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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 5 Daenerys’ Blood Curse

“Oh…Master, my master is so great…”

“Is this why my father is afraid of him? What should I do? Will he kill me…”

“Oh my God, what have I done? Will I die here? My mansion, my beloved wife, I am only three hundred years old…”

“Damn, his power has definitely not recovered, but he is more alert. The combination of magic, holy water and silver guns, he reminds me of those demon hunting wizards in the Middle Ages. They protect the blood nuns, but more importantly, the little Shulek…”

The idea of ​​three vampires and one soul instantly entered Voldemort’s mind.

His cold eyes wandered over the three figures, calculating how to kill everything he could see.


Under the darkness, there is only destruction.

In this state, Voldemort just wants to destroy everything.

At this moment, he was no longer him.

“Dark Lord, we can talk, I don’t…”

Count Nosferatu noticed something was wrong with Voldemort, the contempt for life in his eyes, how could he not understand after all the vicissitudes of life.

But Voldemort had no intention of talking nonsense to him, and shot the silver bullet at Xueni mercilessly.


There was a gunshot, and the startled Count Nosferatu turned into a bat again, dragging Xue Ni to avoid it.

This little bat belonging to the Monte Cristo faction was completely frightened.

But Voldemort did not fire a second shot at him, because his target was little Shulek.

“Pah, pah, pah…”

“Ah, ah, ah…”

Little Shurek, who was also in a state of stupidity, did not let Voldemort waste a bullet – he caught all of them, and he was not as frugal as a vampire with countless wealth.

“Damn it, stop it, Dark Lord, stop it…”

“Avada~~King of Life~~”

At the moment when Count Nosferatu dropped the bloodnier and ran towards little Schulek, Voldemort used the Death Curse again without hesitation, and the target——

It was none other than the galloping Count Nosferatu.

The earl’s eyes were filled with terror – he was too impatient to spare any effort.


The sharp claws scratched his chest, letting the hot blood spray in front of him.

This was the vampire’s life-saving magic. The blood mist blocked the life-saving spell, but the count himself fell to the ground in pain.

And Voldemort…

He used magic to reload with an expressionless face, his eyes wandering around the three bats.

“I promise you, Dark Lord, I promise everything you ask for, stop it, stop it quickly.”

The count who fell to the ground looked into Voldemort’s eyes and roared in despair.

He underestimated the enemy and paid a heavy price for it. If he was given another chance…

It’s a pity that there is no if in battle.

Voldemort’s movements did not pause for a moment. He still reloaded quickly, and the moment after finishing, he pointed the gun at the count – this was an enemy that must be killed. He was too harmful to himself.

In the darkest place, there is no room for loss.

“Stop, Voldemort, stop.”

There was a roar not far away, and at the same time countless big bats flew over – the support from Mount Oricino was coming.

Voldemort turned around and left without saying a word.

“The original vampires must pay the price for this.”

While running, Voldemort’s voice came.

There was no resentment, no indifference, no emotion in this voice.

Yes, it is just an exposition of facts.

“Wait a minute, Voldemort, I am willing to pay the blood curse.”

The first bat that flew over shouted in a horrified voice.

Voldemort stopped, he wanted to agree, it came from the thoughts deep in his heart, but the darkest moment was stopping him.

Under the darkest place, destruction remains.

Voldemort was already suppressed by his own skills at this time, and his pause was simply because his ego was fighting against his skills.

It’s a difficult process, but fortunately he has some experience:

As long as he pushes one desire – the desire not to kill – to the extreme and breaks through the desire for killing, he can force himself to exit the darkest moment.

“…Ouch…I want Daenerys!”

Finally, with a roar, Voldemort escaped smoothly.

The desire to win stems from Voldemort’s remnant soul’s desire for power.

Daenerys, the earl’s youngest daughter, the earl once wanted to give her the position of crown prince of Mount Orecino.

Obtaining Daenerys’s blood curse is tantamount to binding the vampires on Mount Oricino to himself.

In the memory of the previous life, the self in the book did not receive the support of the vampires.


The big bat has transformed into a human form. It is the big Shulek who avoided Voldemort. His eyes first looked at his father, and then looked at Daenerys not far away.

It was a beautiful vampire, and she was holding a magic wand in her hand:

Daenerys, the child of an earl and a witch, a mixture of vampire and wizard.

“Daenerys, what’s your opinion?”

The Earl had already stood up, but his face was horribly pale, and the loss of a large amount of blood had made his body extremely weak.

But he still had to ask immediately because he didn’t want to bear the Dark Lord’s hatred, especially after seeing the Dark Lord’s strength – this is the Dark Lord in the state of a wandering soul. If he is resurrected…


Daenerys was a little hesitant. As a half-born vampire, she naturally worshiped the strong like her people, but after all, Voldemort was in a wandering spirit state, which made it difficult for her to make a decision.

“I will be resurrected, in four years.”

The Darkest Hour is still cooling down, and the blessed Legilimency is still running. Voldemort, who spied on Daenerys’s thoughts, said without hesitation.

“Then…I am willing.”

Daenerys, who had blond hair and shawl hair, said a little shyly.

“Okay, after finishing the blood feast…”

“No, not now.”

Voldemort interrupted the Earl without hesitation, “I need Daenerys’s blood curse now.”

The Earl was silent. He actually hadn’t made up his mind yet. On one side was his favorite daughter, and on the other was the future of the entire original vampire faction.

“I can promise: I will not use Daenerys as a threat to force you to join my camp.”

Voldemort’s words immediately aroused the earl’s vigilance.

He shook his head, and black mist enveloped his forehead, and Voldemort could no longer peep into his thoughts.

“Your Legilimency has become more powerful.” The Count looked at Voldemort dissatisfied and said.

Voldemort was silent, and naturally he would not take the initiative to explain. This was the result of the darkest moment——

Infinitely amplifying the power of a spell and adding the desire to destroy everything is the power of this golden finger.

“You must swear in the name of the Dark Lord before I can agree to you immediately.”

The old count spoke again and put forward his own conditions.


Voldemort agreed and was ready to swear an oath by his most noble name immediately.

Once he betrays his promise, the name Dark Lord will in turn curse him. How many people believe and fear the Dark Lord, how much backlash he will receive——

That’s almost a certain death.

“Wait a minute.”

Daenerys suddenly spoke, calling out to Voldemort and making everyone look at her in surprise.

“I hope you don’t include me in your vows…”

“I am willing to accept everything, once the blood curse is confirmed.”

Daenerys’ face became increasingly shy.

This made Voldemort have to suspect that this female vampire had been having an affair with “him” for a long time.


Voldemort agreed without hesitation and immediately swore an oath.

As the oath was completed, Daenerys also walked over under the gaze of everyone.

“There are two souls in my body, and the weaker one is me. Don’t choose the wrong one.”

Voldemort whispered, and his words shocked all the vampires.

Can a weaker soul… be able to show such powerful power?


Daenerys nodded, then bit the tip of her tongue, dipped her finger into it, and put a drop of blood on Voldemort’s forehead.

The blood beads entered the brain along the skin, quickly found Voldemort’s soul, and quickly wrapped his soul.

The rich blood color made Voldemort’s soul let out a long and joyful groan…

Old Bee, this time, let me see how you find my soul.

The moment the blood curse was generated, Voldemort was cursed by Daenerys. There are two ways to break it:

Daenerys kills Voldemort…

Voldemort gained Daenerys’ love and got married…

Before that, this curse, while possessing the ability to locate Voldemort, also locked his soul within the curse, preventing him from prying eyes.

A lovely curse, just what Voldemort needs.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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