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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 128 Walking with great vigor

The first person to fight Voldemort was not Dumbledore’s puppet.

When he walked out of the secret room, the person who gave him a head-on blow was the familiar Professor Flitwick.

“I don’t think that’s necessary, Headmaster Flitwick.”

Voldemort said, and used the Restoration Spell to meet the Disarming Curse, and then the Disarming Spell exploded on the spot with a “pop”, and the Repairing Spell flickered, and returned to Voldemort with almost no consumption.

“Repairing spell defense? Odd… This is a smart idea. I have never seen anyone use it like this before.” Dean Flitwick’s expression was very complicated, but he still commented on Voldemort’s magic.

“Porto, Headmaster, if you don’t have a deeper understanding of this cursed Porto, you are seeking death.” Voldemort said, raising his wand and trying to bypass Flitwick and leave.

“I can’t let you go,” Flitwick said.

“You can’t beat me, don’t force me to use black magic to deal with you. You know I respect you very much.” Voldemort said in a deep voice.

Flitwick hesitated, but at this moment, several puppets emerged from behind Voldemort – Dumbledore’s attack came.

“Stand back and defend, go to the front door of the castle to stop him, Flitwick, I’ll defeat him.” Dumbledore’s voice came from the secret room on the fourth floor.

“Okay, Dumbledore.”

Flitwick seemed to let out a sigh of relief, then he looked at Voldemort with a complicated expression, turned around and left.

“How many professors are waiting for me at the gate of the castle, Albus, are you going to keep me?”

As Voldemort spoke, he glanced at the corridor on the fourth floor. There was not a single student here. Obviously, Dumbledore had made adequate preparations.

“You can’t leave, Tom. I think we can still communicate. Maybe I can help you petition the Ministry of Magic to save you from the Dementor’s Kiss,” Dumbledore said.


Voldemort murmured softly, stepped back step by step, until he reached the corner, and then quickly turned away – he felt that there was no need to fight Dumbledore, and that was not a wise choice.

“The divine edge is shadowless.”

A sharp, invisible spell struck, Voldemort’s wand shook, and the magic repair spell most connected to him shot out, collided with the Divine Edge Curse, and both exploded.

“Snape, are you sure you want to fight me?”

Voldemort said solemnly, looking at the big bat not far away – he controlled his tone, which was a sinister tone unique to Voldemort.


Snape froze on the spot. For a moment, he thought Quirrell was Voldemort, but this illusion soon disappeared, and there was a long silence.

“He had a thousand reasons to kill you, Tom. You hurt him. Be gentle with him.”

Dumbledore caught up from behind, chattering incessantly.

Voldemort glared at Dumbledore with dissatisfaction. Even if Lin Zuo’s emotions took over the high ground, he was tired of the continuous confrontation with the enemy.

“If you don’t allow me to leave quietly…” Voldemort said angrily, “then I can only make a big fuss.”

Dumbledore didn’t answer, just waved his wand, and the armor on the left and right sides of the corridor immediately took action and began to try to surround Voldemort.

“The divine edge is shadowless.”

Snape cast another Divine Edge Curse, and then threw out many other spells – but there was no black magic among them. Was he hesitating?

“I want to go quietly.”

Voldemort’s wrist twisted flexibly, and his wand made a “swish, swish” sound, deflecting Snape’s attack, “But it seems that you want me to leave in a big way.”

After he finished speaking, without hesitation, his body twisted violently, and with at least seven or eight magic spells, he went straight towards Snape in various weird arcs.

“Tom, are you going to kill him?”

Dumbledore yelled from behind, and the puppets began to attack – this was the first time they had killed Voldemort before they appeared.

“You forced me.”

Voldemort roared angrily, suddenly tightened his grip on the wand and shook it violently…

The waves of the repair spell surged out in an instant, and the touched puppets disintegrated one after another – ripples rippled around the corridor, and the scrolls and walls exploded.

Dumbledore’s eyes widened in surprise. He had never expected that the Repairing Spell could be so destructive.

“You have been developing Porto’s destructive power, right?” Dumbledore asked in surprise, “You are studying it just to destroy everything, right?”

“Not really.”

Voldemort took advantage of the moment when the puppets collapsed to cast several spells on Dumbledore, and then threw the repairing spell wave diagram against a wall, causing the wall to collapse.

“I want to study the characteristics of time and space. If you find this characteristic in any spell, you can tell me. Also, go and save Snape.”

As soon as the words fell, Voldemort’s figure disappeared into the hole, and then the destroyed wall recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye – during this process, Voldemort did not even shake his wand, which shows how terrifying he was in controlling Porto.

“Snape, are you okay?”

Dumbledore’s puppets had recovered. Voldemort’s attack just now only temporarily dispersed them. They had already taken a detour to chase Voldemort, while Dumbledore stayed where he was.

Snape blocked almost all the curses, except for the Throat-cutting Curse, which was only reduced but not completely blocked. This resulted in a horrific wound on the left side of his neck, with blood trickling out.

“The potion can delay the damage. I can’t die. You go after him.” Snape said calmly.

Dumbledore nodded, pointed the wand at his throat, and then his voice spread throughout the school: “Each dean will go back to his own lounge to guard the students. Other professors who are good at dueling, please go to the castle to search for traces of… Quirrell.”

“He ran away?” Mag asked as he led a few students out of the secret room at the back.

Hermione’s eyes lit up after hearing her question.

“Not yet.” Dumbledore responded to him. He hesitated and spoke to the whole school again, “The remaining professors guard the main entrance of the castle and don’t let him hide in the Forbidden Forest.”

At this point, Dumbledore, who had arranged everything, began to stride after Voldemort, and his method of finding Voldemort was very simple – the portraits on the wall were excitedly leading him the way.

“He passed through the Charms classroom, Headmaster,” Ser Cadogan said, running through the portrait, “on his way to the trophy room.”

“Thank you, Sir Cadogan.” Dumbledore said, waving his wand, and the puppet running in front of him began to turn around and turn towards the trophy room.

“The latest news, principal.” Another figure appeared in the portrait, “That person has broken through the roof on the fourth floor and went directly to the library on the fifth floor.”


Dumbledore stopped in surprise. He couldn’t figure out why Voldemort ran upstairs. It was a dead end.

After thinking for a while, Dumbledore flicked his wand and asked most of the puppets to walk towards the first floor – he felt that Voldemort was tempting him to go up, and then return downstairs to escape.

“Dumbledore, do you need my help?” McGonagall asked before leading the child away.

“No need, you go to the Gryffindor common room, the children need protection.” Dumbledore said loudly.

McGonagall nodded and walked towards the Gryffindor lounge with three children with different expressions.

At this time, all the children in the castle were curiously hiding in their respective lounges. They had no idea what was happening, but the noise from the school made them excited.

Perhaps if they knew it was Voldemort causing trouble in the castle, they wouldn’t be so excited.

Three chapters tomorrow, the finale of the first volume. Those three chapters have been revised and rewritten three times… I wrote a total of five chapters in the past three days…


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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