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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 164 Dumbledore’s Wrath

Black forest, valley.

The Elder Wand rhythmically sketched in the air, drawing a pale white barrier.

The barrier was as thin as a feather, and as Dumbledore raised his arm, it was pushed far away, across a large area.

Dumbledore calmly watched the retreating barrier. When a wisp of black appeared at the barrier, he immediately rushed over.


The Elder Wand picked away the dead leaves, revealing the bones of a mouse inside.

“Snakes, bats, mice… Tom, do you rely on them to survive?”

Dumbledore murmured softly, and was about to lean down to take a closer look at the rat’s corpse, when he suddenly stopped and listened.

Surprise bloomed in his calm blue eyes.


Turning around, Dumbledore’s tall figure disappeared into the valley of the Black Forest.


Voldemort’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Yes, everyone said that.” Ginny said in a low mood, “It’s Colin from the first grade. He even took a picture of me.”

Voldemort nodded, the surprise in his eyes gradually disappearing.

He didn’t feel sad for the dead, but in Lin Zuo’s memory, no one died because of the basilisk.

It seems that the known future is becoming increasingly uncontrollable.

“I don’t remember anything like this happening at Hogwarts.”

Voldemort said, rubbing Ginny’s head comfortingly, “The entrance ceremony will protect you, but now it seems that someone inside Hogwarts was involved in this killing.”

“Who could it be?” Ginny asked, raising her head.

“I don’t know, Ginny, I only live in the world of this book.” Voldemort retracted his hand and said, “Go back and rest. It’s too late. Don’t think too much.”

Ginny nodded obediently, stood up and left the world of the diary.

London suburbs, villa.

“We are deeply sorry for what happened to Colin Creevey.”

Dumbledore’s eyes were full of sadness. His tall figure was holding the small body and standing in front of the Creeves with his head lowered.

“No, that’s not true…”

Creevey’s mother threw herself at her child’s body in pain. Even though they had been notified earlier, they still couldn’t accept what happened.

“Who killed my brother?”

A little boy who looked to be only seven or eight years old ran out, holding a small sword in his hand. His face was full of snot and tears, but his eyes were filled with anger.

“Dennis, don’t do this.”

Mr. Creevey endured the heartache, grabbed his youngest son, and put away the dagger – he was afraid that the dagger would accidentally hurt the young child, and he could not accept such pain again.

“I’m sorry that this happened at Hogwarts.” Dumbledore said and then closed his mouth.

Having lost Yaomei, he could understand the pain of these people in front of him, so he knew for sure that he could not give effective comfort.

And shutting up is already the best choice.

“Hogwarts can compensate for this.” Professor McGonagall took a step forward and said, “If necessary, we can also help you delete all memories about Colin…”


Mrs. Creevey roared and stopped Dumbledore. She opened her mouth to say more, but the saliva choked her throat. She could only cough non-stop, and even couldn’t breathe several times.

Dumbledore looked at this scene in pain, he hesitated to speak several times, and finally just stood aside in silence.

Mr. Creevey was relatively calm. Although his eyes were red and he reached out to wipe away tears from time to time, he could still handle everything calmly.

“We do not need any compensation. Mr. Dumbledore, please leave and allow those of us who are still alive to grieve for Colin in the place where he lived.”

Faced with Mr. Creevey’s request, Dumbledore could only accept it, and he and McGonagall exited the room.


The door was closed forcefully, but the tearing cry still squeezed out from the gap, hitting Dumbledore like a whip.

“Albus, you don’t have to be too harsh on yourself.” McGonagall said, stroking Dumbledore’s stooped back.

“I’m fine, McGonagall, can you handle it at school?” Dumbledore asked, “I want to deal with some things, and I may not be able to go back until night.”

“Where are you going?” Mag asked in surprise.

In her opinion, protecting the school and finding the perpetrator are the most important things.

“I want to go to the Malfoy house, McGonagall. Maybe I should have gone a long time ago.” Dumbledore said.

Malfoy Manor, in front of the gate.


A tall figure appeared out of thin air and walked directly into Malfoy Manor.

“Someone broke in, someone broke in…”

A mouth appeared on the gate, and the roar instantly spread throughout the manor.

Lucius hurriedly ran out of the castle, Narcissa following closely behind.

“Dumbledore, what are you doing…”


Before Lucius could finish his words, a spell had already been cast on the fountain in the center of the manor.

The sculpture of a child standing on the fountain peeing jumped down from the top and stopped in front of Lucius.

“Where’s Tom?” Dumbledore waved his wand again, and more stone statues came down from the fountain. “Or you are used to calling him master, but no matter how you call him, do you know who I am talking about?”

“No one dares to break into Malfoy Manor like this, Dumbledore.” Lucius gritted his teeth and took out his wand, looking bravely at Dumbledore.

The same was true for Narcissa who was following her. Even if they knew they were outmatched, they would not allow their family to be insulted like this.


Dumbledore raised his hand and cast another curse, heading straight for Lucius.

Lucius’s eyes widened in surprise. He really didn’t expect Dumbledore to take action – this was neither in line with Dumbledore’s character nor his behavior.


Lucius blocked the magic, but his right hand trembled.


Narcissa took action, and the curse went straight to Dumbledore.


The child sculpture jumped over in the air, blocked the curse with its body, and then rushed towards Narcissa.

“Torn apart.”


The sculpture had one of its arms broken, but it still rushed to Narcissa and threw her down.

“Ten thousand bullets fired.”

Lucius wanted to rescue his wife, but as soon as the spell was formed, it was blocked by another sculpture, and before he could use the spell again…


A ray of red light hit him hard, and the wand flew out of his hand.


“Where is your master?”

Dumbledore turned around and disappeared, then reappeared, already standing condescendingly in front of Lucius, with the Elder Wand pointed at his nose.

On the other side, Narcissa was also choked by the sculpture and could not resist.

“Dumbledore, do you want to go to war with the Malfoy family?”

A roar came from the castle, causing several people to look upward.

In front of the open window, Abraxas Malfoy stood there in pajamas.

He waved the wand in his hand, and the four towers of the castle shone with magical light following his movements.

Malfoy Manor, although not as powerful as Hogwarts, is enough to support the dignity of the Malfoy family.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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