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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 176 The collapsing trio

Percy fell into confusion, and his decadence caught people off guard.

Draco took the opportunity to regroup and took control of the entire picket team in one fell swoop.

Slytherin has never enjoyed such solid power among the four houses of Hogwarts.

I have to say that Draco made a great comeback.

With the courage to disregard life and death, he returned with the general trend and took the lead in gathering the power of the Snake House, and then started negotiations with the Four Houses to further consolidate his power.

If it weren’t for Percy Weasley’s decadence, everything Draco would do would be to make Percy’s wedding dress.

But obviously, Draco had already planned it.

He was sure that the fact that Professor Quirrell was the Dark Lord would have a huge impact on Percy.

It was through Percy’s decadence that he was able to use the cohesion of the Snake House to leverage the other three leaderless houses in one fell swoop, and then reach the pinnacle of power among Hogwarts students as a mere second-year student.

And besides Percy, the only one who can compete with him is the savior.

Someone from both the Lion Court and the Badger Court came forward to persuade Mr. Porter to participate in this power struggle.

But obviously, his mind is not here either.

“Harry, what happened to you?”

In the Gryffindor common room, the trio gathered around the fireplace, and Ron voiced his dissatisfaction.

“Don’t be like this, Ron, let him be quiet.” Hermione said to Ron in disgust, “Harry must have encountered something, let him figure it out on his own, don’t force him.”

“Don’t force him?” Ron seemed to have heard a big joke. He growled at Hermione, “Look what Gryffindor has become. Those damn Slytherins have come. Our lounge…”

“Shut up, Ron.” Hermione yelled angrily, “They want to prove their innocence at the cost of humiliation. You can’t ask them to do more.”

“How dare you speak for them?” Ron asked in disbelief.

“I’m not speaking for anyone.” Hermione looked even angrier than him, “I’m just talking about the matter, Ron. Draco did a good job, let him do it.”


The expression on Ron’s face was even more disgusting than when he ate booger-flavored Pidgeot Beans, “You actually called him Draco, damn, have you become a Slytherin?”

“Gryffindor and Slytherin are just two houses of Hogwarts, not enemies. Don’t look at all this with your narrow eyes.” Hermione said dissatisfiedly, showing that she didn’t want to argue with him anymore. expression.

“You are a traitor to Gryffindor, Hermione. You don’t deserve…”

Ron was still chattering, but before he could say any more ugly words, Harry spoke.

“Ron, don’t say that about Hermione, she’s not wrong.”

Harry’s words were the strongest backstab in Ron’s opinion.

His eyes widened and he looked at Harry with disbelief, as if he was seeing a stranger.

“What’s wrong with you? Did Malfoy give you a love potion?” He roared and stood up, attracting the attention of everyone in the lounge.

Draco, who was talking to the Gryffindor students in the distance, looked towards them suspiciously, but he didn’t do anything more.

“My brother, what’s wrong with you?”

One of the twins ran over and asked, trying to pull him to sit down. At this time, Ron made the entire lounge feel embarrassed, because there were many Snake Academy students here.

“Don’t pull me.” Ron was completely over the top. He shook off his brother’s hand, glanced at everyone in the lounge, and roared, “You have all been deceived by Slytherin, and you will regret it.”

Everyone blinked in confusion and looked at Malfoy in unison.

Malfoy shrugged and put on an innocent look – I have to say that when the handsome Malfoy put aside his pride and put on an innocent look, he still looked very cute.

The way he looks, no one would think he could be evil.

Many times, appearance is justice.

“Ron, you should not destroy the unity of Hogwarts.” Hermione stood up and yelled at Ron who left angrily.

“Are you going to become a Slytherin? Hermione.” Ron turned around and said angrily, “Can’t you see that the power of the entire picket team is controlled by Malfoy?”

These words successfully focused everyone’s attention on Malfoy again.

He shrugged aggrievedly and stood up as if out of necessity.

“Ron, I think you must have misunderstood something.”

“Senior Evana and Hermione are doing the work of scheduling and time adjustment for the pickets. Only their brain power can handle those tedious and complicated tasks.”

“To be honest, I’m just a facade.”

After Draco finished speaking, he put on a “merely useless” expression.

“Yes, Ron.” Hermione stood up and testified, “Senior Evana and I are responsible for all the deployment of the pickets. You have misunderstood Draco.”

“Go to hell.” Ron collapsed completely, shouted, and walked towards his dormitory without looking back.

Draco looked at the twins and gave them an “aggrieved” look.

“Okay, Draco, ignore him, he’s just jealous of you.”

said one of the twins, before running up to him and saying, “Tell us about that interesting idea, Draco, I can’t wait to make something destructive.”

Draco nodded, sat back again, and began to talk about the things he had seen from Muggles used to do pranks.

“Harry, are you okay?” Hermione ignored Ron’s angry departure, and her impression of this man became even worse.

“I learned something about my parents, about their death…” Harry whispered to Hermione, “I don’t know whether to believe it all, Hermione, I have nowhere to turn to for confirmation.”

“Can you tell me something?” Hermione asked, sitting next to him.

Harry thought for a moment and shook his head in refusal.

“Then go and find out, Harry. Since you know some clues, you will always find the key. I will always support you.” Hermione said to him.

Harry raised his eyebrows. He remembered a name in Dobby’s words, but then he said in a discouraged tone: “The person who knows the secret often makes things difficult for me. Hermione, I think it will be difficult for me to get out of his mouth…”

“Is it Snape?” Hermione asked.

Harry looked at Hermione in surprise, but he didn’t say anything.

“He’s the only one who often makes things difficult for you, Harry. It’s not hard to guess.” There was no pride on Hermione’s face. She was used to her intelligence. “You have to try, Harry. You need me.” Can you help?”

“No, I think you are right, Hermione, I will find time to ask him if I have the chance.” Harry said thoughtfully.

“Go see Ron and persuade him to be less unreasonable.” Hermione patted Harry on the shoulder and said.

Harry nodded, sighed, cheered up, and walked to his dormitory, nodding to Malfoy on the way.

Malfoy had previously invited him to join the pickets, but Harry declined.

His mind really wasn’t on that.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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