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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 61 A Different Draco

In Thursday’s Eagle Academy class, Voldemort taught them the Eagle Academy’s hacking skills:

Wisdom wins!

In fact, this has been spread in the senior classes, and many lower-grade Eagle Academy students already know it, but after all, Voldemort has to tell it himself so that they can understand it more comprehensively.

Different from the “recklessness” of the Lion Court and the “diligence” of the Badger Court, the wisdom of the Lion Court is more about the art of war:

Know thyself, ever-victorious!

Be prepared for danger in times of peace and be prepared!

Generally speaking, with this kind of thinking, we should increase our comprehensive understanding of things, consider problems from a long-term perspective, and avoid fighting unprepared battles. This is the guiding ideology.

To put it into practice, both “recklessness” and “diligence” must be learned.

The requirements are very high, and other academies may not be able to do it, but for the studious and intelligent Eagle Academy, this is really not a problem.

As long as he can clarify his thoughts and have a study plan, Yingyuan can always show superior wisdom.

As a result, various combat techniques to deal with different scenarios were developed, and various actual combats were put on the agenda. Yingyuan, which had always had little presence in the battle, suddenly burst into a wave of enthusiasm for actual combat.

Dean Flitwick has mixed feelings about this. As a master of duels, he certainly hopes that the children of his college can learn from him.

But if the children are too restless and end up on the road to the lion’s courtyard…

Worry, worry, worry, my proud disciple has caused him a lot of trouble.

Of course Voldemort would not care about Dean Flitwick’s melancholy, he would just set fire to it.

Whoever is the dean should handle the matter of putting out the fire. He doesn’t receive the salary, so he doesn’t have to worry about it.

In Young Snake’s class in the afternoon, he talked about Slytherin’s dark magic skills:

Strong law leads to victory.

Unlike the other three academies, here are basically pure bloods, so the stability and strength of magic power are guaranteed.

In this case, there is no need to play imaginary at all, just use powerful offensive magic, just practice hard.

Just learn two of the Control Departments, as long as they are enough, and the same goes for the Defense Departments.

The rest are all offenses, such as Expelliarmus, fainting, falling apart… Throwing one counts as one, if you can withstand it, you count as awesome.

This kind of rough education is very popular among the little snakes, and Percy’s powerful display of magic has also conquered some little snakes – worshiping the strong has long been engraved in the genes of the Snake Yard.

And Percy Weasley, who was born as a pure-blood and had always had excellent grades, was also quite talented in offensive magic.

The teaching process went smoothly, and to Voldemort’s surprise, Draco didn’t cause any trouble in this class.

Not only that, he also acted very calmly and restrained – although his dissatisfaction with Percy could still be seen in his eyebrows, he didn’t say another word.

As for him… his eyes flickered and avoided, obviously not wanting to look at him.

This aroused Voldemort’s interest. Of course he knew that Draco was called home by his father last weekend, but he didn’t know exactly what happened.

But looking at Draco’s performance today, he has indeed matured a lot.

For this reason, Voldemort specifically approached him during the battle practice.

“Well done, Draco.”

Voldemort came to him, leaned down and forced him to look at him, “What offensive magic do you want to choose? I think I can give you some suggestions.”

After all, Draco, who couldn’t defeat Voldemort, still looked into Voldemort’s eyes, and in just a moment, Voldemort saw something different in those light gray eyes.

Restraint, hiding and indifference, this child is obviously blocking his emotions.


In an instant, Voldemort made an accurate judgment.

Is this the education of the Malfoy family?

With curiosity in his heart, while talking to Draco, he quietly used a silent spell to activate Legilimency.

Using this magic through a silent spell, the effect was not powerful, and Voldemort deliberately controlled it, so Draco didn’t even notice anything was wrong.

But Voldemort has already explored his heart:

Ignore him…refuse to communicate with him…control your emotions…treat everything calmly…can’t be arrogant…listen to dad…

This kid’s head is a little messed up.

Voldemort quickly gave up communicating with him. The eleven-year-old child was a little ahead of his time in learning Occlumency, but from memory, Draco did have a talent in this area.

Learning Occlumency was a good thing in Voldemort’s opinion.

This unpopular and uncommon magic is simply tailor-made for dark wizards.

It not only allows dark wizards to hide their dark, evil and conspiratorial thoughts, but also allows dark wizards to restrain their desires.

The Death Eaters never knew what Voldemort was thinking, not even Dumbledore – if he could accurately predict Voldemort’s thoughts, Harry’s parents would not have died.

Even in the remnant state, Voldemort still mastered the powerful Occlumency, which is why he dared to face Dumbledore.

Of course, he didn’t dare to be as obvious as Snape, with cold eyes and empty eyes, which was Snape’s patent.

If Voldemort did that, he was sure Old Bee would raid his lair that night.

Therefore, when he uses Occlumency, he does not show restraint, but expresses it outwardly, letting out another personality, and then cooperating with his own behavior to confuse the other party.

Being forced to act was painful, which was one of the reasons why he didn’t like meeting Old Bee.

But Occlumency was good anyway, so he decided to give Draco some of the benefits.

Time soon came to Saturday, and as agreed, he needed to hand in his homework that night, but for Draco’s sake, he still asked for leave.

The reason was the Manchester United football match, and Old Bee expressed his understanding. He supported Voldemort’s actions in a text message: Doing things that make you happy can relieve the fatigue caused by work.

What a good principal, he deserves Hogwarts to get better and better.

Before entering Old Trafford, Voldemort went to the Eela Owl Shop and mailed a handwritten diary to the loyal Mr. Lucius Malfoy.

That is Quirrell’s Occlumency experience. It contains solid information and discusses the effectiveness of psychology courses in Occlumency learning:

The analysis of psychologists can allow Occlumency learners to quickly understand where their emotional peaks are, which is conducive to our control and growth.

Voldemort agreed very much with this theory, so he gave this book as a gift to one of the only men he had contact with, and marked it as a Christmas gift.

When Lucius received the gift, he was completely blind…

An early Christmas present?

Merlin’s beard, is this really my master?

Wasn’t he under a Confusion Curse or the Imperius Curse?

The Christmas gift…shouldn’t it be Avada chewing a big melon?

No matter how surprised he was, he finally read the note carefully, thought about it, and decided to give it a try.

So on Sunday, Draco was brought into the Muggle world by his father…

Unfortunately, this was his first real contact with the Muggle world, and the first thing he did was to see a doctor…

My dear dad, we are not sick! ! !

Draco: I am sick and need treatment~~~~


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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