does Dumbledore want you to live here?” Snape asked dissatisfied.

“When I find a way to break the blood curse, or I am forced to leave Hogwarts by the curse of the Dark Lord, I think that’s what you want to see.” Voldemort opened the book and said.


Snape snorted angrily, took out a notebook, and turned to leave.

“Speaking of which, Snape.” Voldemort looked at his back and suddenly said, “How did you feel this curse? You just made random guesses to scare me, right?”

“If you can become the dean, you know what authority this castle will give you. Childish Ravenclaw, please leave here as soon as possible. That may save your life.”

Snape turned his head and showed a cruel smile, and then left with satisfaction.

Voldemort ignored his threats and fell into deep thought – authority, which reminded him of the Chamber of Secrets.

Before leaving, would you like to go there and have a look… After this idea came up, I became a little bit irrepressible.

But Dumbledore hadn’t left school recently, so Voldemort suppressed his thoughts and decided to wait a little longer to avoid being caught by Dumbledore in the end.

With this in mind, Voldemort began to read happily in Professor Snape’s private collection.

The books collected by a top potion master are full of notes. If Dumbledore hadn’t given permission, and Snape’s recent status was embarrassing, there wouldn’t have been many opportunities like this.

Of course, when he regains his identity in the future, Snape will definitely have to contribute some, these are all treasures.

Thinking that he could read them in the future, Voldemort’s desire for these basic books immediately decreased. He still needed to find more advanced potions books, preferably ones involving rebirth.

Quickly jumping through the pages, Voldemort soon came to the end of the bookshelf. The books there seemed to have more magical fluctuations, which was a sign of banned books.

Mr. Snape’s private collection is really rich… Voldemort thought excitedly.

New update added: The twelfth update

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Yu Linyuan, I am not like an earthling, Bitter Bamboo Five Spirits, Recalling the Clear Sky, Lingbao 232 Wu, Divine Ice from the Sky, Monster Rice on the Flowing Sand River, Fierce Immortal, Mo Mo Wu, 152050586x, He Ling, Unable to Escape Tarkov, Alins, Observer 10086, Yang Guan Ru Meng, My Love Song Tsuji She Doesn’t Love Me, HelloSeattle, startless, Uncle Wu’s Living Treasure, Nero Sacrifice, Storm Snow, More and Lesser,… word count Restrictions, I can’t put them all here, I’ll see if there is any space at the back


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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