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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 26 The Gringotts Robbery

The goblin Griphook whistled, and a small cart slid along the railway in front of them.

Several people got on the cart, and the cart began to speed along the maze-like corridor. Quirrell tried hard to memorize the path, thinking that he might need to get out by himself later.

In his plan—if crazy thoughts could be called plans—Harry, Hagrid, and Griphook would all die, and in the end he was alone, holding up the Philosopher’s Stone and dedicating it to his master.

It had to be said that this was a crazy enough idea, and the howling cold wind brought by the speeding cart could not wake him up.

Finally, after passing an underground lake covered with stalactites and stalagmites, the cart stopped in front of a small door. Hagrid was the first to climb out of the cart. His face was pale and his knees were shaking.

“Wow~~~” Hagrid, who was still retching, waved his hands to tell them to leave him alone.


Pulling the ring to unlock the door, a puff of thick green smoke passed out, revealing piles of gold coins, silver bars, and mountains of bronze nats.

“All mine?” Harry asked in surprise.

“Hurry up and get it.” Quirrell said angrily, he obviously couldn’t wait.

“It’s all yours.” Hagrid, who had recovered, glanced at Quirrell, and then said to Harry, “Gold coins are Galleons, seventeen silver coins are combined into one Galleons, and twenty-nine Knuts are combined into one. Sico.”

He said, took the initiative to walk into it, and helped Harry put a lot of gold galleons in the bag: “This is enough for you to use for two semesters, let’s go Harry.”

“Griphook, drive faster.”

Everyone got in the car again, Quirrell urged loudly.

Hagrid wanted to say something, but finally held back – he thought that Quirrell’s abnormality was due to something he discovered, but in fact, Quirrell just wanted to weaken his combat effectiveness through bumps.

“The speed is only one.” Griphook replied coldly, and everyone moved forward in silence.

The cart made a clicking sound as it descended deeper and deeper, and the air began to become bitingly cold. Finally, it stopped when Harry shivered for the third time.

“Stand back.” Griphook said solemnly, then stretched out his long fingers and knocked on the door gently, and the door disappeared little by little.

Harry moved forward to take a look, but Hagrid pulled him back.

“Don’t watch the fun, let me…”

Before he finished speaking, several voices casting spells sounded: “Fainted.”

There were at least three magic spells, and the concentrated fire hit Griphook. He was unprepared and was knocked unconscious instantly.

There were three more spells aimed at Hagrid, who was also hit, but it only made him shiver.

One hit Harry, and he fainted instantly.

As for Quirrell, when the first note of the curse sounded, he jumped behind the cart without hesitation, and the three curses aimed at him were all blocked by the cart.

Quirrell landed, not looking for the enemy at all, but directly picked up the wand, preparing to give Harry a cruel blow – he wanted to kill Harry, and he thought that this would be rewarded by his master.

However, before he could recite the spell, Hagrid had already taken action.

“Catch him.”

Hagrid roared angrily, and Harry flew towards Quirrell with his teeth and claws bared.

“Wingardim Leviosa!!!”

Quirrell chanted urgently, fixed Harry with his wand, and threw him into the cart.

He didn’t dare to let Harry touch him. With that hot feeling, even if he didn’t control his body, he could still feel the pain from both body and soul.


“Oolong came out of the hole.”

“The divine edge is shadowless.”

“Heart-piercing and bone-cutting.”


Hagrid had only raised his umbrella halfway, but countless magic spells were already flooding in. He immediately rolled backwards desperately and hid directly in Vault No. 713.

The black snake that was born from the curse of getting out of the cave followed him without hesitation, while the rest of the curse hit the ground and bounced up a few stones.

“damn it.”

Quirrell roared lowly, wishing he was the one who rolled in.

“Attack on it, we don’t have much time.”

The figure in the darkness roared, followed by the sound of erratic footsteps. Quirrell leaned tightly behind the cart, deducing how he should act.

“Are you going to kill Harry?” someone among the men in black asked.

The leader stopped. He hesitated and looked at the cart not far away.

“Kill him, kill him.” Quirrell roared in his heart.

Voldemort in the blood curse was not too excited. One was that he could not control his body, and even if he had thoughts, he could not express them.

Another reason is that he doesn’t want Harry to die now – instead of facing Dumbledore who has lost Harry, it is better to keep Harry alive as a buffer between himself and the old bee.

But if Harry died…

Then adjust the plan, Dumbledore will never accept his request to “surrender and lose half”, so prepare for war – if that doesn’t work, hide and kill the old bees.


Finally, the leader of the men in black gave such an answer.

The man in black who spoke received the answer and immediately walked out of the crowd. He raised his wand with a strange smile and recited a spell. His voice was not loud, but black flames spurted out instantly…

“It’s Li Huo.”

Hagrid’s roar came from the vault, and then his huge figure rushed out and crashed into the cart like a tank.


Unexpectedly, Hagrid possessed a kind of bravery that ordinary people do not possess. He knocked the cart away before the man in black poured the fire on it.

Quirrell left in fear early and hid behind the stalactites.

The cart spun three and a half times in the air, and before it landed, Hagrid’s bloated body actually dexterously grabbed Harry.

He protected the child tightly and allowed his back to break several stalactites.

“The brave man is fearless.”

Voldemort couldn’t help but sigh under the blood curse. He wished he had such a brave man among his men, but…

Malfoy is the one who benefits, Peter Pettigrew is the outcast, and Quirrell…a cowardly and fun-loving child, he has no idea what he is doing, he just wants to be recognized.

“Damn, he took Harry.”

The man in black roared, but he could only watch Hagrid vomiting blood through the fierce fire, protecting Harry and hiding behind a thick stalactite – but his shoulders were completely exposed.

“The soul leaves the body.”

The leader of the men in black took action, and the spell accurately hit Hagrid’s exposed shoulder, instantly controlling him.


Hagrid stood up expressionlessly. He grabbed Harry’s calf and swung him twice. Then he threw his arms away and turned Harry up.

It looked like he was preparing to throw Harry to death.

Quirrell watched excitedly and tapped his wand at the same time – he saw a piece of tattered fabric extending from the pocket of Hagrid’s coat, which was probably wrapped with the Philosopher’s Stone.

The fierce fire had already ignited the track under the cart and was burning along the track when Hagrid was controlled.

The flame rose so fast that it disappeared from everyone’s sight almost instantly, burning towards the source of the track – the narrow stone corridor on one side of the Gringotts hall.

Revise, revise, sorry, it’s a few hours late, I checked this chapter four times, and self-checked the general chapter three times. come on.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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