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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 57 Malfoy Godson

On Friday night, Draco was brought back to Malfoy Manor by his father.

“Let me see if you’re hurt, Draco.”

Narcissa only had time to ask a question before Draco was pulled into the study by his father.

“Lucius, don’t be too harsh, he is still a child.” Narcissa’s voice came in before the study door closed, but her father did not give a reply.


Draco looked at his father with some fear. He had never seen his father so serious. This made him, whose biggest characteristic is “coward”, not know what to say for a while.

“I have to tell you something seriously and ask you to make some changes.”

Lucius sat on a gorgeous chair inlaid with silver, stroking the snake-headed cane with his right hand, staring at Draco with his light gray eyes, “But before that, you need to finish reading it.”

The cane struck the ground, and a thick book on the desk floated up and landed in front of Draco. He stretched out his hand to catch it…or it would be more accurate to say he hugged it.

[Malfoy Family History], Draco saw the name on the cover of the book.

“Time is limited. I don’t need you to read it intensively, but you must at least have a general understanding.”

Lucius took out his pocket watch, took a look at it, and said, “From now on, I have prepared a potion for you to resist sleepiness. Also, if you need anything, please contact Hera. Dobby is very busy.”

A series of instructions, leaving no time for Draco to speak.

“I’ll come over to see you tomorrow morning, so…”

Lucius pointed to the tome in Draco’s arms, “There will be a result before tomorrow morning.”


Looking at the closed study door, Draco was a little confused.

He had no idea what was going on. According to his thinking, it was his mother who asked him to come back, but now it seemed that all of this came from his father’s instructions.


Looking at the tome in his hand, Draco really couldn’t understand.

However, he was an obedient child, especially Lucius’s words. He never contradicted his father and respected his father’s suggestions and decisions.

“Huh, it looks like… this is a sleepless night.”

Walking to the desk and slowly opening the book, Draco read this large family history under the night light.

In fact, it was not difficult for him:

First of all, as a pure-blood noble, he has been in the habit of reading books since he was a child. If he is focused enough, it may be difficult to read the book briefly, but there is definitely no problem in skipping it.

Secondly, he has known the history of the Malfoy family since he was a child. Although he has not read this book, he has read other family histories and thinks that there will be some overlap between the two.

For the above two reasons, he didn’t think his father’s task was that difficult.

He just didn’t understand why his father did this, but he would have the answer tomorrow morning, wouldn’t he?

That night, Draco read diligently. With the help of the magic potion, he didn’t feel tired until the morning light – but his eyes were a little dry after reading all night.

“Knock, knock, knock.”

There was a knock on the door, and Draco looked at the study door in confusion… Who would come here so early?

“Come in,” Draco said.

“You need some breakfast, Draco.” Narcissa appeared in the doorway, dragging the plate in her hand. Her eyes were a little red and swollen, and she looked like she had been crying.

“Oh, Mom, what’s wrong with you?” Draco stood up and pointed to his eyes, “I mean your eyes, they look…”

“I’m fine Draco, I’m fine.”

Narcissa put the dinner plate on the table, removed the books, and placed the milk and cake on the desk. “Eat quickly. Your father will be here soon. He has something to tell you.”

“You have to tell me what’s wrong with you, or I won’t eat.” Draco lost his temper. He knew that his mother had nothing to do with him, especially when he threatened to go on a hunger strike.

“Your father will teach you.”

Narcissa took out a silk handkerchief and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, “I tried to dissuade him. I wanted you to grow up and receive an education from the Malfoy family, but he refused.”

“Just like the ancestors in the book, receive the necessary education from the family?” Draco asked doubtfully, “Of course there is no problem, my father came here this way too.”

“But he wasn’t happy.”

After Narcissa finished speaking, she pulled Draco to sit on a chair, and motioned for him to eat breakfast, “We originally wanted you to have a happy childhood, and we will train you in the fourth and fifth grades…”

At this point, Narcissa burst into tears again, which puzzled Draco… So what if it was a few years earlier?

“Eat quickly, child, your father will tell you everything later.” Narcissa wiped away her tears, stroked Draco’s light blond hair, and watched him eat the cake and milk.

Draco was full of doubts, but he had enough patience to wait for his father to give the answer, but the way his mother looked at him…

Damn, what happened?

“No matter what, remember, Draco, Mummy loves you.”

After Draco finished eating, Narcissa leaned down and hugged her son tightly. Then she stood up and prepared to leave, but before going out, she couldn’t help but look back at Draco.

“Don’t talk back to your father. He’s doing this for you and for the good of the Malfoy family.”

Draco nodded numbly and watched his mother leave, alone in the study in a daze – he had no idea why his mother was leaving.


The door was pushed open and Lucius Malfoy walked in. He was wearing a very formal wizard robe with the Malfoy family crest on his chest. He acted with determination and seriousness.

He was not uncommon with his father’s behavior, but he had never been like this to himself…

“Sit down and talk.”

Lucius used his cane, and a seat was pulled over by magic and stopped in front of the desk. Draco sat on it obediently.

“I didn’t expect it to be so soon, but the time has come.” He said seriously.

“Father, I don’t understand what you mean.” Draco frowned.

“Like your ancestors, let you become a real Malfoy. That’s what it means. Are there any doubts?”

“I’ve always been…”

“It’s just the last name.”

Lucius interrupted him, “We are pure-blood wizards. We are one of the twenty-eight holy tribes. We live in Wiltshire, England, and we have our own manor.”

During a series of words, Draco kept nodding. He knew what his father said.

“But that’s just what you see.”

Lucius twisted the cane, and a wand was pulled out from the cane. He waved the wand gently, and the large [Malfoy Family History] floated between the two of them.

He waved his wand again, and the large book opened with a clatter, and then a mist floated out from inside and slowly dispersed.

In the dispersed fog, a mirage was revealed, and in the mirage, a battlefield appeared.

Arrows were like rain, spears were like forests, warriors in iron armor were fighting each other, and the fallen horses screamed in pain.

Accompanied by the tragic mirage, there were shouts coming from far and near, including roars and charges, calls for help on the verge of death, orders from generals, and messages from fast horses.

“The Battle of Hastings, where the Malfoy family of England was born…”

Lucius’s deep voice sounded slowly behind the mirage.

Malfoy, Malfoy, glorious Malfoy~~~


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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