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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 202 An explosion

People’s hearts are not as good as snakes swallowing elephants, that’s just ordinary people.

For a ruthless man like Voldemort, not to mention swallowing an elephant, the Kun is so big that he can swallow it in one bite.

After devouring [The Secret of Time], he immediately set his sights on the other two books:

[There must be light] and [Fu Ling Potion].

At this time, the two books were on the left and right of the diary, and he could choose to devour any one of them.

“Let’s go to [Fu Ling Potion] first, this space is smaller.”

Voldemort did what he thought and let the magic book fly up again, with himself standing on it.


The much thicker diary vibrated and slowly wrapped the [Fu Ling Potion].

In the diary world, another huge spine appears.

“The world appears.”

It’s still the Revealing Spell, it’s still the pillar of light like the wind.

The spine of the book began to change. Different from the castle that appeared before, the world that appeared this time was much larger.

There are mountains, trees, and a cabin.

The world of [Fu Ling Potion] is obviously bigger than [Secret of Time].

This also made Voldemort’s operation more and more difficult. He dragged it several times without success.

“Now that you’re here, don’t even think about running away.”

Voldemort warmly invited him, and asked the magic book to suspend the Appearance Spell and start using the Flying Spell.

The mountain tree house slowly disappeared and reappeared as the spine of the book. The flying spell connected the magic book and the spine of the book, and the two began to wrestle.

Voldemort also helped pull the magic book together. The sky in the world of the diary was shattered, and dark lines appeared, as if it might explode at any time.

Voldemort stopped, he hesitated.

If Riddle’s soul was still there, he might be able to crush Riddle’s soul to mend the cracks in this world.

But Riddle’s soul had been fused by him, and the remaining fragments allowed him to fuse it into the magic book.

In this case, he certainly had no way to mend the cracks.

Of course, he could use his own soul, but he obviously wouldn’t do that.

“I still have a few Horcruxes. If the world is torn apart, I can still repair it. But if I can’t get the world of [Fu Ling Potion], I may not have the chance to get it in the short term.”

As he thought this, he became furious and began to pull hard again.

With the joint efforts of him and the magic book, more and more of the spine of the book was exposed, and the cracks in the sky became larger and larger.


After a crisp sound, a long crack split the sky into two.

The sky seemed to be split, but fortunately it stabilized soon and did not split further.

Voldemort stopped and looked at the chaotic world behind the crack.

“Where is that?”

He couldn’t help but murmur, but he had no intention of exploring because he had an extremely dangerous intuition about the darkness and chaos.

Wizards all believe in intuition.

“The world appears.”

Giving up his gaze on Chaos, Voldemort once again let the magic book shine with light, blew away the spine, and transformed the mountain, the forest, and the hut.

The cracked sky seems to be enough for it to fall.

In the sound of “rumbling”, mountains, forests, and huts descended one after another.


In the outside world, there are still explosions coming from the [Fu Ling Potion], and the magic on the books is being rapidly destroyed.


There was a muffled sound, just like the previous book. This should be the last magic.

The magic still penetrated the cracks and directly hit Voldemort’s soul, but the damage was not great, and Voldemort directly resisted.


Unexpectedly, after the mountain hut fell, it did not hit the ground like the dark fortress.

Instead, it drifted and fell behind the Forbidden Forest, forming a land of mountains and forests adjacent to the Forbidden Forest.

Voldemort walked over and took a condescending look.

The hut stands quietly on a mountain, with three small worlds further back.

There was a lot of people there, and the scenes in the three small worlds kept going back and forth.

“A magical world.”

Voldemort murmured, entering the world of hunting fugitives, which felt very real, but every time the hunt failed, the world would be reenacted.

He walked towards the cabin again and saw an unknown old man repeatedly making Fuling potion.

After walking through these places, Voldemort looked at the outside world again.

There is also a book, “Let There Be Light”, and he is hesitating whether to drag that world into it.

Looking at the cracks in the sky, he felt a little guilty.

If this completely breaks the sky, I don’t know what will happen in the end.

“Try it, forget it if you don’t succeed.”

He thought like this and took action again.

Still stepping on the magic book, he started to try to devour it.

The diary on the bookshelf had become as thick as a brick. It jumped back and then opened up to wrap around the much larger “Want to Have Light”.

Then, an even more exaggerated spine appeared in the world in the diary.

“So big?”

Voldemort was quite surprised, but when he thought about the breadth and time span of the world in this book, he felt relieved.

“Try it.”

Voldemort was not the kind of person to just give up, he had to try anyway.

“The world is revealed.”

Not daring to pull hard, he first tried using the Appearance Spell.

The light flows against the current and directly changes the spine of the huge book.


Voldemort made a sound of surprise, just because the spine of the book was disappearing, but nothing appeared for a long time.

Increasing the effect of the Appearance Spell, the spine of the book disappeared faster. Finally, after all the words on the spine disappeared, something that surprised him slowly appeared.

How to describe it?

It looks like a corner of the sun, emitting a little light and heat.


As more and more of the spine disappeared, a sound of frustration came from inside.


The sound of magic being destroyed on the books outside came from outside, surprising Voldemort again.

This world hasn’t integrated too much yet, so why has the magic outside begun to be destroyed?

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly there was an explosion.


It was the sound of the last magic protecting the books being destroyed, but the sound was louder than before. At the same time, the magic also crossed the crack and hit Voldemort.

Voldemort twisted his body to get rid of the discomfort, and then he was surprised to find that the corner of the sun was actually moving away from the world.

He quickly looked outside and found that the diary and “Let There Be Light” were blown away by the magic just now. The two books were stuck together and drew a parabola, moving away from the bookshelf.

At the same time, during the flight, the two books were slowly dissolving.

“Bring it to you.”

Voldemort realized that he had no reason to give up, so he cast a flying curse and directly dragged the corner of the sun that was about to go away.


The diary wrapped in “Let There Be Light” fell to the ground, slid out of the restricted book area, and landed in a corner of the ordinary book area.

Voldemort didn’t care about this. He dragged a corner of the sun hard, trying to drag it completely into the world of the diary.


The world of the diary trembles, as if it is about to usher in an extremely huge world.


The diary in the corner of the bookshelf suddenly scurried around, completely covering “There Should Be Light”.


[Let There Be Light] slowly disappeared and turned into a blank page in the diary.

The page swayed without wind, making a series of noises.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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