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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 166 Draco’s Counterattack

Durmstrang’s dignity was ruined, or so Karkaroff thought.

Before, he was only afraid of Dumbledore’s lofty reputation, but as for his strength…

An old man who is more than a hundred years old has no strength to talk about.

Then, the entire Durmstrang College was almost overturned…

It’s just too much.

If you have this ability, Dumbledore, you should have told me earlier.

I am the kind of person who would give in when I see Voldemort, and would even give in when being tried by the Ministry of Magic.

If you had done this, I would have stopped resisting.

Karkaroff, who did not resist, brought Draco to Dumbledore.

“Communicate well and pay attention to your methods, Mr. Dumbledore.”

Karkaroff finished speaking with a smile, and without waiting for Dumbledore’s reply, he took the initiative to exit, not forgetting to close the door.

There was no trace of arrogance on Dumbledore’s face. He always maintained a calm gaze until Karkaroff left.

“Draco, I have some questions for you.” Dumbledore looked at Draco.

Draco frowned and didn’t pay attention to his question, but said doubtfully: “Headmaster, you are here to see me…”

Dumbledore nodded, and then he saw Draco startled, his eyes becoming hollow.

The little guy was really frightened. He suddenly remembered what the professor said last year:

Although Albus won’t hurt you, he can see your memories.

He was frightened at the time. Later, his parents asked him to transfer to another school, and he immediately agreed.

Who knows how long it’s been since school started—a month? no! ——Dumbledore chased him here?

Dumbledore didn’t care about his Occlumency, he just said: “Colin is dead.”

Draco tried to keep his mind quiet, not thinking about who Colin was, and not looking at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore looked at him quietly, his blue eyes filled with visible grief.

“He is a new student entering Hogwarts this year, a Muggle wizard. I think this is why your professor chose him.” Dumbledore added.

Calm down, Draco, calm down…Draco told himself this, but he felt that he couldn’t control it at all.

A trace of surprise flashed through the depths of his empty, cold gray eyes.

“Look at me, Draco, I know your heart is not broken yet and you can still be saved.”

Dumbledore’s voice seemed to have magic power on Draco, making him slowly raise his head.

Finally, azure blue eyes and cold gray eyes looked at each other, each pair of eyes glowing with magical light.

The former needs to be explored, the latter needs to be shielded.

“What have you seen?” Dumbledore said softly, “In a summer vacation, more or less, you will see a little bit, right?”

Fear filled his cold gray eyes.

He suddenly remembered that one day, he was standing in front of the professor’s door and overheard the conversation between his father and the professor.

Damn, I should have said it then… He regretted it because he lied about hearing nothing.

“Think about it, Decorah, this will save more lives, you can do it.”

Dumbledore’s voice still echoed in his ears, and the emptiness in Decorah’s eyes was fading away.

In a daze, Decorah saw stairs shaking in front of his eyes.

Yes, he was very happy that day and skipped towards the second floor of the small building.

“You stopped, Draco, and what did you see?” Dumbledore asked softly.

“A door, I didn’t see anything, I just heard something.” Draco said confused.

“Think about what you heard, Draco, you can remember it,” Dumbledore encouraged.

Draco’s confused eyes were filled with images of past memories.

In Dumbledore’s sight, he seemed to be immersed in the scene:

“Lucius, I must find a safe enough place to hide them.”

“But it’s safe enough here, sir. No one would think of this place.”

“No, there’s still a lot left. You know how important that is to me…”


Draco suddenly covered his head and shouted, preventing Dumbledore from peeking into his memory.

Dumbledore frowned, hesitated for a moment, waved his wand and pointed at Draco:

“Lucius, that is enough to affect my life or death.”

“I know, sir, but no one would think of it. Everyone has forgotten…”

“Wait a minute…”

There were footsteps in the memory, followed by the sound of the door opening, and Quirrell’s stooped body appeared in Dumbledore’s line of sight through the memory defenses.

After watching everything quietly, Dumbledore waved and put away his wand.


Malfoy sat down on the ground, breathing heavily.

His expression was twisted and full of pain, but deep in his eyes, there was a look of thinking.

Dumbledore stepped forward and took out a piece of chocolate from his robe: “Eat it and you will feel much better.”

Draco didn’t refuse, but he didn’t look up at Dumbledore either.

“I have to do this, Draco.”

Dumbledore tried to touch Draco’s head, but the latter turned away and said, “I apologize to you, Draco, but please allow me to tell the truth. They intentionally let me see all this.”


Draco pushed aside the chocolate indifferently, then threw it into his mouth, and said sarcastically in a low voice: “Will there be veritaserum here? Principal Dumbledore, veritaserum-flavored chocolate?”

“No, kid.” Dumbledore pulled Decorah to stand up and let him sit on a chair. “You got involved in this too early, Draco. This is not a good thing for you.”

“Is it wrong to participate in my father’s business?” Draco’s voice became less cold, and he seemed to have regained his composure, “But you are right, the Dark Lord should have told me all this on purpose. Listen.”

Dumbledore stared at Draco and said, “When did you…”

“I just thought of it. The Dark Lord told me about the deception of power.”

Draco took the initiative to look at Dumbledore for the first time, his cold gray eyes full of pride, “Limited disclosure of information is more conducive to confusing the enemy. Principal Dumbledore, have you been confused by the Dark Lord?”


Dumbledore was silent, he lowered his head and picked up the Elder Wand in his hand.

“You must care about something that determines the life and death of the Dark Lord. This is something that is enough to attract you.”

Draco bit his lip and thought for a moment, then showed an evil smile, “You can even guess where he put those things, right?”

Dumbledore remained silent, but he still raised his head and looked at Draco with a complicated expression.

“Twelve years and four months, Headmaster Dumbledore, I am not yet thirteen.”

Draco seemed to have completely calmed down. He looked at Dumbledore with piercing eyes and asked very aggressively, “Is it the honor of a white wizard to use a curse on a child who is less than thirteen years old?”

“Colin Creevey, he’s only eleven years old, and last night…”

“Did you find the answer in me?”

Draco interrupted him rudely, stood up, and straightened out the wizard’s robe that had become a little wrinkled because it was lying on the ground – he seemed to have grown up a lot in an instant after experiencing all this.

“I can’t resist you, Principal Dumbledore, but I want to thank you. You let me know how annoying I was in the past. I used pure blood to oppress and despise those people, just like you did, Thank you for the lesson you taught me.”

Dumbledore lowered his head, looking ashamed.

“If there is nothing else, Principal Dumbledore, please allow me to leave first.” Draco said.

Dumbledore played with the wand in his hand and said nothing.


Draco snorted angrily, turned and left, leaving the old headmaster alone, nestled in his chair, fiddling with the Elder Wand that made Voldemort envious.

The old man’s eyes were filled with self-blame.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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