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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 43 The Star of Destiny Shifts

“Do you know how many countries England has invaded? More than one hundred and fifty…”

“You can learn about the notorious British East India Company…”

“The Great Famine in Ireland, the Great Famine in India, go and see what Churchill said…”

“Learn about the ‘Black War’. All Tasmanians in Australia became extinct…”

How long does it take to go from being eager to try to having no love in life?

Probably not even time for a late night snack.

When cute little Hermione stepped into the office with great expectations, she had no idea that such a “luxurious” baptism was waiting for her.

As a child, her outlook on life was still in the development stage. Suddenly receiving such a huge amount of information that was completely contrary to her own understanding made her whole body feel bad.

Voldemort finally noticed Hermione’s pale face after he was satisfied with his scolding.

“Of course, these are all negative things, and England has done some good things.” He had to say this to avoid overstimulating.

“What good thing?” Hermione asked immediately.

“Well…he has accumulated enough wealth for the people of his country to squander it for many years. Take a look at the British Museum. It is full of treasures. If you just sell some, it will be enough for you to squander it for many years.”

This sentence did not have any positive effect. Hermione, who had been bombarded by Voldemort for a while, understood from the words that they were all about war and plunder.

“But at least, many antiques will not be damaged, right?” She struggled to find the positive side from this sentence.

“Of course, one day in the future, there will be people who will leave with antiques from their own country, but there is a high probability that they will be stopped.”

Thinking of the scene in the Louvre, Voldemort wanted to laugh – the black boy’s hug was so natural.

Hermione’s little face turned pale again, and she chewed the sausage numbly, turning into an emotionless eater.

“It is difficult to judge a country’s administrative policies by whether they are good or bad.” Voldemort said slowly after eating the last piece of sausage on the plate.

He felt it necessary to give Miss Know-It-All a break.

“I don’t quite understand what you mean, Professor.” Miss Know-It-All raised her head, and the light in her eyes disappeared.

The country she was so proud of was not what she had imagined. Such a shock was something that the eleven-year-old could not bear.

“The country is a collection, which is composed of countless ideas. Some people have a greater influence on this collection, such as the president and prime minister, and some people have a smaller influence on it, such as civilians.”

Miss Know-It-All slowly recovered from Voldemort’s slow words. She nodded thoughtfully, indicating that she could understand this concept.

“When these consciousnesses come together, complex interpersonal relationships, political attitudes, and conflicts of interest will form internal friction within them. The will that is finally expressed is only the most desired and instinctive one.”

“What kind of desires and instincts are they?” asked Miss Know-It-All.

“Survival is the first instinct, followed by profit, and the form it manifests is plunder.”

Miss Know-It-All’s eyes finally shone with some light, and she couldn’t wait to ask: “Are all countries like this?”

Voldemort nodded and said: “This has been the case since ancient times.”

“Then there is no country that can do better?” Miss Know-It-All asked expectantly.

“Of course, it requires a strong culture as a foundation. Only in this way can we show some restraint, but in essence, we still have to plunder.”

As Voldemort spoke, what he thought of was the sentence in the Tao Te Ching:

The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is excess damage; the way of man is to make up for the deficiency when there is damage.

“Which culture can do this? Do we have it in the UK?” Miss Know-It-All asked expectantly.

“Of course the UK doesn’t have it. If it had, it wouldn’t have done those things.”

Voldemort’s words made Miss Know-It-All’s expression darken.

“You don’t need to care too much about these. When you graduate from Hogwarts, you can go to the Muggle school system to study. They have different views. What I said is indeed one-sided.”

These words finally made Miss Know-It-All feel better.

She took a sip of milk, adjusted her state, and then asked: “Professor, do you think the knowledge of the Muggle world is also useful in the magical world?”

“You can understand the wizarding world as a country, and then look at what it is doing, and then you will know whether the knowledge of the Muggle world is of use to the wizarding world.”

“What is the wizarding world doing?” Hermione asked confused.

“Hide yourself.”

Voldemort showed a big smile, “I just said that survival is a country’s first instinct. From this, we can see that the wizarding world is afraid.”

Hermione blinked in disbelief. She thought the professor must be crazy. How could a wizard be afraid of Muggles if he was so powerful?

“You don’t believe it?” Voldemort asked.

Hermione nodded in astonishment, then felt that something was wrong with her behavior, so she lowered her head again.

“It’s normal that you don’t believe it. Almost no one in the entire wizarding world believes this.”

Voldemort let out a long breath and was stunned for a moment before speaking again, “You know about the atomic bomb, right? Do you think that thing can solve Hogwarts?”

“How is that possible?” Hermione said in surprise, “Muggles can’t even find it here.”

“Go and read [Hogwarts – A History of the School]. Muggles can see it, but in their eyes, this is a wasteland.”

Voldemort said softly, “Also, they can’t get close, but that doesn’t mean they can’t measure the location.”

“That’s difficult, isn’t it?” Hermione asked, twisting uneasily.

“Of course, but don’t forget the Squibs. They can see Hogwarts clearly and help people in the Muggle world understand the wizarding world.” Voldemort said with a shrug.

“But they are also part of the wizarding world, so they shouldn’t do anything to harm the wizarding world, right?” Hermione asked with some uncertainty.

“There is no shortage of traitors anywhere. It is clearly written in the history books.”

After Voldemort said this, he finally lost interest in continuing the conversation. He felt that he had said enough, and if he continued to speak, he would really be exposed.

“Okay, Hermione, these are not things we should think about. Principal Dumbledore will solve everything. He is the greatest white wizard, and we have to believe in him.”

Hermione nodded, but her frown betrayed her thoughts – the seeds of doubt had been planted in her heart, and this was Voldemort’s purpose.

“I hope you won’t tell anyone about our conversation today.”

Voldemort spoke again, already entering the aftermath phase.

He didn’t want Hermione to spread her words around, which would undoubtedly reveal many of her thoughts and even attract Dumbledore’s attention again.

“I can, Professor, and I can’t explain it either.”

Hermione put aside the chaotic thoughts in her heart and said with a bitter smile – she is indeed excellent. It is difficult for an eleven-year-old girl to act as mature as her.

“When you get older, experience more things, and read more comprehensive books, you will naturally understand all of this.”

Voldemort smiled and said, “This is not a great idea, especially for wizards born in the Muggle world. We will never be as arrogant as wizards.”

“Yes, Professor, I think your words today have given me a deeper understanding of the world. My father once said: Don’t look at the world one-sidedly, whether it’s the wizarding world or the Muggle world.” Hermione said seriously .

“You have a good father. If you have the chance, I hope to meet him.” Voldemort said with a smile.

“That’s great. He really hopes to have a friend in the wizarding world.” Hermione said happily.

“Looking forward to that day coming.”

Voldemort stood up and said, “But now you need to go back and rest, Hermione, it’s getting late.”


Little Hermione screamed and jumped up from her chair, “I forgot the time. I’m sorry, Professor, I’m leaving first.”

After she finished speaking, without waiting for Voldemort to express his stance, she picked up her book and ran out in a hurry.

“I hope you can see the more essential things in this world.”

After little Hermione left, Voldemort said expectantly.

Then he snapped his fingers, summoned Dawa, asked him to pack everything, and then fell on the bed and fell asleep.

He really couldn’t stand it anymore. If he continued to endure it any longer, he was afraid that he would die suddenly – if the wizard could die suddenly too.

Please vote. After all, I haven’t asked for it for a day. I have no recommendation space and no motivation…


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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