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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 28 Walking with Harry

This time of year is the busiest time in Diagon Alley.

Almost all British wizards will visit Diagon Alley in these days. They don’t necessarily have to buy anything, they just want to experience the crowded Diagon Alley.

Voldemort and Harry stood face to face in the crowd, one thinking about whether to kill or not, and the other clasping his feet to the bedroom.

“Let’s buy you a uniform first.” Voldemort was still afraid of Dumbledore after all. “You can buy a hot drink on the way. You need to calm down.”

“Thank you…Professor Quirrell.”

After what had just happened, little Harry was obviously not in high spirits. He followed Voldemort’s footsteps and walked in silence for a while before speaking again.

“Professor Quirrell, has the wizarding world always been so dangerous?”

This was a question that surprised Voldemort. Does this little guy want to give up?

“I…I’m just curious.”

Facing Voldemort’s confused gaze, little Harry said timidly.

“It’s not very dangerous.” Voldemort shrugged and said, “It was just an accident.”

Harry nodded and moved his short legs quickly to keep up with Quirrell’s pace.

“Mrs. Malkin’s robe shop, tell her you are a new student, she knows how to do it.” Stopping in front of the shop, Voldemort said, “I’m going to buy a hot drink, you need it.”

Harry looked at Voldemort nervously, obviously not wanting him to leave, but Voldemort’s gaze was quite firm.

“Okay, but can you come back soon?” Harry asked cautiously.

“Of course, be brave, kid, it’s safe here.”

Watching Harry walk into the shop, Voldemort frowned slightly when he turned around – murderous intent surged deep in his soul, and the part belonging to Voldemort’s remnant soul was causing trouble.

Kill a child? He couldn’t imagine it.

Perhaps in the darkest moment, he would not hesitate to do so, but in his sober state, the reborn Voldemort was completely unable to do it – after all, he was not the same person as before. Lin Zuo’s soul from the peaceful period, in this matter , played a decisive role.


Voldemort thought to himself, “I can’t even cast the Unforgivable Curse in my waking state.”

“You are the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Quirrell.”

Quirrell returned to the door of Madam Malkin’s robe store and met Lucius Malfoy.

He was dressed luxuriously and neatly, and seemed to have nothing to do with the previous robbery. Dobby, the house elf, followed him far behind, carrying a stack of books.

“Yes, Mr. Malfoy.” Voldemort responded, holding a hot drink.

“I heard that you were inside when the robbery happened at Gringotts, right?” Malfoy asked nonchalantly.

“Yes, several men in black attacked us.”

“Can you identify them?”


Voldemort had no interest in chatting with him, but Malfoy didn’t want to stop. Fortunately, at this time, Draco Malfoy came out.

“Oh, son, come and meet your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quirrell.”

Malfoy called the child and introduced him to Voldemort.

“Hello, Professor.” Little Malfoy bowed politely, looking like a young adult.

“Hello, little Malfoy.” Voldemort responded with a smile, but he saw little Malfoy frown.

“He prefers to be called Draco, Draco Malfoy,” the elder Malfoy explained.

“Then he needs corresponding strength.” Voldemort said with some dissatisfaction, “If his temper does not match his ability, it will only harm him.”

Malfoy raised his eyebrows, his eyes filled with suspicion.

“My father is a school trustee, what if…”

Before Little Malfoy could finish speaking, Big Malfoy had already stopped him.

“Shut up, Draco.” Malfoy said seriously, “Apologise, to your professor.”

“What? Father, you actually…” Little Malfoy wanted to resist.


The elder Malfoy said in a tone that could not be refused, but the younger Malfoy was still hesitant. Just when the elder Malfoy was about to take action, Voldemort spoke.

“It doesn’t have to be this way.”

Voldemort’s tone changed slightly, and Malfoy felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

“I will educate him, at Hogwarts.”

Voldemort looked at Malfoy with calm eyes.

“Lord…I…yes, Mr. Professor, you can do this.” Malfoy’s originally straight spine bowed slightly at this moment.

“Father, what’s wrong with you? Why…”

Draco was only mid-sentence when his father’s wooden staff landed on his butt.

“Shut up, Draco, don’t say anything.” Malfoy said nervously.

“Okay, don’t educate your children in public, you need to take their self-esteem into consideration.” Voldemort reminded.

“Yes, Professor.”

The elder Malfoy was respectful, and then said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, “Do you need me to see you? Or do something?”

“Don’t do anything, don’t show anything, just be the best.” Voldemort said softly, while glancing at Draco.

The little guy lowered his head, feeling aggrieved alone.

“Okay, then…”

Malfoy wanted to bow, but thought of what Voldemort had just said, and stood up again. As he spoke, he didn’t know how to say goodbye.

“Goodbye then, Harry is coming out soon, and I will take him to buy books.” Voldemort said with a smile, and waved goodbye to Malfoy, who had an incredible look on his face.

“Goodbye…Mr. Quirrell.” The elder Malfoy said goodbye dully, and then took his child’s hand and left. Dobby followed behind them, jumping up and down to catch up.


There was a sound of pushing the door open, and Voldemort turned his head and saw Harry.

“That’s an impolite guy.” Harry also saw the back of little Malfoy, “He always says some strange things.”

“It’s discrimination in the wizarding world, just like the Muggle world. This is always inevitable.” Voldemort said, then took out a small cloth bag and handed it to Harry.

“What is this?” Harry asked curiously.

“A cloth bag with a traceless telescopic charm added, a birthday gift for you.” Voldemort said.

“Thank you, Professor Quirrell, this is the first birthday present I have received, the first in eleven years.”

He excitedly took the bag and looked through it, but it looked like an ordinary bag.

“Its space is much larger than it looks. You can put your school uniform in it.” Voldemort began to teach him how to use it.


Harry said after trying several times to put the clothes in and take them out.

“Magic, always.”

Voldemort said, handed over the hot drink, and said, “It is illegal to use the Traceless Telescopic Curse without permission, so don’t use it frequently in front of others.”

“Ahem…” Harry, who was drinking a hot drink, was shocked by Voldemort’s words.

“Don’t be afraid. If anyone finds out, just say I gave it to you.” Voldemort said with a smile.

He is not afraid of the Ministry of Magic, he is only afraid of Dumbledore, especially after seeing Dumbledore’s enhanced version of “Stop the Curse”.

“Where are we going next?” Harry carefully put the bag into his trouser pocket and asked after glancing at the passers-by warily.

“Flourish and Blott Bookstore.” Voldemort said as he led the way.

“What is Quidditch?” Harry asked, following in his footsteps.

“A game of riding a broomstick, you should be very talented.” Voldemort curled his lips and said.

He didn’t like broomsticks, and neither of the two fused souls liked them.

Voldemort himself invented the flying spell, partly because he thought riding a broom was silly.

Another part of the soul felt that riding that thing with sudden stops and accelerations was unfriendly to men, and the witch didn’t care.

Of course, since he can fly by himself, he doesn’t need to consider these issues at all.

Along the way, Harry asked all kinds of questions. It could be seen that after drinking the hot drink, Harry was full of curiosity about the wizarding world.

However, unlike Hagrid’s teachings, the concepts taught by Voldemort go straight to the core:

“Professor Quirrell, what is Gryffindor?”

“House, the four creators of Hogwarts, each established a total of four houses with their own names.”

“Professor Quirrell, which college are you from?”

“Raventraut represents wisdom.”

“So what do Gryffindor and Slytherin stand for? And Hufflepuff.”

“Courage, honor and loyalty, but I prefer to describe Hufflepuff as tough. Each of them is the cornerstone of the magical world.”

“Where will I go?”

“Probably Gryffindor, you have no shortage of courage and both your parents went there.”


Walking and chatting along the way, Voldemort answered all his doubts. They didn’t leave Diagon Alley until they looked at him and got the wand that was once very close to him.

“Go inside, Harry, and I’ll see you when school starts.”

Voldemort said to Harry at the gate of No. 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.

“Okay, Professor.” Harry walked towards the courtyard, but suddenly stopped, “But how do I get there?”

Voldemort was suddenly stunned and asked in confusion: “Hagrid didn’t give you a ticket?”

“What ticket?” Harry’s eyes told Voldemort that he knew nothing about it.

“Um…King’s Cross Station on September 1st, ticket to Hogwarts.”

Voldemort thought for a while and said, “Hagrid must have forgotten it. I will ask him to send it to you by owl later.”

“Okay, thank you, Professor. I’m glad you can celebrate my birthday with me. I’m really happy today.” Harry said goodbye politely. The boy was still very cheerful.

Voldemort smiled and nodded, watching him walk into the courtyard.

It would be nice if Voldemort didn’t kill so many people before… Voldemort thought as he rubbed his head.

At the moment when he thought about it, in the lower left corner of his vision, under the dim words [Darkest Hour], a new skill lit up:

[Lin Zuo Moment].

Harry is quite cute.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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