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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 160 If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight!

Jerry: It’s time, Ginny!

When this passage appeared, Ginny had no idea what it meant.

But when Voldemort said that she could enter the world in the diary, the little girl was immediately excited.

She couldn’t wait to ask Voldemort how to enter it, and Voldemort’s answer was simple:

Jerry: Lie on your bed, put your diary next to your pillow, and don’t resist the tug.

Then, Ginny happily did so.

“Hope everything goes well.” Voldemort murmured by the lake.

Pulling the soul into the diary is not an easy task.

Unlike Voldemort’s soul entering the diary, this is his own Horcrux after all. Ginny’s entry will be more troublesome.

But thanks to the [Secret of Time], after a year of experience there, Voldemort gained a lot of experience in this method of operation.

He didn’t need to completely pull Ginny’s soul in. He just needed to build a space similar to a pensieve, which was easy to do.

When Ginny was ready, he reached for the Hogwarts sky.

In the clear sky, a strange rotating vortex instantly appeared, and as Voldemort continued to increase his strength, the vortex began to rotate slowly.

A strange suction force appeared on the diary, and Ginny’s slightly opened eyes slowly became distracted, and then she closed her eyes completely.

The next moment, her figure fell from the sky in the Hogwarts world in the diary.


She yelled and fell all the way down, until halfway, someone suddenly appeared next to her and pulled him violently.

“Ride on the broomstick, Ginny, isn’t this what you want?” Voldemort came to her on the broomstick and said with a smile.

Ginny stabilized her body, ignored the conversation with the people next to her, grabbed the empty broomstick, and quickly sat on it.

“Are you Jerry?” When she finally regained her composure, she looked at Voldemort in surprise and asked.

So handsome!

That was the only thought in Ginny’s mind.

“Yes, Ginny, come with me and let me see how good you are at flying.”

Voldemort said, taking the lead in starting his broomstick and rushing towards the Quidditch pitch in the distance.

Ginny followed closely behind, but her eyes couldn’t help but look at the world curiously – it was exactly the same as the Hogwarts she knew, and it was all amazing.

“Ginny.” Voldemort shouted from the front, “turn sharply, use your center of gravity, don’t just move the broom, like this.”

As Voldemort spoke, his entire body suddenly tilted to the right. It seemed that his entire body was parallel to the ground, and only one of his hands was holding the broom.

“Is this okay?” Ginny said in surprise, and then tried to fly like Voldemort.

But she obviously did not have such experience. She tried to tilt several times, but was stopped by the fear in her heart. Finally, she passed Voldemort diagonally and flew far away.

“Maybe you can try and practice on the ground first, Ginny.” Voldemort flew to his side and guided her to land on the lakeside.

“It’s so beautiful here, Jerry, is Hogwarts really like this?” Ginny couldn’t help but ask, looking at Hogwarts under the sunset.

“Hogwarts can’t be this beautiful every day, Ginny, it’s the sunset that makes everything more beautiful.” Voldemort said, “But this place is exactly like Hogwarts.”

“Is it the same in the castle?” she asked excitedly, even forgetting to learn flying skills.

“Of course, if you want, we can go inside for a walk.” Voldemort said.

Of course Ginny was willing, she nodded excitedly, her fiery red hair flying up and down.

“Come on, let me show you around Hogwarts.”

Voldemort said, snapping his fingers, and the two broomsticks disappeared immediately.

“That’s amazing, Jerry, how did you do it?” Ginny followed his footsteps, raising her head, her bright brown eyes filled with admiration.

“This is not the real world, Pensieve, you know?” Voldemort asked.

Ginny nodded immediately. As a pure-blooded person, of course she knew about this magical item.

“You can understand this place as a world like the Pensieve. It is just fictitious, not real, so…” Voldemort said with a smile, “This is not difficult.”

“Can I do that?” Ginny asked again.

“No, Ginny, I can only make slight changes. It was fixed like this by his creator.” Voldemort lied.


Ginny pouted, a little unhappy, but she was quickly attracted by everything in the castle.

“You know how we’re going to sort them, Jerry, right?”

“Yes, but I can’t say, because the sorting ceremony is very important. It is used to establish relationships with the little wizards and let the castle protect you.”

“That’s it…” Ginny said in surprise, “I’ve never heard such a statement before.”

Voldemort smiled at her, took her to the Great Hall and sat on the Gryffindor seat.

“If you don’t plan to build a castle,” Voldemort winked at her, “then there is no need for you to know all this.”

Ginny’s brown eyes showed a different color, and the little guy blushed and lowered his head.

Voldemort smiled and snapped his fingers, and several plates immediately appeared in front of the two of them.

“The meatloaf at Hogwarts is the best, Ginny, try it.” Voldemort said, moving a plate in front of Ginny.

Ginny nodded and began to taste it.

“It really tastes good.” She said in surprise, “It looks so real here.”

“Magic is amazing, Ginny. I don’t know why you are so interested in Quidditch, but I think it would be better to put this interest in magic.”

Although Voldemort said this, he had already known why Ginny was not that interested in magic through his communication with her.

In fact, most wizard children don’t show much interest in magic.

Just like most Muggle children, they don’t show much interest in science.

When people live in an environment and get used to everything here, no matter how magical things are, they will become ordinary.

But Voldemort is different from them. Whether Lin Zuo or Remnant Soul, they did not live in the wizarding world during their childhood, so their pursuit of magic is much stronger than that of ordinary wizards.

“I think I’m more interested in magic. Jerry, show me the rest of the castle, okay?”

After eating a piece of pie, some dessert, and a bowl of pumpkin porridge, Ginny said excitedly again.

She was full of expectations for her trip to Hogwarts.

“Of course, the beautiful Miss Ginny Weasley.”

Voldemort stood up and said, snapping his fingers and conjuring two cups of hot chocolate.

The two of them each held a cup of hot chocolate and started touring Hogwarts.

The empty castle is not as vibrant as when there are students, but the silence adds a touch of mystery and solemnity.

When Voldemort told her about the uses of different rooms in the castle, he would also explain the sculptures in the corridors from time to time, passing on the “sculpture” skills that Dumbledore taught him to her during the conversation.

From Voldemort’s point of view, teaching every younger generation is an unshirkable responsibility in his great cause.

Love magic, love wizards, and love this world. Only in this way can you truly own this world.

If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight!

Voldemort has long been ready to take over the world.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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