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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 118 Giving Soul to Magic

“Professor Quirrell, let’s go for a walk again.”

Filch smiled and said to Voldemort who was walking towards him.

“Yeah, I’m a little tired.” Voldemort nodded in response and asked, “Are there any troublemakers tonight?”

Filch secretly looked around and made sure that there was not even a ghost in the empty corridor before he cautiously approached Voldemort.

“The twins, and Malfoy, secretly went to the door of Snape’s office, but I drove them away.” There was gloating in his voice.

“Oh, these troublemakers…”

Before Voldemort finished speaking, a figure emerged from the knight’s armor behind them, it was Peeves.

“Filch is talking bad about Snape, Filch is talking bad about Snape, Filch…”

He shouted loudly in the corridor while flying.

Voldemort suppressed his laughter as Filch hurriedly said goodbye to him and chased after Peeves who disappeared at the end of the corridor.

“Unlucky Filch…”

Voldemort murmured and walked along the stairs to the second floor – he wanted to go to the Chamber of Secrets, a temporary decision.

Not long ago, Dumbledore sent him a letter saying that he would not be able to come back tonight and told him not to wait any longer, so Voldemort came out to wander.

Stepping into the corridor on the second floor, Voldemort seemed to be wandering around casually. After making sure that there was no one or ghost, he quickly flashed into the women’s restroom on the second floor.

After making sure that Myrtle was not here – she sometimes went to the prefects’ bathroom – Voldemort quickly found the faucet with the little snake engraved on it.


A low snake language sounded, and the faucet emitted a dazzling white light and spun rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, the pool began to move and slowly disappeared from sight, revealing a very thick water pipe.


Voldemort let out a long breath, cast several lighting spells downwards, and then dived in.

The water pipe was very long, and after twisting and turning, a solid stone wall finally appeared at the end of the line of sight.

On the stone wall, there are two snakes intertwined with each other, their eyes are inlaid with large, sparkling emeralds.


Voldemort shouted again in Parseltongue.

The stone wall cracked and disappeared, and the secret room was slowly revealed.

“Go back, go back to the cave.”

Voldemort closed his eyes and shouted in Parseltongue – in fact, he didn’t see anything, he was just afraid of being accidentally hurt.

After waiting quietly for a while, making sure nothing was abnormal, Voldemort opened his eyes.


A white light was driven into the depths of the secret room, illuminating the long, dark room.

Like the room seen before when looking back at the curse, this place is filled with stone pillars engraved with entangled snakes, holding up an invisible ceiling.

The whole room was filled with green mysterious clouds. Voldemort walked in cautiously and slowly came to the end of the secret room – where the full-length statue of Salazar Slytherin stood.

Voldemort had no intention of summoning the basilisk, he was just looking at the Slytherin statue, trying to get inspiration from it that would affect the castle.

In the silence, Voldemort stared at the statue for a long time, but nothing happened.

“Do I need to use magic?”

Voldemort muttered and picked up his wand, but he hesitated to do so.

“Are you a Gryffindor, kid?” A voice suddenly came from the stone statue’s mouth.

“Who is there?”

Voldemort took a step back and raised his wand – why is there anyone here?

“Do you want to know who I am?”

As he finished speaking, the stone statue of Salazar Slytherin, which was as tall as the room, began to make a “rumbling” sound from its mouth, and soon it cracked.

Voldemort immediately closed his eyes and backed away quickly – as far as he knew, the mouth was the troll’s exit.

“Stupid boy, can’t you tell the difference between snake language and human language?”

The voice sounded again. Voldemort thought for a moment and slowly opened his eyes.

What came into view was a figure made of green mist, standing proudly on the lower lip of the stone statue.

“Who are you?” Voldemort asked warily – his eyes flicked back and forth between the green man and the statue. They looked too much alike.

“Salazar Slytherin.”

The green figure said, suddenly jumped up from above, and then slowly fell down like a maple leaf.

Voldemort held the wand vigilantly. If anything uncontrollable happened, he would immediately use the Potato Golden Body to leave, even if it would make him seriously ill.

“Slytherin has left long ago and died long ago. Who are you?” Voldemort asked.

“The person talking to me is another soul, right?” The green figure’s face was full of doubts, “Who are you?”

Voldemort was surprised and didn’t know how he could see through himself, but it was obvious that he couldn’t see his true appearance under the blood curse, which gave him some peace of mind.

“You’re Tom, right?”

The green figure’s words made Voldemort’s heart tighten.

“You asked me for help three times this year, and you came back.”

Voldemort narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at the lower left corner of his vision – the darkest hour, the Linzuo moment, the killing moment…

Which one is more suitable for this scenario?

“Tom, don’t be nervous and let me think about what’s wrong with you.”

The green figure said, holding his chin with one hand, frowning and thinking for a while, and said, “Someone used a very powerful forgetting spell on you?”

Voldemort shook his head in thought – he decided to try to communicate with this green figure. Perhaps, he was the secret in this secret room.

“There is something wrong with the soul, causing the memory to disappear?” the figure asked again.

Voldemort raised his eyebrows, but did not answer.

“That’s it, there’s something wrong with the soul…” the green figure sighed, “I reminded you not to divide the soul too much.”

“Who are you?” Voldemort still refused to let go of this question.

“I said it, Salazar Slytherin, or rather, Salazar Slytherin made by Salazar Slytherin.” The green figure said.

Voldemort silently searched for the memory of the remaining soul, but found nothing.

“You can’t remember me.” The green figure said, “After you leave here, you will forget me, but you will remember other things, including what I told you.”

“Why?” Voldemort asked.

“The Forgetting Curse.”

The green figure pointed at the surrounding green mist. The mist seemed much thinner than before, “They will make you forget me. This is a secret room filled with forgetting spells.”

“I don’t understand,” said Voldemort.

“Uh… do you have to explain it again?” the green figure frowned and said, “Salazar Slytherin built this secret chamber and also created me, a forgetting curse, but he also put part of his soul into it. .”

“Give magic a soul?”

Voldemort’s eyes widened in surprise – he had thought of this method before, after watching Dumbledore’s memories, but he felt that it was too natural.

“You can say that.” The green figure – or Slytherin – shrugged, “How did you become so miserable? What happened?”

Voldemort didn’t answer. He still didn’t quite believe what he was seeing and was sorting out his thoughts in his mind.

If what this green figure said was true, then all this would be amazing.

Added update: Chapter 16!

Everyone who deserves thanks has been thanked. This chapter is just to say thank you, because only by adding a chapter and saying this can we show sincerity.

Thank you to all the parents who provide food and clothing for allowing me to persevere (bow ninety degrees)! ! !

PS: There is no more later. It is impossible to subscribe for more than 500, so you don’t have to wait. I will update and see you tomorrow!


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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