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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 2 Voldemort: Whoever kills Harry will be crowned king!

“It’s very beautiful and forgetful, Quirrell, I must tell you so.”

“The rhythm of the spell, the frequency of the vibration, and the trajectory of the wand are all perfect.”

On the way out of George Fenn’s office, Voldemort spoke softly but warmly to his disciples.

This child is too unsure of himself. He needs encouragement, especially his own encouragement.

“But there are problems.”

Sure enough, at this turn, Quirrell’s soul deep in his mind immediately became nervous.

“When you cast the spell, there was a moment of hesitation.”

“I know it’s because of me, and I know you just want to make sure I’m paying attention to you.”


“My child, you need to be more firm and decisive. You know what that means for a spell.”

Voldemort stopped mumbling and stopped a taxi with his hand.

“36 Hall Street.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Quirrell in his mind had already spoken.

“Lord…mysterious man, I have realized my mistake. If there is a next time, I will be more determined and decisive.”

Voldemort nodded and said no more.

The people and souls in the taxi fell silent.

Voldemort stared out the window with his eyes in a trance. He saw life amid the lights and feasting.

It has been ten years since time traveled.

In the past ten years, he had lived in a daze, spending most of his time fighting with the remnant soul of Voldemort.

This is an endless war between two souls.

The origin of everything might be the “Avada Gnaw” that hit Harry, or it might be something else.

The predecessor, Lin Zuo, could not confirm the reason very well.


When he clearly realized that his soul had passed through, his soul was already entangled with the remnant soul of Voldemort and became inseparable.

It was a battle that lasted ten years.

What Lin Zuo relies on is his complete soul and strong perseverance.

The remnant soul of Voldemort relies on the understanding of the soul and the control of magic.

For ten years, two souls fought madly:

Charge, fail, charge again…

Charge, fail, charge again…

Charge, fail, charge again…

The battle seemed to continue endlessly, and Lin Zuo’s intact soul became riddled with holes in the process.

The remnant soul that grew from Tom Marvolo Riddle to Voldemort divided his soul by two again and again, and in the end there was only a weak wisp left, but it could still deal a fatal blow to Lin Zuo, who had a complete soul.

That’s not all.

In the past ten years, all Lin Zuo could do was to recharge his batteries again and again, and actively or passively withstand the attacks of Voldemort’s remnant soul.

As for the remnant soul of Voldemort, he took the soul of Lin Zuo that was entangled with him, wandering in the forests of Albania, barely surviving.

It can be said.

Without the desperate struggle of Voldemort’s remnant soul, Lin Zuo could guarantee that his soul would have long since dissipated in this magical world.

But even so, he still couldn’t see any hope or possibility of living until…

Goldfinger appears.

Voldemort’s gaze moved slightly downward, looking to the lower left corner of his vision.

There, there is a line of gray text:

Darkest hour.

If he ignites this line of text – which he will not do unless necessary – then his soul will become powerful and evil.

It was in this state that he completed the fusion of his soul and the remnant soul of Voldemort.


A new soul was born with Lin Zuona’s broken soul as the main body and Voldemort’s broken soul as the supplementary material.

This is the new Voldemort.


He is Voldemort, not Lin Zuo.

Because this soul has been deeply marked by Voldemort.

Anyone who sees this soul will shout: “Voldemort.”

And Lin Zuo, who became Voldemort…

Through his understanding of the [Harry Potter] series and the fact that he could still use Legilimency, he successfully convinced Quirrell to become his little fanboy.

Quirrell is just like the Colin Creevey that Potter met when he was in second grade. He is timid and fun-loving.

The difference is that what awaits Colin Creevey is the gaze from the basilisk, while what awaits Quirrell…

It is the sweet and cloying love from Dumbledore, the greatest white wizard of our time.

But Voldemort didn’t feel sad for his little fanboy at all, because compared to himself, it was really nothing:

Travel through the world of Harry Potter and face the Dark Lord at the beginning.

I barely managed to get out of trouble with my golden finger, and then my enemy turned into an old bee…


The hell-level copy is now in the hands of Voldemort:

He once fantasized about explaining to the boundless-loving old bee that he was not Voldemort…

He also thought about doing more good deeds, not worrying about the future, and infecting Harry, Neville, and Sirius who had lost their loved ones with love…

He even thought about showing off his amiable smile and bombarding his Hogwarts…

But in the end, he abandoned all unrealistic fantasies and accepted everything rationally.

after all.

He cannot imagine that the White Witch King is not as strong-willed as the Dark Lord…

He couldn’t hope that Harry, Neville and others who had lost their loved ones would forgive him…

He cannot really use peaceful weapons, because that will cause a series of subsequent problems that he cannot solve.


Let everything continue.

Let Harry face the Chamber of Secrets, the Basilisk, Sirius Black…

Until the old bee died of his “love”, then he waved his hand:

“Whoever kills Harry will be crowned king.”

Voldemort will kill anyone who falls in love with him.

In short, to smooth out all the difficulties, he was willing to give up everything in the end and choose to throw himself into the embrace of magic.

After all, this is a fun world, and he himself once loved this world from the bottom of his heart.

I just hope everything goes well, if not…

Voldemort looked to the lower left corner again.

There, the gray [darkest hour] is lying quietly.

“Sir, we’ve arrived at No. 36 Hall Street.”

The taxi stopped smoothly, and the driver’s voice awakened the thoughtful Voldemort.

“OK, thanks.”

After responding politely, he took out the money and handed it to the driver. Voldemort walked towards the mansion he rented for a short time.

“Mysterious man, do you still want to exercise today?”

Quirrell’s voice sounded in the back of his mind.

“Yeah, why not?”

Voldemort responded softly and waved to the people who greeted him.

Most of these people are experts in fighting and spear skills.

Their significance to Voldemort was to improve his reflexes and non-witchcraft resistance.

A wizard with powerful magic power, even if his body is weak, his reaction speed is still not slow.

But if the magic power is strong, the body is also strong…

Why not make yourself stronger?

After all, the Voldemort in the books is not himself.

Old Bee allowed himself to die before the mad Voldemort, but if it were him, maybe Dumbledore would want to do it himself.

And in order to avoid this situation, let yourself pretend to be crazy…

If the script really followed that, how could he be sure that he wouldn’t end up in the same way?

Don’t overestimate Dumbledore or you will be doomed to failure.

I will not underestimate Dumbledore, because I have been fighting with the remnants of his students for ten years.

“Let the storm come harder tonight.”

Voldemort said excitedly after taking off all his clothes, leaving only his turban and underpants.

He won’t admit defeat, not to anyone.

Just because in those ten years, his life was really difficult.

Finally got a chance to survive.

No one wants me to…

Another dead draw!

Still asking for votes, all kinds of votes, all kinds of requests


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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