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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 168 Tom Riddle: The Bad World


When Voldemort woke up, he heard muffled cries.

“here we go again?”

Voldemort thought to himself.

Entering this strange world again, Voldemort, who had forgotten who he was and couldn’t control his body, awakened the memories of more than a year ago.

“Now it seems that this child who just learned to walk received the most severe beating ever because of a milk bottle.”

Voldemort still remembered that this child did not dare to cry before.

Because of his crying, the staff would punish him—grabbing him, throwing him from a high altitude, or pinching his hidden places with fingernails.

In this way, even if someone came to inspect their orphanage, no one would find any wounds on his body.

As expected, the low crying sound attracted the staff soon after.

Then, there was the torture without any pain, and the body’s even more miserable cries.

Although he lost his memory, Voldemort knew that he was not a good person.

But even so, facing such torture, he still felt that these people in front of him were a little too much.

If you really hate it, just kill it. Why torture it?

He doesn’t understand, but the torture won’t stop just because he doesn’t understand.

When the soul controlling the body finally realized that crying had no effect – or was unable to control the body’s crying – he finally fell silent and fell into a deep sleep soon after.

Voldemort reluctantly fell asleep together. He felt that he shouldn’t have too many expectations for the future, especially for the soul in this body that controlled the body – he was too weak.

Voldemort’s judgment was correct. It took the soul three years to prove its weakness.

From being able to walk, to being able to communicate, to being able to help others everywhere, and bullying younger children with the older children.

He lives a wronged and ordinary life, but fortunately, he is not useless.

Although he no longer dares to speak in that “hissing” voice, he can communicate with others through telepathy.

I have to say, he is a good dog.

When those older children have thoughts of bullying or torturing others, he will be the first to rush out and give the weaker children a critical blow.

When the older children had the idea of ​​snatching food, he would be the first to rush forward and unscrupulously plunder the food that others had, and then give it to the older children.

If those adults who don’t take care of things are suddenly kind-hearted – there are always a few kind people among the floating staff, but usually they don’t stay here for long – he will stand up and take the blame.

But he will not be hungry, because every time he snatches food, he will secretly pinch a piece of bread, put it into his arms while the fight is on, and then eat it secretly.

Although this would not make him stronger than others, at least it would save him a few hungry nights.

“It’s not like he’s completely brainless.” Voldemort sometimes thought.

Being at the bottom of the food chain and living such a humble life was already very smart in Voldemort’s eyes.

But still weak, right?

Living a weak and humble life is what Voldemort saw. Everything about this child, as for the evil deeds…

Evil deeds?

Don’t make trouble, let’s talk about good and evil after you have a full stomach. This small orphanage is obviously an isolated world.

A few years later, the little boy reached the age of seven, but he was still thin.

The children in the orphanage kept coming and going, and the only thing that remained unchanged was the oppression of the younger children by the older children.

And one day in the year, a strange change happened to this child again:

While participating in a stone-throwing game, the child’s strong desire to win allowed him to control the movement of the stones.

It was so sudden and the change was so small that others didn’t even notice it.

But another soul found out.

He started carrying everyone on his back, trying to control the rocks, it was hard, but he did it.

Voldemort was very curious about his ability, but it was a pity that he could not control his body and could only realize it with another soul.

From the very beginning, controlling pebbles the size of rice grains, to finally, controlling pebbles the size of a fingertip, it took another soul a full year.

Voldemort could naturally see the efforts of another soul, but he saw more clearly the uselessness of this ability.

Even if those stones are controlled, they will only be soft.

It is simply delusional to use this ability as a means to resist those older children.

So, life goes on.

This kid named Tom Riddle continued to work as a thug for several older kids.

But as the older children grew older, differences began to arise between them.

Who has more initiative, and who can still control more children for profit after leaving the orphanage, has become an irreconcilable conflict between them.

An internal war breaks out, and the skinny Riddle has to get involved.

In the beginning, he was able to use his ability to peer into people’s hearts to make ends meet.

But people’s hearts are never static. In this struggle, the power holders are divided and combined, and his role in it is nothing more than a duckweed drifting with the tide.

It was okay at first, but gradually, people began to notice his arbitrariness and began to attack him.

Riddle, who wanted to buy everything in order to protect himself, was found to be a typical example.

No one supported him anymore, food began to be plundered wantonly, and if he dared to resist, both sides would beat him up.

And because he is a thug, other orphans will not sympathize with him.

This once again plunged his life into endless suffering.

For countless hungry and painful nights, Riddle lowered his voice and cursed his parents.

His father abandoned their mother and son, and his mother insisted on giving birth to him.

However, in the end, he was the only one who survived and faced this cruel world.


He doesn’t understand, he doesn’t know.

He just thought that if one day – maybe not – he could get out of this prison, he could control the power, he would kill those people, those who brought pain to him.

Among them, his father was included.

Evil thoughts grow endlessly in every lonely night, nurtured by stomach acid and nourished by pain.

Voldemort’s thoughts also fell silent.

He saw the birth of this child, and saw him being beaten for a bottle of milk just after he could walk.

I also saw his dog-like humiliation, and saw him plundering other people’s food so that he could grow up.

Then, all the efforts seemed to be in vain.

He sank into the endless darkness, exuding the purest evil under the painful days and nights.

This child named Tom Riddle, he hated the world from the moment the world abandoned him.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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