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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 74 Picture 74 Sorry, I am an actor!

“In other words, Ron insulted you in front of everyone?”

Voldemort felt that the plot had gone astray, and that the iron triangle might no longer be as perfect as in the book – Harry and Harry had lost the chance to save Hermione, and Haha had become friends.

Haheliu is also good. Anyway, I don’t like little lolita, but if she grows up to be as beautiful as in the movie… Voldemort’s imagination continues.

Apart from having no extraordinary magical talent, Voldemort believed that he had considerable abilities in other aspects, especially in abducting little girls.

“I don’t know why, Professor, I didn’t offend him.” Wan Shitong pouted. This little girl was extremely aggrieved.

“If I say that I can understand you, you may not believe it, but from the perspective of a Muggle wizard, I think you will understand.” Voldemort curled his lips and said.

“Muggle wizard?” Miss Know-It-All’s eyes widened. She thought of that question, but it made her afraid to say it.

“Discrimination, Hermione, there is nothing that cannot be said.” Voldemort said this word without hesitation.

“But we are Gryffindor, how could we…”

“Does Harry hate you?”


“Does Seamus Finnigan hate you?”

“Um…probably not.”

“I don’t think there is any need to give more examples, Hermione. It would be difficult for someone born in the Muggle world to discriminate against you.”

Voldemort shrugged and said, “If you were bullied in the Muggle world, you wouldn’t feel so uncomfortable and would even resist, but in a strange environment…”

He didn’t continue, but Hermione already understood. She lowered her head in pain – although she found the source of everything, it didn’t make her happy.

“What should I do, Professor?” she asked, looking down.

“There is nothing you can do, Hermione, there is no way to change this.” Voldemort said sadly, “The unfamiliar environment makes us lonely, but life will never stop because of us.”

His two fused souls have both experienced this strangeness – Voldemort entered the magical world, and Lin Zuo was a time traveler, both of them.

“But we can always do something, right?”

Hermione raised her head bravely and said, “The most valuable thing about a person is that after seeing the essence of life, he still loves life. This is what Romain Rolland said.”

“Of course, you can put all your energy into magic. In fact, we Muggle wizards have a better understanding of magic. At least we have one more perspective, right?”

Voldemort looked at Hermione and saw her nodding thoughtfully, “Besides, I guess the wizarding world has entered the Tasmania effect, and they are in desperate need of existences like us.”

“Tasmani…Professor, I don’t quite understand this effect.” Hermione’s cheeks turned red again. She was a good child who was “shy” about ignorance, and she had a studious heart.

“The Tasmanian effect originated from an isolated island in the southern hemisphere, where humans were discovered in the 16th or 17th century, I don’t remember exactly when.”

As Voldemort narrated, he pointed his wand at the troll and Hermione listened carefully.

“When people discovered them, they didn’t even have primitive animal skin clothing, and they couldn’t fish, but archeology found that they had advanced hunting and fishing techniques.”

“A closed environment brings a closed mind. They have degenerated and lost the technology they once mastered, not to mention the development of civilization.”

Hermione looked at Voldemort in surprise and asked, “Will the wizarding world also degenerate?”

“I don’t know, it would require a lot more knowledge and a lot of investigation.”

Voldemort did not dare to say anything, he just said what he knew, “Actually, the wizarding world cannot be considered an island. There are still exchanges between wizards in several countries.”

“But the entire wizarding world is an island, isn’t it?” Hermione raised her head, as if she had forgotten the previous dissatisfaction, and her eyes were full of curiosity, “We are still in the midst of this effect.”

“The Muggle wizard is a hole, but it’s a bit small. I don’t know the specifics, Hermione. This requires a huge amount of data as a basis to judge.”

Voldemort slowed down before turning the corner and said, “Learn magic first, and then go to a Muggle university to study after graduation. I think that would be very…”



There were two screams, followed by the sound of falling.

After Voldemort moved the troll’s body upward, he saw Harry and Ron sitting on the ground, looking at the troll in horror.

“Why are you here?” Voldemort asked in surprise.

“I…we want to go find Hermione. We heard that something happened in the castle, so…” Harry recovered faster, and he was the first to explain.

Voldemort looked at Hermione. He wanted to decide whether he wanted to forgive these two children or not. She, the person involved, needed to make the decision.

“Sorry…Hermione, what I said was…a bit too much, I didn’t…” Ron also spoke, stumbling, but at least he apologized.

“I forgive you and thank you.” Hermione replied, but there was no trace of gratitude on her face.


Ron didn’t know what to say for a moment, but Voldemort didn’t want to watch three children exchanging feelings in front of him.

“Okay, your classmates are here. You can go back with them. I have something else to do.”

After Voldemort finished speaking, he let the troll fly higher, passed over the two people’s heads, and then ran towards the corridor on the fourth floor.

“I’m following you, Professor. I want to chat with you. This has given me a lot of insights.” Hermione followed quickly, not caring about the two people who fell to the ground.

“You will learn a lot if you chat with anyone who is thirty years old, even if he is an alcoholic.” Voldemort said with a smile.

“Professor, can we follow you?” Harry and Harry also ran over and asked.

Voldemort noticed Hermione frowning, but he didn’t care – they had already been there, so what could be kept secret?

“Of course, if you want.” Voldemort shrugged indifferently.

As a result, the twosome became a foursome, and Voldemort talked less, but Hermione still asked questions, but there was a lot more content about the Muggle world.

Harry was limited by the education given to him by his aunt’s family and could not quite understand the conversation between the two.

And Ron was even more confused. Maybe his father was here and he could say a few words without hesitation, but he couldn’t.

The four of them came to the familiar corridor and saw the door from a distance.

“How is this going to happen?” Hermione asked confused.

“Child, you must first know that you are a wizard.”

Voldemort said, taking out his wand, but before he could use his magic, the door suddenly opened from the inside…

It was Big Bat, with a dark face and lame legs, looking at the four people in surprise.

“Quirrell…oh, I’m here…” He saw the strange look in Voldemort’s eyes and wanted to explain.

But will Voldemort listen?

Sorry, I’m an actor… Voldemort thought excitedly.

He really didn’t expect that justice would come from heaven, Snape, the twenty-fifth boy, and you would be here today.

Then, without hesitation, he waved his wand and sent the troll crashing into Snape.

“I didn’t expect it to be you, Snape. You have violated Headmaster Dumbledore’s trust in you.”

To be honest, if using [loud voice] didn’t seem too deliberate, he would have wished to cast ten copies of this curse on himself.

“Hermione, you guys go to the principal quickly and say that thing is dangerous and Snape is stealing it. Don’t let him get away.”

After Voldemort finished speaking, he turned his head and shouted to them bravely and resolutely, “Go quickly, he may kill you. Don’t let my sacrifice stop you and make it worthless.”

Several children were moved with tears in their eyes, and then left resolutely, leaving only Snape who had just climbed up from under the troll, stretching out his hand that could not grasp anything…

Thanks to book friend Ah Ji Oh – he mentioned the Tasmania effect in his review, which made me add part of this chapter. Thank you to every reader for your support and encouragement, your votes and comments, I Everyone will see it, and there will be analysis~~~Thank you for your support~~~


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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