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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 29 Lin Zuo Moment

36 Hall Street.


Voldemort muttered the curse, and a halo rose from the wand.

The tip of the wand shook slightly, and the halo separated from the wand and turned into light spots floating up. Together with those light spots that had existed for a long time, they floated in the air at random.

At this time, there were no less than twenty light sources, large and small, above the room. They were all the products of Voldemort’s use of [Fluorescence Flicker].

It’s not difficult to get the illuminating charm to float in the air for a while without the wand.

You only need to increase the magic power output when using magic, or if you understand this magic to a very high level, you can do this without wasting magic power.

But Voldemort himself neither increased his magic power nor had a deep understanding of this curse, but he still did it.

Rely on the newly acquired skills:

[Lin Zuo Moment].

It can effectively extend the duration of magic’s existence in the world, and at the same time, it can allow magic to exist without the wand.

Possessing the characteristics of space and time, this is Voldemort’s definition of it.


A light source went out, and Voldemort immediately looked at his pocket watch. Both the long and short hands were drooping:


“The light that could only last for about a minute has been extended by half an hour.”

Voldemort murmured and closed his pocket watch, “Thirty times the time delay, the spatial distance is within ten meters. I don’t know if the characteristics of this time and space will grow.”

Waving the wand, the light source in the sky entered it like thousands of birds returning to their nests. The feeling of easy control put a smile on Voldemort’s face.

But when he looked down at the iron cage on the ground, his smile gradually disappeared.

The five cages contained spiders, mice, white rabbits, dogs and cats respectively. This order corresponded to his emotions from disgust to love for these animals.

Spiders, mice and little white rabbits are already dead, originating from Voldemort’s Avatar chewing the big melon. In fact, when the killing curse was pointed at the little white rabbit, it was already very reluctant.

The dogs and cats in the back were still jumping around.

It wasn’t that Voldemort was kind enough to spare them, but that he simply couldn’t use the Avada Kedavra on them.

Even for the blue cat cub, he couldn’t even dig out the bones.

Evil thoughts and murderous intentions cannot be brought up at all. This is the disadvantage of [Lin Zuo Moment].

Voldemort returned to the coffee table behind him and wrote in the open notebook:

[Lin Zuo’s Moment] While adding unique time and space characteristics to magic, the soul also bets on it. Lin Zuo’s soul consciousness has complete initiative at this moment.

Today, my soul comes from the combination of two souls, the time traveler Lin Zuo and the remnant soul of Voldemort. The ratio of the two souls is roughly nine to one.

Without using [Lin Zuo Moment], the negative emotions in the remnant soul of the Dark Lord can very well help me use black magic.

But when Lin Zuo’s consciousness takes the initiative and he comes from a peaceful and legal society, it is difficult for him to brew evil thoughts for a long time and add them to magic.

[Lin Zuo Moment] is suitable for magic practice and use, but it is not suitable for war.

Speculation one:

[Lin Zuo Moment] was born when the intention was for good, and it was completely inconsistent with the remnant soul of Voldemort, which may be the reason for its birth.

Speculation 2:

The characteristics of time and space may come from Lin Zuo’s soul’s status as a time traveler, but it itself has no blessing on magic. Maybe Lin Zuo’s soul itself has no magic talent, or the talent is not high.

Speculation three:

[The Dark Lord’s Moment] is destined to appear. It is speculated that the proportion of Voldemort’s soul may need to be enhanced, or there may be a moment that is contrary to Lin Zuo’s thoughts. There is currently no way to make a specific judgment.

Speculation four:

Magic with the characteristics of time and space can be made into magic props that can restrain curses through the blessing of alchemy. This should be put on the agenda as soon as possible to avoid being exposed in Hogwarts.

Guess five:

Try to use the characteristics of time and space in battle, and try to create the [Lin Zuo Moment] strategy to prepare for emergencies…

“Ding dong! Ding dong!”

Suddenly remembering the doorbell, Voldemort stopped writing, tore out this page and the following pages, burned them with flames and threw them into the wastebasket.


Opening the door, it was Bochis fighting outside. Behind him, there were two bodyguards pushing two beds. On the beds were two fainting humans.

“come in.”

After getting out of the way, the bodyguard pushed the two beds into the living room and withdrew, leaving Pochs behind.

“This person is just an experiment participant. He has no sins and cannot be killed.”

Pochis pointed to one of them and then pointed to the other, “This person is a heinous criminal and can be killed. He is also a gangster himself, and we have already negotiated a price.”

Voldemort nodded and said, “Is the amount of anesthetic enough?”

“General anesthesia, the dosage is very sufficient.” After Porchis finished speaking, he hesitated for a moment, or wanted to persuade him to say something, but in the end he chose not to say anything.

“You wait for me outside for half an hour. It will be over soon.”

After letting Porchis leave, Voldemort immediately began to use magic on the two.

“The soul leaves the body.”

The green light fell on the two of them for the first time, and it was completely controllable without any problems.

“Heart-piercing and bone-cutting.”

This was the first time he used this magic on a human being. The first experimental subject immediately roared in pain. It seemed that anesthetics could not stop this magic very well.

At the same time, Voldemort could also deeply feel the pain of this person, which made him feel guilty instantly, and the magic stopped, but the effect of the magic did not stop.

Thirty seconds passed during the torment, and the first experimental subject finally calmed down, but his body still twitched from time to time, and Voldemort’s heart was already filled with guilt.

This made him frown, calm down, and began to try to use the Cruciatus to cut out the bones of the most sinful experimental subjects…


The yew wand seemed to have farted, and the green light turned into smoke after it shot out, floating in the air for a moment before slowly disappearing.

“Sure enough, when Lin Zuo’s consciousness was the main body, black magic basically had nothing to do with me.”

Voldemort murmured softly and tried again without giving up, but this only made the wand fart one more time.

“Try the Death Curse.”

He waved the yew wand again, but this time, the wand didn’t even fart.

It wasn’t that the wand rejected the magic, but that Voldemort simply couldn’t bear the murderous intention in his heart.

Killing is really not that simple.

Looking to the lower left corner of his sight, the always-lit [Lin Zuo Moment], Voldemort already had a clearer understanding of this skill.

“I just don’t know if the exit method of this skill is also controlled by desire.”

After guessing, he did not try immediately. Instead, he called Pochs and asked him to take the two of them away. The experiment was over and the experimental subject had lost its effect.

Looking at the two humans who didn’t seem to be tortured at all and were still breathing, Porchis’ heart finally fell to the ground.

Sure enough, all rich people have unknown quirks… With this thought in mind, Pochs hurriedly left No. 36 Hall Street.

What will the third skill be? Please give me some recommendation votes. Thank you to the readers who support me. The editor said that there are thirty people who are following me.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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