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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 37 The Lion Snakes

“Quirrell, be careful with your reputation.”

During lunch, Flitwick blinked and said to Voldemort, “The news about you in Ravenclaw’s senior class has spread.”

Voldemort came to the dining table and sat down, took his lunch and asked, “What reputation?”

“Snape II.”

Professor Kettleburn said excitedly, “Believe me, except for Slytherin, no student from any other house likes him.”

Voldemort blinked and looked up behind Professor Kettleburn. The big black bat was standing there with a gloomy face.

“Oh, Snape, although my words don’t sound good, it’s the truth.” Professor Kettleburn also noticed Snape, but he didn’t feel embarrassed at all.

Snape ignored him. After all, regular employees didn’t have to argue with temporary workers.

“I heard that you were very dissatisfied with the behavior of the upper Ravenclaw students in class.”

Snape asked Voldemort in his unique deep voice, “Is it because you are also a Ravenclaw that you didn’t deduct their points for this?”

Voldemort rolled his eyes, wondering if Snape’s heart was only as big as the eye of a needle.

“If you insist on thinking so, I have no objection.” Voldemort counterattacked in a subtle way, “but I will not give them extra points when they perform poorly.”


Snape snorted angrily and left with a gust of wind. The raised black cloak hung on the back of the chair and made a rustling sound.

“Well done, Quirrell, you have the potential to become Snape the First.” Professor Kettleburn stretched out his still intact one arm and raised his thumb – only half a finger.

“Professor, I think they have misunderstood me. This situation will turn around in the afternoon.”

Voldemort shrugged and said nothing more, while Professor Flitwick on the side nodded with satisfaction after hearing what he said.

If Voldemort didn’t say that, he meant to dissuade him.

After all, Quirrell, possessed by Voldemort, was from his Ravenclaw, and was his very favorite student.

Voldemort did not lie. At least in the remaining three classes of the day, he behaved quite calmly and restrained:

For the senior Hufflepuff students, he taught the sixth graders about ghosts in the first half of the class, and the Inferi in the second half of the class to the seventh graders. He did not practice magic spells during the entire class.

Regarding Gryffindor, he still taught in this way, and he was extremely gentle, and even gave them two points – he only added two points this whole day.

As for Slytherin in the evening class, he resumed the original teaching content, but his words were not so vicious and cruel, but his requirements for the release of the curse were more stringent.

At the end of the day, the four colleges had four opinions about him:

The senior Ravenclaw students thought he was Snape II.

The senior Hufflepuff students thought he was Sprout II.

To the senior Gryffindors, he was Kettleborn II.

The senior Slytherin students thought he was McGonagall II.

“Cruel, meticulous, generous, severe… Professor Quirrell is really changeable.”

The students kept discussing the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Everyone was curious about him and wanted to know how he would treat the younger students.

Voldemort himself didn’t care about this. After evening classes, he hurried back to his office, where he waited for his teaching assistants…

They are not needed in the senior classes, but starting tomorrow, they will be on duty.

While waiting, Voldemort looked through the “Book of Curses” and kept looking for his target, but it seemed difficult.

Except for the three Unforgivable Curses, he showed no unique talent for any spells.

Maybe, I just need to choose one that is magical enough…

While he was thinking, four students had already entered the office, which made him stop thinking.

“Welcome, let me briefly explain your mission.”

After the four people sat down, Voldemort said, “First of all, you are only responsible for teaching the first and third grade courses. The second, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh grades will all be taught by me.”

The four people nodded. They had already made such a guess. After all, in the curriculum, grades one, two, three, four, six and seven were taught together, while grade five were taught separately.

In this case, they can easily guess what they are responsible for.

“Secondly, except for my use of the Maple Leaf Training Ground for classes, the rest of the opening hours are decided by Professor Hagrid, so you need to communicate with him.”

“Do you want us to find Professor Hagrid ourselves?” asked the sixth-year Slytherin prefect.

“Yes.” Voldemort nodded, “And you also need to help the lower-level students form teams. Each team must have at least four people and a maximum of six people, and must have at least one student from all colleges.”

The four of them nodded to show their understanding.

“I’m not going to let you be in charge of the teaching assistant courses for the lower grades of your college.”

Voldemort’s words stunned the four of them.

“Percy Weasley, you were my teaching assistant when I was teaching at the Snake House.”

As soon as Voldemort finished speaking, Percy and Gemma Farley, the sixth-year prefect of Snake House, both screamed in surprise.

“Professor, he is Gryffindor.” Gemma Farley said with big eyes.

“Yes, I know, but this is Hogwarts.” Voldemort looked at Gemma with a serious look, which made her hold back her words, “Percy, do you have a problem?”

“No, Professor, I listen to you.” Percy nodded in agreement, but looked a little nervous.

“Gemma Farley, you are responsible for the teaching assistantship at Eagle Academy.” Voldemort looked at Gemma again and said.

Ravenclaw was what he wanted to strive for. This academy was good at cultivating “refined egoists”. Although it was difficult for students to win over, at least there was still hope.

And Badger Yard…

As long as Dumbledore was at Hogwarts, they would be the hardest to win over.

“I know, Professor.” Gemma responded honestly, but she still couldn’t help but look at Percy – Gryffindor taught Slytherin, and she couldn’t figure out the professor’s thoughts at all.

“Robert Hilliard, you will be my teaching assistant at Badger Academy.” Voldemort said to his junior student in the academy.

“Okay, Professor.” Robert nodded firmly.

He is the one who trusts Voldemort the most among the four. After all, Voldemort wears the cloak of his senior student.

“Gabriel Truman, you are in charge of the Lions Yard.”

Even without saying it, Truman knew which one he was responsible for, because there was only one Gryffindor that had not yet been assigned.

“Understood, Professor, promise to complete the task.” He puffed out his chest and said.

“I believe in you, including you three, of course.”

Voldemort glanced at the four people and found that Percy and Gemma had strange expressions on their faces, but he did not comment on it.

“I also want to make a request to the four of you, that is, the four of you need to form a team at the Maple Leaf training ground.”

The four of them were not surprised by this request, but Voldemort’s next words made the four of them look different.

“Percy, you are the captain of this team.”

In Voldemort’s heart, the devil’s laughter rang out – little lion, learn to crawl.

It’s another week without recommendation slots, 80,000 words have passed, and my test pitch hasn’t come yet… Please give me some recommendation votes, so we can masturbate.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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