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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 34 The principal invites you

At seven o’clock in the morning, there was a knock on the office door.

The sleeping Voldemort woke up with a start, and the book in his hand fell to the ground.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Pince came back only last night. He couldn’t wait to enter the library late at night and selected a few books to read.

This book [The Origin of Magic – From the Past to the Future] was his favorite. He didn’t fall asleep until the light of day appeared, but…

“Percy, it’s too early.” Voldemort said, looking at the reserved red-haired boy outside the door.

“Sorry Professor, but I have something to say.”

Percy was a little excited, “I told Professor McGonagall last night, but she wants to give me an answer today. I will go there in the morning, Professor McGonagall will tell you about this, and the principal will discuss it with you.”

“Principal Dumbledore?” His sleepy head suddenly woke up, and Voldemort took a glass of water for himself, “But I didn’t get any news from the principal.”

Percy nodded and said, “I went to the principal’s office, and he asked me to invite you over.”

Voldemort bared his teeth and smiled, he was really a good boy.


“Yes, he is waiting for you in the office. His password is honey water.”

“Okay, I’ll go up right now.”

Voldemort took out a book “Encounter with the Faceless Monster” from the bookshelf, picked up the “Origin of Magic” that had been dropped on the ground, and walked out of his office.

“Professor, please do your best to let me be your teaching assistant. That is very important to me.” Percy muttered as he followed behind him.

“Okay, Percy, I’ll do my best. You can go eat without following me.”

After sending Percy away, Voldemort walked directly into the spiral escalator not far away. This was a shortcut from the third floor to the eighth floor, which could save a lot of time.

“Honey water.” Voldemort cheered up and said in front of the familiar stone statue.


The stone statue jumped away, revealing the passage inside, and Voldemort walked directly up.

“Good morning, Quirrell, I hope I didn’t disturb your rest.” Dumbledore, wearing a gorgeous purple nightgown, said to him while stirring the unknown liquid.

“Fortunately, I was about to get up.” Voldemort replied with a smile, then sat directly in front of the huge desk and placed the two books in his hands on it.

“[The Origin of Magic] is a very good book, and the description of Merlin is very interesting.”

Dumbledore came to him with the stirred liquid, “Chocolate honey juice, do you want to try it?”

“No, Headmaster, this is too sweet.” Voldemort refused.

Dumbledore shrugged, turned back to his desk, sat down, poured himself a glass, and drank most of it in one gulp.

“The great wizard Merlin is on the path of elemental magic. He wants more wizards to join him, but obviously not every wizard is called Green. Elemental magic requires unique talents.”

Dumbledore memorized a large section of the book, which surprised Voldemort.

“You like this book very much?” Voldemort asked.

“Yeah, who wouldn’t want to explore the origins of magic?”

Dumbledore raised his hand exaggeratedly, “Some of the guesses in this book are the most reliable I have ever seen. You can check page 236, where there are some ideas I wrote down.”

Voldemort nodded and recorded the page number in his mind – I have to say that he was surprised by Dumbledore’s memory. Is this really a 109-year-old man?

“I heard that your magic has mutated. Can you let me take a look?” Dumbledore asked, his eyes behind the half-moon lenses full of curiosity.

“Okay, Principal, but it works sometimes.”

Voldemort said, using an illuminating spell and letting the halo break away from the wand and turn into a point of light floating into the air.

Dumbledore didn’t hold his wand, he just waved his hand, and the light point drifted towards him.

“It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Dumbledore said. “I can feel the magic inside. It should have disappeared, but something is stopping it.”

“Yes, I can’t figure out the reason either.” Voldemort said.

“Did something special happen?” Dumbledore asked.

Voldemort shook his head, he couldn’t say it was because of his skills.

“That’s your talent. Just like Merlin, no one in the wizarding world has used elemental magic as well as him.”

Dumbledore waved his hand again, letting the light float above their heads, “Don’t worry about it, let me see how long it lasts.”

“Okay, Headmaster.” Voldemort nodded in agreement and then asked, “I don’t know what you want to discuss when you call me here.”

“Oh, yes, about Percy.” Dumbledore finally looked away from the light spot, “Isn’t there a better prefect in Gryffindor? He has exams this year.”

“I have also considered this issue. In other houses, I chose prefects from the sixth grade who do not have exam pressure, but I have to say that Percy is the best in Gryffindor, and others can too. It depends on you. .”

Voldemort expressed his thoughts directly and let Dumbledore make the decision.

“If this is the case……”

It can be seen that Dumbledore was hesitant, which made Voldemort puzzled – this was not a difficult decision.

“Allow me to ask a rude question.”

Dumbledore frowned and asked, “Didn’t you make such a decision to get the time turner?”

Voldemort’s eyes widened in surprise. Before Dumbledore spoke, he had no idea at all – he just wanted a Death Eater named Weasley.


The light spots in the sky went out, Voldemort woke up from his surprise, and Dumbledore also had an apologetic smile on his face.

“Sorry, Quirrell, I thought too much.” He shook his head and said with a bitter smile, “You have to forgive a confused old man who is in the fog and lost his way.”

Voldemort had an unconcerned expression on his face, but deep down, he was thinking about the meaning of Dumbledore’s words – was he anxious because he couldn’t find me?

“I don’t mind, Headmaster,” Voldemort said, “But I have to say, your words reminded me that if I have the chance, I think I will study it.”

Dumbledore smiled bitterly and said: “You used it when you were in third grade. That thing is indeed special, but it is also difficult to study and understand.”

“I was still young at that time, just like at that time, I didn’t think about the origin of magic.” Voldemort said.

“Okay, whatever you want, but please remember.” Dumbledore became serious. “Don’t try to use it. The magic of adults will have a great influence on it, and you may be lost in the mists of time.”

Voldemort nodded seriously to show that he understood, but then pointed to the place above the two people’s heads where the light spot disappeared before.

“My magic also has this characteristic. I think this will facilitate my research.” This is Voldemort’s true thought.


Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully and said, “As for your magical characteristics, if you need it, you can always come to me to study it. The old man’s knowledge is sometimes useful.”

“Thank you, Headmaster, I will come to you if necessary.” Voldemort said, getting up and preparing to leave. After all, the matter has been resolved.

“How is the curse? Has it ever happened?” Dumbledore asked.

“Not so much, Headmaster,” Voldemort said.

“Okay, if you have any questions about this, you can tell me.”

Dumbledore stood up and said while seeing him off, “I will write to the Ministry of Magic personally. Percy’s things will be mailed to him soon.”

“That’s good news for him, and I thank you on his behalf, Headmaster.”

“He’s a good kid and he deserves this.”

The two said goodbye, and Voldemort went downstairs and walked towards the Great Hall – which was both the Great Hall and the dining room.

Dumbledore is in the fog, I hope he can clear the fog soon, the great white wizard.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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