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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 125 Everyone has a purpose, Mag!

The sunset shone on Dumbledore through the floor-to-ceiling windows, dyeing his white hair golden.

McGonagall looked up at the tall Dumbledore, as if he were seeing a lion preparing to hunt.

“From the moment you laid eyes on Quirrell, McGonagall,” Dumbledore said.


Professor McGonagall picked up her wand and lit it on her temple. Then she pulled out a strand of flowing silver thread and sprinkled it into the pensieve.

“Did you discover anything?”

During the break, she asked Dumbledore.

“We may have mistakenly blamed Snape, and the target should be someone else.”

Dumbledore said, stirring McGonagall’s memory, and then leaned down.

Mag followed him into his own memory, and immediately asked after entering: “Do you suspect it is Quirrell?”

“Inseparable, it’s amazing, isn’t it?”

Dumbledore looked at McGonagall with a smile, and saw McGonagall’s surprise on the spot, “Don’t be afraid, McGonagall, we still have the upper hand.”


“He won’t hurt Harry, he has changed.” Dumbledore said with a bitter smile, “I discussed fate with him, McGonagall, and fate can no longer trap him.”

“But that prophecy…”

Mag’s thoughts were very confusing, but her remaining sanity still allowed her to grasp the key points – she was such a person who could always let sanity come first.

“Before he believed – I’m sure he believed before – that destiny would lead him to that designated end, but when he saw through it… it was hard, but he did it.”

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he spread his hands and smiled bitterly, “With my help.”

McGonagall’s eyes widened in surprise, as if she couldn’t understand why Dumbledore did what he did.

“I didn’t know he was Voldemort, McGonagall, even on my way to find Snape.”

Dumbledore shook his head and said, his eyes began to search for Quirrell in McGonagall’s memory – he found it quickly, because Quirrell’s clothes were very tasteful, which made him look different.

“Did you see it? He cast the curse between sneezes. I’m 100% sure that he did that.” Dumbledore pointed at the sneezing Quirrell.

“Why?” McGonagall asked, “I can’t tell that he is casting a curse at all.”

“Because he didn’t have a cold, McGonagall. Do you remember that he had a cold that day?” Dumbledore looked at McGonagall and asked.

McGonagall was stunned again, and then nodded helplessly, agreeing with Dumbledore’s statement, but she still had her own doubts.

“But why is he dressed so conspicuously, Dumbledore? If he had worn an ordinary black robe, I’m sure I wouldn’t have noticed him.” McGonagall asked doubtfully.

“It would be more conspicuous if he didn’t dress like this. Mag, I remember that when he was a student, he had a desire for expression that was better than ordinary people. At that time, he dressed very tastefully, and poverty could not stop him.”

“But I remember that he stopped being like this later.” Mag frowned and said, “The few times I met him later, he obviously didn’t care about clothes as much as he did when he was a student.”

“It was this difference that made me ignore him.”

Dumbledore looked at Quirrell in the crowd. He was talking to the students beside him. He was talking and laughing. He was not at all like the paranoid dark wizard in his memory. “He confuses me.” .”

Mag nodded. Indeed, he would never associate Quirrell with that person. The two people were too different.

“Maybe my previous guess was wrong, maybe… his soul is intact.” Dumbledore murmured softly, “But this requires more evidence.”

Dumbledore waved his wand, his memory was scrambled, and he and McGonagall returned to the headmaster’s office.

“Do we really not need to go see Harry and the others?” McGonagall asked.

“He can refuse the Philosopher’s Stone that is readily available, and he even talks nonsense about Harry. McGonagall, don’t look at him with old eyes, he is different.”

As Dumbledore spoke, he once again took out his memories and poured them into the pensieve.

“What else are we going to do?” Mag asked doubtfully.

“Find his purpose,” Dumbledore said. “Everyone has a purpose, McGonagall.”

McGonagall nodded and followed Dumbledore into his memory:

In the principal’s office, in front of the fireplace, an old man and a young man were sitting in rocking chairs and drinking drinks. This scene really shocked Mag.

“I didn’t expect you guys to be so good,” Professor McGonagall said.

“If I had known Quirrell was him, I don’t think we would have been so good,” Dumbledore responded with a smile.

“It’s just that fate didn’t give you such an opportunity, Principal.” Quirrell said in his memory.

“Look, he’s tempting me, talking about topics that concern him.” Dumbledore said, pointing at Quirrell.

“Were you… deceived by him?” Mag still seemed to be unable to accept everything in front of him.

“Yeah, he’s gotten smarter.”

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he waved his hand to signal Professor McGonagall to be silent, and then he began to focus on Voldemort’s expression.

Professor McGonagall stood aside, also focused on Quirrell’s words and expressions – looking at it from another angle, she felt that she still couldn’t accept the person in front of her, the person whose name must not be mentioned.

“It’s a very novel idea, tell me what you think.” Dumbledore in memory looked at Quirrell with interest.

“If that incident with your mother hadn’t happened, if you hadn’t had to go home to protect your sister as soon as you graduated, if your…hadn’t had that accident, you might have changed the world in high spirits, right?”

“It was a direct inquiry. I was a little out of shape that day. He noticed this, and then…” Dumbledore sighed helplessly, “He got what he wanted.”

Dumbledore waved his wand, the memory stirred and disappeared, and the two returned to the principal’s office again.

“What he wants is destiny?” Professor McGonagall asked – she clenched her wand at the same time, looking like she was ready to fight at any time.

“More than that, remember Lucius?” Dumbledore picked up the pensieve and put it back in its place.

“What does it have to do with him?”

“He has never been so clearly hostile to me. He just stepped onto the ring. Mag, he doesn’t have the guts.”

“so what?”

“So?” Dumbledore turned back and looked at McGonagall and said, “He was showing his loyalty, McGonagall. Voldemort forced him to make his stance clear, and he did so.”


McGonagall took a breath, not sure if it was because Dumbledore mentioned that name or because of Lucius, “You said that he didn’t trust those Death Eaters, and you also said that he was very arrogant… “

“It’s different, Mag. We have to accept this fact.”

Dumbledore shook his head, and then said with an unprecedented seriousness, “Although I don’t know what happened, but McGonagall, be prepared to fight. Maybe this is our only chance to catch him.”

“Activate the power of the castle?” Mag waved his wand, looking like he was warming up.

“I will activate it.” Dumbledore nodded and said, “Pay attention to his Potato Golden Body, that should be the magic he prepared for retreat.”

Professor McGonagall nodded vigorously to show that she understood.

“Come on, let’s go meet him.” Dumbledore said with a smile, “I really want to know what his expression will be like when I reveal his identity.”

These chapters are written carefully. I checked each chapter no less than five times. It is a very important chapter~~~


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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