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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 53 duoblekill

“Left, or right?”

Indian-born lion cub Parvati Petil stood at the fork in the road and asked.

Behind her were Hermione Granger, Lavender Brown, who were in the same dormitory, and a second-year witch who seemed to be more timid than them.

“Listen to Hermione, she has the best ideas.” Lavender Brown said.

Hermione swallowed nervously and looked at the three paths on the left, center and right in front of her, her heart filled with contradictions.

She looked questioningly at the second-year senior, hoping to get some tips from her, but the senior, who was hiding half of her body behind Lavender, obviously would not give her a chance to ask.

“In the middle.” Hermione said decisively, “Between two points, the straight line is the shortest. We need to pass the level faster.”

Regardless of whether she was right or not, the other three nodded vigorously, and then followed Hermione who pulled out her wand – I really didn’t know what the point of taking out her wand was for her who had only been at school for five days.

“I’ve heard from the upperclassmen that the training ground for freshmen and second-year students is not scary.”

Hermione said loudly as she walked, “None of the magical creatures here are aggressive. The danger comes from the living herbs…”

While she was analyzing, something suddenly ran over to her right, making a rustling sound from the branches.


A few girls jumped out of the path in fright, but there was no danger as far as they could see.

“Don’t be so surprised.” Hermione said dissatisfied, “We are Gryffindor.”

Parvati and Lavender nodded vigorously, but the second-year female senior was the only one looking at Hermione’s feet with horrified eyes.


Hermione, who lowered her head, screamed as the vines were climbing up her feet, and soon trapped her feet, preventing her from jumping up and escaping.

Not only her, but several others also had their feet entangled in vines. They screamed in horror and began to call for help after the vines climbed up their calves – which meant they chose to give up.

“Girls, stop screaming.”

Voldemort appeared and explained with reassurance, “It’s just leg-twirling vine, a harmless vine that likes mischief. Calm down.”

Except for Hermione who looked pale and closed her mouth, everyone else was still screaming. Voldemort had no choice but to stretch out his wand.

“The flames are blazing.”

The fire-breathing wand quickly swept over the vines, and the leg-binding vines immediately shrank. The liberated girls jumped back to the path with a scream.

“Most plants are afraid of fire. It doesn’t even need to burn their bodies. Just getting close is enough to make them retreat.”

Hermione nodded with a pale face, trying to remember Voldemort’s words in her panic. The other girls were not so calm. They were only too scared to hear Voldemort’s words at all.

“Okay, before I go back, I want to tell you not to tell anyone about what you saw here. It means nothing. No communication is allowed about everything in the Maple Leaf training ground.”

After giving instructions, Voldemort took the four girls back the same way they came – the journey was not far, and almost all of them were killed as soon as they entered.

“What is that invisible creature?” Hermione calmed down and asked, “If we weren’t frightened by it, we might have gone further.”

“You need to explore this yourself.” Looking at Hermione who refused to admit defeat, Voldemort said with a smile, “Isn’t this the point of the training ground?”

Hermione pouted and nodded, saying that she would find this magical creature in the books in the library – Voldemort believed that Miss Know-It-All had this kind of wisdom.

A group of five people returned to the three-way intersection and saw the five people in Harry’s dormitory and Hagrid, who were looking at Hermione and others in surprise.

“We haven’t set off yet, and they…” Hagrid was so surprised that he didn’t know how to describe it.

“Yes, they are first-year students. Don’t be too surprised.” When Voldemort explained, he saw the second-year female voice lowering her head in shame, but he did not comfort her.

As a second-year student, he is not as calm as a first-year student in the face of danger. This kind of person is not suitable for learning anti-dark magic at all – everyone has their own strengths, so there is no need to force it.

“Hagrid, you should hide instead of following them.” Voldemort said to Hagrid again.

“Oh, yes, it’s just that I was too tall and Harry saw it.” Hagrid was a little ashamed, but Voldemort thought about it and found that his tall body was indeed not suitable for hiding.

“Learn the Disillusionment Charm, Hagrid, it is necessary for you.”

“I’m still learning, but it’s just too difficult.”

Voldemort shook his head helplessly – it was difficult for Hagrid, who had giant blood, to cast magic on himself. He was born with resistance to all magic, including the Disillusionment Curse.

“Okay, children, it’s time for you to set off. Although Hagrid will be watching you from behind, he will only take action when you admit defeat. Go ahead.” Voldemort said to the children again.

Several boys shook their wands nervously, and then began to choose a path – they had some differences. Harry wanted to take the middle path, but Ron thought it was too dangerous, and the girls were role models.

Voldemort was not in the mood to watch them struggle. After sending the girl away, he went into the woods to wait. He needed to follow the next group.

Harry’s group finally chose the left path, and soon the next group came, which was a four-person team composed of Gryffindor second-year boys.

“Go left, I like the left.”

Among this group of four, there was obviously the eldest brother who took the lead. He made the decision directly without any objection, so they moved forward along the group of four Harrys.

Voldemort did not stop them, but hung far behind.

“There’s someone in front of us, it’s Harry and the others.”

Not far into the left passage, they spotted the team ahead.

“What are they doing? Why did they stop?” someone in the four-person team asked.

“You’ll know in the past.”

The leading brother spoke, and the four of them stopped discussing and just walked closer.

Not long after, the two groups met, and they also knew why Potter and others didn’t leave – there was a door ahead, and several people were trying to open it, but they couldn’t do it at all.

“The Alajo hole opens.”

The leading brother directly used the unlocking spell to open the door lock, but at this time they faced a problem – who of the two teams would pass through first.


Voldemort walked out of the jungle and glanced at Hagrid, who was hiding behind a big tree, but with half of his body exposed – Do you want to borrow the invisibility cloak from Dumbledore? Voldemort thought.

“Single fight or group fight, you decide for yourself. The loser quits and the winner moves forward.”

After Voldemort finished explaining the rules, there was a moment of waiting.

In the end, Harry and the second-year leader were pushed out, and they chose to fight alone.

Looking at the helpless Harry, Voldemort felt that this was a bit cruel. For a freshman who had only been at school for five days, what could he do even if he was allowed to hold a wand.

“Cormac McLaggen.” The second-year leader introduced himself and bowed slightly.

“Harry Potter.” Harry Potter bowed nervously. He was still confused and had no idea what he was doing.


The eldest brother in the second grade took the lead, and Harry tried to use the levitating spell to resist, but he was hit by red magic before he even finished reciting the spell, and then the wand flew out.

“Team Harry quits, Team Cormac moves on.”

Voldemort said, and asked Hagrid to come out and leave with Harry as a group. He walked into the jungle and continued to follow Cormac’s group.

“Duoble kill.” Voldemort thought in his mind, “The first graders of the Lion House are wiped out.”

The entire first grade of the Lions Academy, five boys and three girls, have all finished their trip to the Maple Leaf Training Ground.

The girls’ group at least went a little deeper, while the boys’ group didn’t even go through the door and ended up on the way to the training ground – this is really ironic.

Recommended at 2:00 pm, start the first battle, take first blood on the top lane, and then blue, don’t rush in the middle lane, stay steady on the bottom lane, don’t wave, lead the flight! ! !


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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