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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 69 Hermione knocked on my door late at night

Dean Flitwick is injured and Professor Quirrell is mad.

This is the hottest topic at Hogwarts recently.

The students didn’t know the specific reason, but that didn’t matter. They just needed to know – stay away from Professor Quirrell.

After returning from Azkaban, Voldemort no longer stayed in his office as before.

The reason is simple. Nothing makes him happier than being with young and energetic students.

Punishing students arbitrarily and deducting college points is the easiest way to gain happiness. It seems that except for Snape, the other professors don’t have too many complaints.

The reason is very simple, Snake House deducts the most points – Voldemort really can’t stand it, Slytherin students are having fun in the corridor…

Are you just riding a horse without knowing how to read books, study, and practice magic so that you can serve your great Dark Lord in the future?

Apart from being unable to suppress his temper, Voldemort felt that he was in a good state, at least the progress of reading the banned books was much faster – pain can never hurt those who have no happiness.

Just a few days later, when everything was about to go on track, something happened…

Late at night, while Voldemort was still reading the forbidden book, a sudden knock on the door woke him up.

With a bad temper, he angrily stood up and opened the door, and what he saw was a little girl in pink pajamas…Hermione.

“You’re up so late at night, what are you doing?”

Voldemort asked angrily – he almost said “Are you coming to bed”, but held back at the critical moment.

“It’s Harry, professor.” The little girl said with tears in her eyes, “Malfoy used a curse on him, and then he was injured and bleeding…”

Voldemort was shocked on the spot – curse? Are you sure you can figure out what a curse is?

Although he was not sure that Hermione was right, he set off immediately – wearing only a gorgeous purple silk robe – and quickly walked to the prize display room on the fourth floor.

“Calm down, Hermione, panicking won’t solve the problem.” Voldemort strode ahead, and Hermione trotted after him, “Tell me what happened.”

“It’s because of Neville’s memory ball.” She said quickly, “At noon, Neville’s memory ball was lost and Malfoy picked it up, and then…”

The play between the children made both parties angry, and Malfoy proposed a duel – Voldemort sensed a conspiracy.

Harry agreed to the duel, but Hermione tried to stop him, but failed because the fat woman was not there and could not open the door of the Lion’s Court lounge, so she followed him.

In the trophy display room on the fourth floor, they did not wait for Malfoy, but Filch arrived. They hid in a room and saw the three-headed dog – Hermione said everything without reservation.

Upon hearing this, Voldemort felt that the story in the book was unfolding in a delayed manner, and couldn’t understand why Malfoy was involved – he had become very different recently.

Then when Hermione told him, he knew the story that followed.

The three Harrys thought it was Malfoy who had tipped them off and guessed that he would not come. However, when they escaped from Filch and walked out of the room, they met the Malfoy trio.

Malfoy was not late, it was Harry and the others who came early, everything was an accident.

Then the duel continues.

“The God’s Edge is invisible.” Hermione said with a trembling voice, “I heard him shout that, and then a line appeared on Harry’s chest…”

“God’s Blade is Shadowless?” Voldemort stopped in surprise, “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.” Hermione also stopped and wiped away her tears. “It’s the same as Professor Snape shouted. Malfoy’s eyes were just as vicious as the professor’s at that time.”

“Go find…”

He wanted to go to Snape, because only two people could resolve this curse. One was Malfoy himself, who used the curse, but he might not be able to use the medical curse.

There is also Snape, who masters the counter-curse of the curse he invented.

But, he is Quirrell, why does he know all this, so…

“Go to the principal. He is in the office on the eighth floor. There is a stone statue at the door. If you shout there, he will hear you.”

Voldemort said quickly, and then saw Hermione running up the building.

“Stop, Hermione.” He quickly grabbed Hermione and showed her the way, “Go down to the third floor. There is a shortcut next to it that leads directly to the eighth floor. It is faster than this.”

Hermione nodded and turned back to run down. Voldemort warned and shouted: “Hurry up, Harry is in danger.”

After listening to Voldemort’s instructions, Hermione’s speed obviously accelerated again, which caused her to fall when she was about to go down the stairs, hitting her head on the handrail and bleeding, but this did not stop her at all.

What a brave girl… Voldemort thought, and hurriedly turned around and walked towards the prize display room.

“Harry, what’s wrong with you, Harry…”

In the distance, he heard Ron’s terrified roar.

When they turned the corner, they saw Ron holding Harry’s chest hard, but blood was still pouring out, and Neville was helpless next to Ron.

Beside, Malfoy stood there expressionless, while his two followers giggled.

“Get out of the way, Ron.”

Voldemort pulled out his wand and came to Harry – there was a five-centimeter wound on his chest, and blood was trickling out. Harry’s face was pale and he looked at him in horror.

It should be that Malfoy’s magic power is not strong, so the damage is not serious, but the curse will cause bleeding, and Harry’s reaction is obviously excessive. The wound is not fatal – the excessive reaction may be related to his blood anemia. .

“It’s not serious, Harry, you’ll be fine.”

Voldemort comforted him, and after a brief moment of hesitation, he waved his wand.

“Heal quickly…”

Fortunately, the magic about love did not rebound his magic.

It was a sin to waste the blood of so many enemies… Voldemort, who was in a relaxed mood, still had time to think wildly.

“Malfoy, can you use the healing spell?”

Seeing that the effect of his magic was not good, Voldemort, who knew the reason, asked Malfoy.

“No, Professor, but I don’t think this magic is enough to kill him. The chest is not the fatal part.”

Malfoy’s cold-blooded words made Ron look at him angrily, but his gaze could not kill anyone.

Voldemort also turned to look at Malfoy, but he didn’t see too many emotions in his eyes – this kid is indeed very talented in Occlumency.

“Heal quickly…heal quickly…heal quickly…”

In the face of the evil curse, Voldemort had no better way. He could only keep using medical spells. Although the effect was effective, it was obviously not enough to completely change the current situation.


There was a flash of fire, and Dumbledore appeared in purple pajamas, along with his phoenix and Hermione holding her forehead.

It’s too late… Voldemort thought.

“How is the effect?” Dumbledore stepped forward, observed the situation and asked.

“No, this is a curse, my magic can’t resolve it.” Voldemort said helplessly.

“Oh my God, Harry…” Professor McGonagall’s voice sounded. She ran over panting, stretched out her wand, and began to use medical spells along with Voldemort.

But the effect was also not good. Two people using the medical spell together could not produce a qualitative change. Seeing this, Voldemort put away his wand and asked Professor McGonagall to maintain the status quo.

He turned to look at Dumbledore, who was observing Malfoy.

Malfoy’s face was still expressionless, but this boy was quite fierce. Even when facing Dumbledore, he could keep his Occlumency in check.

Although the defense has not been broken yet, I don’t know how long it can last… Voldemort thought.

“Your father shouldn’t have taught you curses. Is he taking revenge on me?” Dumbledore’s voice was filled with rare anger.

The defense was broken, but Lucius did it beautifully… Voldemort thought again.

“Step aside.”

The big bat came over, and after Professor McGonagall got out of the way, he waved his wand, “Heal quickly… Heal quickly… Heal quickly…”

The wounds on Harry’s body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye – Snape had obviously changed the medical spell, turning it into a counter-curse.

This sinister big bat spread the Shadowless Curse of the Divine Edge without spreading the counter-curse. He is definitely not a good person…

It’s a new week, a new starting point. It’s up to you readers whether you can advance to the next recommendation position. Readers, please cheer for Voldemort~~~~


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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