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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 163 Hogwarts: Danger! Danger!

Colin Creevey, Gryffindor House, Harry Potter’s number one fan.

He had just entered school and had already become a celebrity in the school because of his crazy admiration for Harry Potter.

As famous as he is, he is easily recognized because he will always have a camera hanging on his chest.


He was taking pictures of the castle statues and was about to send these beautiful pictures home when he suddenly heard someone calling him.

He was not surprised by this. Many classmates who were also Muggles would often stop him and ask him to help take a photo of the school and mail it home.

“Hold on.”

He said, and after finishing taking pictures of the statue in front of him, he turned back with the camera – as a senior photography enthusiast, he likes to see the world through the lens.

However, when he turned around, he saw a figure shrouded in black mist, which startled him.

“Who are you?”

The panicked Colin stood frozen on the spot and slowly put down the camera, trying to see the figure in the black fog more clearly.

However, the rolling black mist prevented him from peeking into the secrets inside. Instead, a huge head slowly pulled up from behind the black mist.

A pair of breathtaking yellow eyes appeared above the black mist, staring at Colin…

When curfew came, Filch came out of his office holding an oil lamp.

This year some students transferred schools, but the naughty ones stayed, which made him very angry.

“If those naughty ones were transferred to another hospital, or if the school allowed me to use more punishment…”

He murmured angrily, locked the door of his office, and turned towards the basement.

Every time, he started checking from the bottom floor, because there were always some students who couldn’t help but go to the kitchen to steal some food.

He hates these kids who don’t eat on time or are idiots who never have enough to eat.

Filch, who checked around the underground corridor and didn’t meet any “idiot”, felt a little unhappy.

He always hopes to gain something every time.

When I arrived on the first floor, I was holding an oil lamp and preparing to check, when I suddenly heard Mrs. Loris’s cry.

“Is there anyone on the second floor?”

He asked excitedly, then gave up checking the first floor and walked upstairs faster.


On the way to the stairs, Filch tripped over something and fell to the ground.

The oil lamp rolled twice but was not broken.

Filch turned his head in confusion and saw a student lying there on his side.

“You are hiding on the ground and pretending to be dead. Do you think I can’t see you?”

Filch roared and rushed over, grabbing the student’s wizard robe, preventing the child from running away unprepared.

“Tell me, which college are you from and what’s your name?”

He asked loudly, but the student didn’t respond at all.

“You know you are scared now. What have you been doing? Don’t think that if you don’t speak, I won’t know…”

He babbled criticism, pulled the child’s wizard robe, and dragged him to the fallen oil lamp.

He picked up the oil lamp and shined it on the silent child – a face without a trace of blood appeared in front of Filch.

He stretched out his hand in fear and probed the child’s breath. Then his hand began to tremble violently, but he still suppressed the fear in his heart and felt the pulse on the child’s neck…

“Principal Dumbledore, Principal Dumbledore…”

Filch loosened his grip on the child’s wizard’s robe in horror, and ran up the stairs like crazy, holding the oil lamp that was shaking and making a “crackling” noise.

But he was too panicked, missed the corner, and rolled down the stairs uncontrollably.


The oil lamp that fell to the ground for the second time finally reached the end of its life, broke into pieces, and the oil spilled on the ground.

The sparks ignited the lamp oil and set the hall ablaze, but Filch ignored it.

He limped upstairs and kept shouting: “Principal Dumbledore, something big has happened, something big has happened…”

Perhaps it was excessive panic that caused him to fall again in the same place, but fortunately he reached out and grabbed the handrail and did not fall down due to his previous experience.

“The flames disappeared.”

With a cold voice, the fire in the hall was quickly put out.

“Filch, what’s going on here?”

Snape’s figure appeared. He first asked Filch, but before Filch could explain everything, he had already lowered his body and came to the child’s side.

The left hand that was not holding the wand calmly tested the child’s breath, and then quickly landed on the child’s neck.

“All professors, take your wands and patrol the corridors of the castle. Pay attention to dangers that may exist at any time. Principal Dumbledore, please come to the hall on the first floor.”

Snape pointed his wand at his throat and said – his voice was very hoarse. If you look closely, you can still see the wound on his neck, which has not disappeared.

“Professor Snape, is he really…really dead?” Filch asked as he collapsed on the stairs in horror.

“Dead.” Snape said calmly, then glanced at the child’s face, and then glanced at the camera on his chest, “That’s Colin Creevey, the first-year Gryffindor.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Mag’s voice sounded: “What’s wrong with Colin?”

As she spoke, she hurriedly walked downstairs. When she saw Colin lying on the ground, her eyes widened in horror and she quickly jumped on him.

“Already dead, Professor McGonagall, take out your wand, the danger has not been eliminated.” Snape said in a cold and hoarse voice.

“How can it be?”

Professor McGonagall said sharply, took out her wand and started to use the healing spell, but it had no effect, “Who did this? How could this happen…”

She looked a little panicked, wiped her eyes twice, and then raised her head to look at Snape.

“I don’t know, McGonagall, it may be that person, or it may not be, but before that.” Snape tightened the wand in his hand, “Let Dumbledore come here.”

“He’s not at school.”

Mag stood up, but then squatted down and gently touched the corpse’s forehead as if he was still alive. “He went to the Black Forest and wanted to know more about that person’s past. He wanted to…”

“It doesn’t matter what he thinks, McGonagall, let him know from the castle.”

Snape raised his voice, causing pain in his neck and making his face contort.

“Yes, he needs to come back, he needs to come back.”

Mag murmured, but still stroked Colin’s forehead and tried to straighten his messy hair.

Two tears fell on Colin’s stiff face, and then slid down his face onto the marble floor.

“McGonagall!” Snape shouted sharply.

“I know I know.”

McGonagall said in a trembling voice, then waved her wand and cast a spell of magic into the castle.

“Danger! Danger! Danger!”

The stone statue at the door of the principal’s office on the eighth floor of the castle suddenly started shouting.

Then the entire Hogwarts Castle was shaken by magic.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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