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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 45 The Room of Requirement

Hermione came to the library early, but she didn’t see Professor Quirrell until the library closed.

“He does come every day, but he took away a lot of books yesterday, so he probably won’t come in the near future.”

Mrs. Pince answered Hermione and said, “If anything happens, you can go to his office. It’s on the third floor. It’s easy to find.”

Hermione thanked him and left with a disappointed look on her face.

She didn’t go to the third floor because she couldn’t find a reason to ask Professor Quirrell to check her paper – she just wanted to do it in the name of a chance encounter, but it obviously failed.

Of course Voldemort had no time to go to the library, he was busy studying the Restoration Spell.

Trying this magic in different languages ​​gave him a deeper understanding of the rhythm of this magic, but learning those languages ​​was too much of a headache.

Stumbling late at night, Voldemort finally stopped and unfolded the parchment confiscated from the Weasley brothers.

“I solemnly swear that I will not do bad things.”

The yew wand was pointed at the parchment, and the ink spread out from the tip of the wand, slowly covering the entire parchment, and a map of Hogwarts appeared.

Voldemort leaned down and glanced at the principal’s office first. It was empty, without any names – neither Dumbledore nor Fox.

“Isn’t Old Bee at school?”

Voldemort was a little excited, but he did not dare to act rashly. He still stared at the map carefully and carefully looked at all the places that could be displayed.

This is a bit like everyone looking for trouble, which consumes a lot of energy and eyesight, but Voldemort has to do it, the old bee puts too much pressure on him.

“I’m really not here, then, go out for a walk.”

Voldemort said excitedly, then packed his clothes and walked out of his office.

He first went down to the second floor and came to the corner, where there was a large black cabinet that looked familiar to him – he didn’t dare to open his eyes and look at it after arriving at Hogwarts for more than a month.

“The time has not come, the time has not come yet.”

He murmured in his heart, looked at it from a distance for a long time, and finally turned around and left.

He hasn’t had a chance to move the cabinet yet, and until then, he won’t do anything more to avoid alerting the enemy.

After looking at the cabinet, Voldemort went up the stairs until he reached the eighth floor of the castle, where there was a tapestry hanging with a troll club beating Barnabas silly.

“A place to hide things… a place to hide things… a place to hide things…”

Voldemort walked back and forth three times, thinking about the same thing in his mind, and then a smooth door appeared, which was the Room of Requirement he was looking for.

“The Room of Requirement, how does it work?”

Just as children love to take apart toys, Voldemort wanted to take apart the Room of Requirement.

But he only dared to think that next to it was Dumbledore’s office, and he didn’t dare to move rashly, even if the owner was not there.

When you open the door and enter, you will see a large classroom. The moonlight cast by the high windows shines on the sundries hidden here by Hogwarts people of all generations.

Based on his memory, Voldemort began to walk through the garbage, but after a while he became lost here – too much time had passed, and the path in Voldemort’s vague memory was no longer there.

“Show me the way.”

Throwing the yew wand, it stopped in the air as the spell took effect and began to guide Voldemort.

Following the floating wand, around the mountains of stacked books, and through the high walls of stacked slingshots and flying saucers, Voldemort came to a box.

Above the box, a strand of gray hair and a piece of rusty metal were exposed – they might fall off if Voldemort kicked the box.

Voldemort knew that the rusty metal was the corner of Lady Rowena Ravenclaw’s diadem. It was not only an antique, but also provided wisdom.

At the same time, part of my soul is also inside.

“The remnant soul that hasn’t gone crazy yet… I really hope I can get it right away.”

He thought like this, but in the end he didn’t take any action.

“Everything that should be there is here. Next, you need to wait patiently.”

He said this to himself, then stretched out his hand and touched the crown from a distance – his shining eyes were full of desire for knowledge, talent, and power.

Putting down his hand, Voldemort turned and left without hesitation.

“I wonder if there is any secret here.”

Away from the crown, Voldemort calmed down his excited heart and was immediately curious about the collection here.

“Maybe there’s something good in it.”

With this thought in mind, he began to rummage around the house, but unfortunately he couldn’t find anything valuable after searching for a while.

“This place is too big, but in the future we might be able to form a Taobao group to have a look. There will definitely be good stuff.”

With limited time and energy, Voldemort quickly gave up on treasure hunting, but he still couldn’t forget it in his heart.

“I solemnly swear that I will not do bad things.”

After opening the Marauder’s Map again and confirming that Dumbledore was still not in the castle, Voldemort went out and walked downstairs.

“Professor Quirrell, it’s so late, what are you doing?”

At the stairs of the fourth floor, Voldemort ran into Argus Filch, the administrator of Hogwarts. He was not surprised by this, because he had no intention of hiding his whereabouts.

If the Illusion Body Curse or other methods is accidentally broken, it cannot be explained. On the contrary, there can be many reasons for walking around like this.

“I’m too tired from studying spells, Filch. I’m going to take a walk.”

When talking about the curse, Voldemort noticed that Filch’s eyes lit up obviously, “Is Mrs. Norris here? I haven’t seen it much in the past few days.”

“Oh, it is patrolling in another place. When it encounters naughty children, it will notify me.” Filch said happily.

“I hope you gained something.” Voldemort said with a smile, then passed him and left.

Filch stood on the stairs, watching his leaving figure, and muttered: “It would be great if the students were all like Ravenclaw.”

Voldemort, who hadn’t gone far yet, couldn’t help but smile after hearing these words – the entire academy, not even Hufflepuff, was as honest as Ravenclaw.

Sure enough, children who love to learn don’t get into trouble.

Taking brisk steps all the way down, Voldemort’s eyes kept scanning to the left and right. He had never dared to observe everything so unscrupulously during the day. The rare freedom made him very comfortable.

At the same time, he is also planning some future things:

“You can decorate a Christmas tree here, which gives you an excuse to move, but it is still difficult to go all the way up from the second floor. You need to make more detailed plans…”

Muttering in his mind, Voldemort walked all the way to the hall, then walked up the hall to the third floor and returned to his office.

“Hogwarts without Old Bee would be truly beautiful.”

He sighed and devoted himself to the study of magic spells again. It wasn’t until the night got darker that he closed the book and went to sleep.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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