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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 199 Almost Became a Squib

Ancient magic’s control and vibration of magic power are surprisingly similar to Botu’s.

Of course they are not exactly the same, but conceptually they have the same characteristics:

Control, shock.

The control of ancient magic on magic power is to let it swim in the body, but it is different from the meridians and acupuncture points of the East.

Most of the time, the body is regarded by ancient magicians as a special space, and the movement of magic power in this space is more for the purpose of twisting into a special form.

Such as the coma spell.

In the magic control of ancient magic, it needs to make the magic power as thin as a gossamer, and then weave it into chaos in the body, and finally becomes an unravelable magic thread.

As for the oscillation, it is different from the wave diagram. It has a specific meaning:

Search for “ether”.

Even in modern magic, “ether” is a word that appears frequently.

In the sixth-grade Charms class at Hogwarts, the textbook [The Fifth Element: Exploration] used by Professor Flitwick contains a lot of relevant content.

Wizards believe that the four basic elements that make up the world are air, water, fire and earth, and the fifth element is “ether”.

They also believe that in the Muggle world, the great power, divine power, power of faith, etc. mentioned in different myths and legends can all be described by “ether”.

Therefore, “ether” is not a simple pointer, it is complex and represents many things.

For example, in the coma spell in ancient magic, “ether” designates the spirit.

Find an “ether” vibration that points to the spirit, and then punch out the magic power that has been sorted out like a chaotic thread, allowing the magic power to enter the other party’s spiritual world, and let the other party’s consciousness fall into a mystery…

This is how the ancient magical coma spell was formed.

When Voldemort thoroughly understood the ancient magic operation method of the coma spell, he felt that this method was to build a mental maze for the opponent, making his consciousness fall into it and no longer able to control his body.

To be honest, he felt that the efficacy and formation mechanism of ancient magic were far better than modern magic.

Compare the two.

Ancient magic has very clear steps, and you can even modify the specific structure of the spell according to personal preferences without affecting the effect.

For example, Voldemort himself once changed the magic circuit like a thread into a maze, with the same effect, or even better.

But modern magic is different. It only has spells and the rhythm of wand waving, and it is difficult for the caster to change anything.

“Ancient magic is more like the craftsmen before the industrial revolution, who are all-powerful and slow to make, while modern wizards are like modern craftsmen who rely on various high technologies, machine-based operations, and no longer pursue principles.”

Voldemort thought this way, and then quickly rejected his idea.

[The Fifth Element: Exploration] This book has obviously entered the field of ancient magic.

“Lowering the difficulty of learning basic knowledge and still maintaining the ancient magic method when it comes to more advanced spells… is a good choice.”

At this point, Voldemort glimpsed a simplification process between ancient magic and modern magic.

This process is long, but there are many familiar figures to Voldemort, such as:

Miranda Gorshak.

This senior, who was five years ahead of Voldemort, made an outstanding contribution in simplifying the curse.

Her standard spells made magic easier and made her famous.

Although I don’t know the specific year it started, among the Hogwarts Charms books in the 1990s, Headmaster Flitwick chose her book:

【Standard Magic】

This is a series of books covering all grades of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

But she did not touch on higher doctrines, which may have something to do with her original intention.

As we all know, the reason she chose to write school textbooks for a living was because she was hostile to the obscure and difficult content in “old-fashioned textbooks.”

According to her, she felt she was in a state of “struggle” when learning those things.

Because of this, what she writes is easier to understand, which is part of the simplification.

“But to move to a higher level, you need to have a deeper understanding of ‘ether’.”

Voldemort thought, put down his books on magic control, and began to study “ether”.

“Ether” is extremely complex. It can point to the spirit, the soul, and even emotions.

Voldemort’s previous lack of understanding of it did not prevent him from using powerful magic.

The reason is that the subconscious mind of Remnant Soul is at work.

But now Voldemort began to personally intervene in this part, and he suddenly discovered the power of “ether”.

Many times, “ether” cannot be defined because it represents too much.

But if it is not defined, it becomes too illusory and makes people miss the point.

This feeling is like facing the “double slit experiment”.

The result is there, but you don’t understand the principle.

When Voldemort studied this issue in depth, he began to try to let Lin Zuo’s consciousness take over, hoping to find a different breakthrough through the “Muggle perspective.”

But he never expected that this would actually cause him a big trouble.

On the fifteenth day of in-depth research, he fell into the dilemma of “reality and illusion”.

The ability to control magic power began to weaken, and the power of magic declined significantly.

It felt like his magical talent was about to leave him and he was about to become a squib.

He decisively began to suppress the growth of Lin Zuo’s consciousness to avoid falling into the embarrassing situation of being a Squib.

“Magic requires freer thinking. Lin Zuo’s consciousness is too rigid.”

During this crisis, Voldemort realized Lin Zuo’s disadvantage.

Although he could bring him the perspective of the Muggle world, he also had old-fashioned thoughts that entered his mind at the same time, which almost led him to a dead end.

From this, he thought of many things, such as the formation of Squibs, and his mother:

Merope Gaunt.

She was once suppressed by her father and brother, and fell into the dilemma of being a squib. Finally, after her father and brother left, she regained the ability to use magic.

“The in-depth study of magic is indeed full of dangers, but…”

Voldemort, who almost suffered a big loss, had excitement shining in his eyes, “If we can explore the difference between squibs and wizards, we may not be able to achieve a breakthrough in magic, and this will also have a great impact on the wizarding world.” Impact.”

It was a good idea, but he didn’t dare try it again.

It’s not that I’m afraid that I will really become a squib, that must be impossible to happen.

What scares him is the living environment in which he lives.

Even temporarily losing the ability to use magic is not an option at Hogwarts.

There are too many enemies here, obviously not suitable for research.

“Give up some of your thinking and read through these books first.”

After clearing his mind, Voldemort was once again immersed in the ocean of knowledge.

He frantically absorbed the knowledge of ancient magic, and slowly, a new idea formed in his mind.

This is a brand new way of casting magic constructed with the help of Lin Zuo’s ideas and ancient magic instructions.

“If it can be done, the power will be extraordinary.”

He thought excitedly and couldn’t wait to take action.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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