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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 185 Marrying into the Malfoy family

A cautious benchmark, like a silk scarf rippling in the wind, rises and falls, without certainty.

If you pay too much attention, you will be labeled as being cautious and even miss opportunities.

If you don’t pay enough attention, you will step into the whirlpool of frivolity and arrogance, walk into the narrow door of fate, and get trapped in it.

The night he met Snape, Voldemort briefly fell into such a dilemma.

Dumbledore did not return at that time, so he had time to explore the Chamber of Secrets and further integrate his soul.

But Snape might betray him, notify Dumbledore, or even take the initiative to track him down.

Faced with this situation, Voldemort made a decision after a brief thought.

“Voldemort, you are far from recovered to the point where you can be arrogant.”

Suppressing the desire in his heart, he said to himself.

When people are in a trough, they tend to overestimate others and underestimate themselves.

Voldemort certainly understands this truth, but what he understands even more is:

Let’s use the worst thoughts to speculate on other people’s thoughts. At least it won’t make you fall into the trough and sink into ruin.

Therefore, after making sure that Voldemort was not being followed, he carefully hid all his clothes and bags back in the Room of Requirement, and then returned to the Gryffindor lounge.

He would rather miss this seemingly good opportunity than become arrogant and passive.

And through his later exchanges with Ginny, he knew that he was a little too cautious.

Snape didn’t make any big announcements, and Dumbledore didn’t show up in time to search the castle.

Hogwarts is as peaceful as ever, and Snape is not the kind of person who would be willing to kill himself and dare to bring down the emperor.

It is better to overestimate others than to underestimate others, just as paying for the past failures… Voldemort comforted himself this way.

In fact, the reason why he made a cautious choice was not just because his life was at a low point:

This time he entered Hogwarts with a far more thorough plan than the last time.

For example, after that incident, Dumbledore’s energy was dragged out of school for a long time because of the efforts of the purebloods headed by Malfoy.

And this time, Malfoy was better prepared and his approach was smarter.

In this case, he did not take the vanguard, but let several other purebloods exert their strength while he adjusted the situation himself.

His original intention was to use this identity to enter Hogwarts more and interact with Voldemort.

The original plan was not so easy to implement, after all, there was an old bee blocking it.

But the student’s death and Draco’s sudden emergence made things simpler.

“The pickets need more equipment, yes, Draco asked me for help, the purebloods should foot the bill for this.”

He made a high-profile statement at the board meeting and took the lead in stating that he would spend money to purchase equipment such as looking glasses and explorers to distribute to students.

With Malfoy taking the lead, wealthy purebloods donated generously – many of their families received considerable compensation from Gringotts.

Lucius Malfoy entered Hogwarts with a large number of magical items such as looking glasses and explorers.

He also specially organized people to teach children how to use these things.

“Let the professors teach, they can also do a good job.” Dumbledore said.

Lucius did not refuse. He almost agreed on the spot, but Mr. Bans jumped out and objected.

“Sorry, Principal, I have something to say.”

He bravely faced Dumbledore, puffed up his chest and said, “These looking glasses, as well as other magical items, are our latest inventions. Devis-Bans must be responsible for the users of his products, and he must also Hogwarts is in charge.”

If Mr. Bans hadn’t looked at Lucius after saying this, everything would have been perfect.

But his questioning eyes and expression of wanting to be praised made Lucius curse “idiot” in his heart.

“It looks like we have to stay here for a few more days, Principal Dumbledore.” Lucius suppressed his endless anger and said to Dumbledore while licking his face.

“Enough is enough, Mr. Malfoy, don’t cause trouble.” Dumbledore said to Lucius thoughtfully, but did not refuse him to stay.

Lucius breathed a sigh of relief and glared at Mr. Bans, but the latter just felt baffled.

This is all done according to your request… Mr. Bans thought aggrievedly.

Lucius had no time to worry about him. He wandered among the students and followed Mr. Bans and others to teach the children how to use these magic items.

It has to be said that Lucius, who has an aristocratic temperament, is still very popular when he puts down his arrogance and gets close to these wizard children.

“Everyone says Draco inherited Mr. Malfoy’s looks.”

In the diary world, Ginny said with excitement, “He also invited my two brothers to join his ‘Magic Item Study Group’.”

“Your twin brothers?” Voldemort asked curiously.

“Yes, it was introduced by Draco. He said that my two brothers are very talented in this area and we can take the opportunity to learn more from Mr. Bans.”

After Ginny finished speaking, she was still afraid that Voldemort would not know who Mr. Bans was, so she took the initiative to explain, “Mr. Bans is the owner of the shop that produces these equipment. His ability to make magic items is excellent.”

Voldemort nodded and said nothing more.

Of course he knew who this guy was and had bought something from his store.

“Mr. Malfoy also said that I should learn more ballroom dancing, which will make me more elegant.” Ginny raised her head and said proudly, but her eyes glanced at Voldemort from time to time.

The little one has now been awarded the title of the first-year beauty of the Lion Academy. Everyone said that if she grows up, she may become the most beautiful one in the Lion Academy.

“You can study, but I’m not good at it.”

Voldemort rubbed her head and said, which made the little girl even more proud, “You all like Mr. Malfoy?”


Ginny said without hesitation, “I heard that he is the most supportive of the principal among the board of directors. Some people say that without his support, the principal may lose his position.”

Voldemort raised his eyebrows. He didn’t expect the Malfoys to do so well.

This news is of course unreliable. Voldemort is 100% sure that no one can take Dumbledore’s position as principal unless he resigns himself.

“He also criticized Professor Lockhart, saying that he was misleading students.” Ginny continued, “and warned him that if he doesn’t take classes well, he will be impeached on the board of directors and let him leave.”

“I heard you say that Professor Lockhart has many fans in the academy.”

“Everyone prefers Mr. Malfoy.”

After Ginny finished speaking, she glanced left and right, and whispered as if she was afraid that others would hear her, “I heard several senior students say that they all love Mr. Malfoy to death and like his elegant temperament.”

“Isn’t Mr. Malfoy married? Otherwise, there would be no Draco Malfoy as you mentioned.” Voldemort wondered.

“Yes, so they all became obsessed with Draco and wanted to marry into the Malfoy family.” Ginny said confidently.

Voldemort forced a polite yet embarrassed smile.

Appearance is justice, and I didn’t expect that witches also abide by this rule.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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