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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 132 Malfoy Returns Home

Regarding Professor Quirrell, many opinions emerged in the discussions among the students.

Some people say that he is the Dark Lord, and others say that he has surrendered to the Dark Lord, but these are not widely recognized – if the Dark Lord returns, the wizarding world cannot be so peaceful.

Later, some students speculated that the professor had stolen the Philosopher’s Stone, but this was also a rumor. After all, no one came forward to prove it – the professors always remained silent.

After Dumbledore went to the Ministry of Magic and had a big fight with Cornelius Fudge, various theories were settled. The professor who left Hogwarts Castle in a dishonorable way was not punished. Wanted or charged with something.

In the end, the students just felt that the curse on the Dark Arts Professor had taken effect, and Hogwarts once again consumed an excellent professor – at least that’s what the students and some professors thought.

A few days after the roar echoed through the castle, school was on vacation, and the students boarded the Hogwarts Express and went home.

Draco Malfoy stepped onto the train with confusion. He had no idea what was going on at school.

Along the way, he was discussing Professor Quirrell with his classmates. Goyle and Crabbe, who had low IQs, could definitely not be counted on, but Zambini, a black alumnus, and Theodore Nott, one of the younger students, They are all subjects for discussion.

Pansy Parkinson took no part in the discussion and just hung around Draco, looking like a poodle in heat.

The discussion was naturally fruitless. He said goodbye to his friends at the station and followed his father home. He couldn’t help but ask about the doubts in his heart – his father would know something. This was what he felt.

“Until your Occlumency is not strong enough, Draco, I won’t say anything to you.” Lucius replied.

“How strong you need to be, father, you have to give me a standard.”

“At least be able to withstand the Veritaserum, Draco, that’s hard.”

After Draco asked again and again, he was sure that his father was not joking – he felt that he would never be able to resist the Veritaserum in his life.

But fortunately, after practicing Occlumency, he became much more well-behaved than before and did not get emotional because of this incident.

But after returning home, he found that construction was underway at home, and there were many workers busy in the manor, and those people looked like Muggles.

In addition to these workers, there were also many noisy machines that rumbled in the manor, which disturbed him.

“What are you doing, father?” he asked doubtfully.

“Telephone, and setting up a base station.” After Lucius finished speaking, seeing his son asking again, he hurriedly said, “Don’t ask me too much, Draco, I don’t fully understand these.”

Draco was even more surprised – Father, you don’t even understand, why are you doing these things that sound like Muggles?

“This holiday, in addition to continuing to practice Occlumency, Draco, you also need to learn computers.” Lucius said to Draco before he was taken away by his mother.

“Is it a Muggle thing again?” Draco felt that his father must have gone crazy. “Father, are we going to become Muggles in the future?”

“Be obedient and do as I’m told. If you want to know everything, improve your Occlumency as soon as possible. Before that, you won’t know anything.”

After Lucius said this, he left in a hurry.

And when Draco asked his mother what was wrong with his father with questions, his mother did not answer his questions dotingly, but simply said “Listen to your father” and said nothing else.

Draco, who was confused by his parents, discovered another strange phenomenon in the next few days – a small independent building had been erected behind his castle.

If it was just a small building, he wouldn’t have much doubts. The problem was that many people would come in and out there, and those people looked very mysterious.

Draco, who couldn’t help but be curious, approached the small building while his parents were not paying attention. However, before entering the small building, a familiar person came out and stopped him – Ranjit Nott, his school friend. Theodore’s father.

“Don’t do that, Draco.” Old Nott, who had two strands of silver hair combed back on his temples and looked mature and cold, said, “Stay away from here unless you are summoned.”

“But this is my home.”

Draco, who used to respect old Nott, seemed a little irrational today – he was tortured crazy by many secrets in his family. This curious child decided to explore everything to the death.

“Draco, don’t be childish. You can ask your father or mother, but don’t make trouble here.” Old Nott said seriously.

“I don’t.” Draco frowned and glanced at the floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor, where there was a hunched figure. “I want to know everything. This is Malfoy Manor.”

Old Nott frowned, but there was no anger on his face – he was an old man with children, and he doted on all his children.

“Listen to me, Draco, this is not a joke.” Old Nott squatted down and said, “This is a major event related to the entire wizarding world, and it is also related to pure… I can’t say too much, kid, wait until your brain is closed. Technique…”

“Occlumency again.”

Draco twisted his body dissatisfied, broke away from Old Nott’s hands holding his arms, rubbed his short platinum hair vigorously and said, “It’s too difficult to make progress with that thing, you know.”

“It’s difficult, but this is to protect you.” Old Nott smiled and stretched out his hand, ruffling Draco’s hair along with him.

“Don’t mess with my hair, it’s annoying.”

Draco jumped away, then suddenly raised his head and shouted to the figure in the French window on the second floor: “Sir, can I see you?”

His move startled Old Nott, but it was obviously too late to stop it now. The rickety figure on the second floor had already turned around.

Draco thought the man looked familiar, but the specially colored windows prevented him from fully seeing the man’s appearance.

“Geraint, let him come up.”

The window opened and a voice came over, which sounded familiar to Draco.

“Uh… Sir, he is still young, isn’t he…” Old Nott hesitated and looked at Draco with worried eyes.

“It’s okay, Geraint. Albus is not a person who would harm a child. Draco is safe.”

Draco’s eyes suddenly widened. He finally recognized who the owner of that voice was…

Yes, he was the one who disappeared in front of the castle, shouted “I will come back”, and even beat himself up when school started last year.

Damn it, if he knew this person was here and beat Draco to death, he wouldn’t want to come here.

Go to the Malfoy Manor, I don’t want this manor anymore… Draco thought to himself, turned around and wanted to leave.

But old Notla caught him.

“Son, since the gentleman has invited you, you have no reason to refuse.”

Old Nott smiled and said, “Don’t worry, sir, he has become gentle.”

What a gentle guy…Draco thought of the fat beating he received at the beginning of school last year.

If this is called gentleness, then what does it mean to not be gentle?

Is it only considered ungentle if you use a big melon?


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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