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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 144: Robbery Gringotts Again

Behind Gringotts’ gleaming bronze door, there was a second silver door.

On the silver door, there are words written in unknown year:

Come in, stranger, but beware;

What will be the consequences of being greedy;

Asking blindly and getting something for nothing;

Will be punished the most severely…

This poem describing the evil consequences of thieves was like a curse that protected Gringotts from being invaded until the summer of 1991…

A year passed by in a hurry, and in the summer of 1992, Voldemort, after drinking the compound potion, once again stood at the bronze gate of Gringotts.

When he was stopped by two wizards holding slender metal rods in front of the door for inspection, he even complained with some dissatisfaction and asked: “What are you doing?”

He was dissatisfied, not because the two wizards wanted to check him, but because…

Oh my god, do wizards have to work for goblins?

“Sorry, sir.” One of the wizards said while checking, “Because of the incident last year, we had to…”

“Of course I know what happened last year. I’m asking, what are you holding in your hands.” Voldemort interrupted him rudely.

“This is an honesty detector, very primitive, but very effective.” The wizard who checked raised the slender metal rod in his hand and said, “Please come in, sir, you have no problem.”


Voldemort grunted with dissatisfaction, walked through the bronze door and silver door, and stepped into the spacious marble hall.

Behind the long counter, goblins sat on high stools, receiving batches of customers.

Voldemort casually glanced at the hall and saw several Death Eaters who had already entered before him. They were all lining up behind different groups.

After a cryptic nod, Voldemort found a team to queue up, and soon it was his turn.

“What business do you want to handle, sir?” the goblin asked after throwing the gold coins in his hand into the box.

“I need a new vault,” said Voldemort.

“Okay, sir.”

The goblin said, calling a younger goblin not far away, and said, “He will take you to choose a vault, sir. The lower the vault, the safer it is. Of course, the price is also more expensive.”

Voldemort nodded, then followed the young monster through a door and entered a rough stone corridor.

The young goblin whistled, and a small cart slid along the railway track in front of them.

The two got on the cart, and the cart began to speed along the maze-like corridor. The wind made Voldemort’s hair dance wildly.

“Can I give myself a spell to quiet my hair?” Voldemort asked the goblin next to him.

“Okay.” The goblin nodded.

Voldemort took out his wand, and under the gaze of the goblin, he pointed it directly on the goblin’s head: “Soul out of body.”

The controlled goblin suppressed his surprised expression.

“Go to vault 437.” Voldemort ordered.

The trolley began to turn, and it roared all the way to vault No. 437. When it got off the car and stopped next to the vault, four trolleys were already parked here.

“Forerunner, who hasn’t arrived yet?”

Voldemort asked, jumping off the cart, and then cast a stun spell on the controlled goblin.

“The door opener and the arsonist, they went to get the jingle tablets.” Lucius, who also drank the compound potion, spoke. Forerunner was the code name in his mission.

Voldemort nodded, knowing that the person who opened the door was Old Nott, and the arsonist was Old Crabbe.

Everyone waited quietly for a long time, but no door opener or arsonist arrived. Voldemort gradually frowned.

“Maybe something went wrong, we…”

Lucius spoke, but before he could express what he meant clearly, there was a “crackling” sound from above, and then smoke spread.


Everyone looked up in confusion when they saw a small cart speeding out of the smoke. A tall figure stood behind the cart, holding up a wand.

A powerful fire in the shape of a giant python was sprayed from the front of the wand, and the tall figure let out a weird “Jie Jie” laugh.

“Doesn’t he know anything but this magic?” Voldemort asked dissatisfied.

“Well…if the gravedigger is dissatisfied with this, I will let him correct it.” Lucius said.

Gravedigger is the code name Voldemort gave himself.

“Fire fire can hurt that thing, so…” Voldemort glanced at him, “You understand.”

Lucius was slightly surprised, and then immediately stated that he would make old Crabbe get rid of this bad habit.

“Opener, what’s going on?”

Voldemort looked away from Lucius and looked at Old Nott who jumped out of the car and also drank the compound potion.

“When I was using the tin as a piece, the goblin noticed something unusual.” Old Nott said, raising the foot-long old metal tool in his hand and said, “But the arsonist and I snatched it away.”

“Well done.” Voldemort praised, and then waved for everyone to get in the car, “Let’s go to the Lestrange Family Vault 572.”

The eight people got on two carts, controlled two more goblins, and began to move deeper.

As the cart started to move, Voldemort and others took out smoke bombs from their waists and threw them in all directions. After a while, the corridor was filled with smoke.


As the cart sped along, Voldemort pulled out his wand and shouted to everyone: “Be careful of the Thief Falls and hold up the Iron Armor Curse.”

As he spoke, he took the lead in casting an iron armor spell above, and others followed suit, so that the tops of the two cars were completely protected.

Soon after, the cart made a sharp turn and encountered a waterfall. However, due to the existence of the Iron Armor Curse, almost no water dropped on everyone.

One or two drops of anti-thief water will not eliminate the compound medicine on the body. At most, it will cause some local changes, which will not reveal their identity.

“Open the door, ring the jingle.” Voldemort shouted again.

Old Nott, who was sitting behind Voldemort, immediately began to shake the metal instrument in his hand, making a clanking sound like a hammer falling on an anvil.

After a few corners, a giant dragon with pale and loose scales appeared in front of everyone. Its eyes were turbid pink, and its two hind legs were wearing heavy shackles. The thick chains on them were connected to the stone deeply. A huge pile of ground.

Accompanying the arrival of the trolley is the sound of jingle films.

The giant dragon was obviously frightened by the sound of the jingle. It tightened its giant wings with spikes, held its ugly head and retreated deeply.

“Let him put his hand on it.”

The car rushed to a stop in front of a row of vaults behind the dragon. Voldemort asked his men to lead the goblins to open the vault doors. He himself held the wand vigilantly and watched the corridor where they rushed towards.

The goblin pressed his hand on the wood in front of the vault, and the door disappeared, revealing a hole.

The cave was filled from floor to ceiling with gold coins and gold goblets, silver armor, specimens with spines or hanging wings, and the furs of various exotic animals.

“Forerunner, find that thing and be careful about the Fire Curse and Copying Curse inside.” Voldemort reminded in a low voice.

“I know, Gravedigger.” Lucius responded, and then walked in carefully.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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