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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 189 Tom Riddle: Hogwarts Express

The steam train slowly pulled out of the platform, and Riddle looked out the window quietly.

Even though his mind was far beyond that of an eleven-year-old, facing the parents on the platform who were reluctant to say goodbye to other students, loneliness and loneliness still enveloped his heart.

Tightening the wand in his hand, Riddle looked away from the crowd and looked at the blue sky.

“Is there anyone here?”

A clear voice came, and Riddle turned his head and saw a well-dressed blond man standing at the door.

“No,” Riddle replied.

Through his spiritual perception, he vaguely sensed that this person had some curiosity about him.

“There are three more seats here, come and sit.”

The person outside the door waved his hand in the distance, then looked at Riddle, “Abraxas Malfoy, fourth grade Slytherin, what is your name?”

“Tom Riddle, freshman.” Riddle said concisely.

“I can see that.” Malfoy walked in and sat across from him and said, “I think you can enter Slytherin.”

“Why?” Riddle asked, leaning towards the window as Malfoy’s partner walked in.

“You have a fierce look in your eyes, Riddle, that’s very Slytherin.” Malfoy said with a generous smile, and his two companions who looked a little silly also laughed.

After one of them finished laughing, he said to Malfoy: “Let him out, Malfoy, it’s too crowded here.”

Riddle turned to look at the speaker. He hesitated for a second, but then stood up and prepared to leave.

“You don’t have to leave, Riddle.”

Malfoy stopped him, then said to his companion, “You are messing with the wrong person, Crabbe, and you should apologize to him.”

“Him?” Crabbe looked up at Riddle, his eyes full of contempt.

“Do something, Riddle, show me what you’re capable of.” Malfoy said, “Slytherin doesn’t accept weaklings.”

Riddle looked at Malfoy, his face expressionless, no one knew what he was thinking.

“Haha, just him…”

Just in the middle of Crabbe’s words, Riddle suddenly hit him in the throat with a backhand – the base of the wand was half a centimeter exposed behind his fist, and it was that part that first came into contact with Crabbe’s throat.

“Cough, cough, cough…”

He coughed hoarsely, and his face turned red from holding back.

“Can he still use magic if he can’t cast spells?” Riddle asked Malfoy.

“He doesn’t have this ability yet, Riddle.” Malfoy said in a good mood, “But when he recovers…”

Before Malfoy could finish his words, Riddle raised his leg and kicked the burly Crabbe on the chin, causing him to curl up in the carriage.


“What are you testing?” Riddle asked, looking at Malfoy.

Malfoy frowned, but he did not answer Riddle’s words, but stood up to see his partner.


Another of Malfoy’s friends raised his wand, but Malfoy stopped him before he could finish the spell.

“His injuries aren’t serious, Goyle. He’s fine.”

After appeasing his companions, Malfoy spread his hands and looked at Riddle, “My father once took me to see black boxers, and their eyes were as fierce as yours. Riddle, I just want to know if you are like this. I don’t mean any harm.”

“Is there a wizard who can read other people’s thoughts?”

Riddle suddenly changed the subject, which made Malfoy a little confused.

“I’m just curious. Can’t fourth graders know the answer?” Riddle asked.

“Legilimency, it can be done.” Malfoy helped Crabbe up and changed seats with him.

“Then how to block this kind of detection?” Riddle asked again.

The professor’s ability to block his perception made him curious for a long time.

And the person in front of him can also blur his telepathy, so he can’t wait to know the answer.

“Occlumency, Riddle, is a way to prevent others from invading your brain.”

Malfoy’s answer made Riddle’s eyes light up. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but hesitated and gave up.

“You want to study?”

Riddle nodded.

“Wait a minute, I remember that I have a relevant book in my luggage that I can give to you.”

Malfoy said, stood up to get his luggage, then pulled out a heavy book from it and gave it to Riddle.


Riddle couldn’t wait to take the book and read it on the spot.

Malfoy did not disturb Riddle. He asked about his companions and then talked to them about their summer vacation experiences, but his eyes glanced at Riddle from time to time.

Riddle was looking at it very intently and didn’t care about the gazes of the other three people at all. It wasn’t until a fat sales witch came over that he woke up Riddle who was immersed in books.

“Do you need anything, kid? The train won’t arrive for a long time.” She asked them.

“Pick out more snacks, Goyle.”

Malfoy said in a commanding tone, and then looked at the sales witch, “Butterbeer, Ms. Hiddleston, give us a few more bottles.”

“There has been a ban on underage drinking in the Muggle world for a long time. Mr. Malfoy, it is not good to drink at a young age.” She said in her mouth, but she still bent down to find drinks for them.

“Butterbeer tastes very good and the alcohol is not high. Would you like some?” Malfoy asked Riddle.

Riddle hesitated, nodded, and took a bottle of beer.

Gall chose the food and placed it on the table. Everyone started to eat, but Riddle didn’t move anything.

“You’re welcome, we are friends, come on.” Malfoy said with a smile.

Riddle could feel the sincerity in his heart, so he nodded, picked up a piece of meat pie and ate it – he was indeed hungry, and there was nothing in his pocket that could make a clanking sound.

“Is that person just now a Muggle?” Riddle asked doubtfully, “I thought there were no Muggles in the wizarding world.”

“She was originally a witch from a pure-blood family, Riddle.” Malfoy whispered, “But because she married a poor Muggle, she was abandoned by the family, so… she can only do this menial job. “

Riddle nodded as he ate the meatloaf and looked outside curiously, but Ms. Hiddleston had already gone away.

“Try this, Riddle, the chocolate frog.” Malfoy picked up one and handed it to him. “There are wizard cards in it. I have saved a lot of them.”

Riddle nodded, put down the meat pie, opened the package, and a chocolate frog jumped to the window with a pop.


Crabbe grabbed it, threw it into his mouth without waiting for Malfoy to speak, and then looked at Riddle proudly.

Riddle ignored his provocation and took out a card from the remaining package. There was an old wizard in green robes on the front.

Turning over the card, he saw the content behind:

Nicol Flamel (1327-)

The owner of the Philosopher’s Stone.

Recognized as the greatest alchemist of our time, he is also an opera lover…

“Nicholas Flamel.” Malfoy said after taking a closer look at him, “I have several cards of him, each with a different age. People don’t know exactly when he was born.”

“He is over five hundred years old?” Riddle showed rare surprise.

“Yes, the Philosopher’s Stone made him live forever, Riddle, and his wife is over five hundred years old.” Malfoy said with envy.

Riddle turned the card over again and looked at the old wizard, his eyes full of desire.

Over five hundred years, a wizard can live for such a long time… he thought excitedly.

There is no such thing as love and hate, and the same is true for desire.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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