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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 76 Pay attention to Snape, okay?

Does Dumbledore trust Snape?

This is a question that is difficult to determine. Even Voldemort, a time traveler who has done some research on HP, cannot give a 100% accurate answer.

Lao Deng is a very assertive manipulator. From the appearance to the end, he shows the image of a wise strategist – including his death, which was also premeditated.

But to say that he trusts people… there is also a sense of isolation. Just like this year, he rarely had close contact with Harry, as if he was deliberately keeping a distance.

But if he doesn’t trust anyone… Even when facing a young guy like Snape, he shows extreme trust, even trusting him with life and death.

This kind of Dumbledore made it extremely difficult for Voldemort to judge where his trust lies, but fortunately it was not completely traceable.

For example, now, Voldemort feels that Old Deng may not fully trust Snape yet, at least he may not have said the words “Watch Quirrell, okay”.

The reason why he dared to be so sure was because he hid deep enough and faced Dumbledore’s temptations again and again…

Gringotts theft…

Daily life performance…

Check out the patron saint at the training ground…

In these incidents, not to say that he performed perfectly, at least he did not leave enough clues for people to determine his identity.

In this case, Dumbledore’s suspicion of himself and Snape was only 60-40, if not 50-50.

After all, Snape was a real Death Eater, and the timing of his rebellion was also a big problem – he only rebelled after his own fall.

Dumbledore would not immediately trust such behavior unless he was mentally retarded.

Of course, Snape’s Patronus seems to prove that he is a good person, but if you think of it this way, you distort the definition of a good person.

She may be well-dressed, she may beat and scold her parents, she may have tattoos all over her body, she may often kneel in front of the hall, Du Shiniang sank a treasure chest out of anger for love, who could tell that she is a “loyal minister” despite her righteousness?

Snape’s patronus can only prove his love for Lily, and nothing else.

How could the old bee, who has gone through many vicissitudes of life, not see all this clearly?

Therefore, when everyone stopped, Voldemort noticed that Old Deng looked at Snape with a different color.

“There may be a misunderstanding here.”

Dumbledore whispered and waved his wand to restore the corridor to its original state – he glanced into the distance and saw little Malfoy retracting his wand.

Voldemort also spied on this scene and praised Malfoy in his heart. Whether he intentionally or unintentionally, he contributed to smearing Snape.

“I asked Snape to come and check this place. I was afraid that someone would take the opportunity to take action. Okay, let’s go.”

The understatement makes it difficult to tell the truth from the lie.

Snape, with a dark face as before, glared at everyone and left lamely.

Was it really you who instigated this… Voldemort was filled with doubts.

“Professor McGonagall, would you please put the troll in? Quirrell wants to come with me. I have some questions I want to ask him,” Dumbledore said.

Voldemort’s heart tightened, but he nodded calmly and followed Dumbledore to the eighth floor.

“They saw it too, right?” Dumbledore asked as he passed by the trio.

“Yes, Principal, they happen to be with me.”

“Then let’s go together, I have toffee in my office.”

At Dumbledore’s invitation, Voldemort and the trio followed him to the principal’s office. Ron was a little excited, but Harry and Hermione were better.

Entering the office, Dumbledore, who was walking in front, waved his wand first, and a pile of messy papers on the desk were gathered together and inserted into the bookshelf.

“Drink a cup of hot chocolate. The sweetness can help people regain strength and confidence.” He smiled and served drinks to several people, and then conjured chairs for everyone to sit down.

“Tell me what happened, children, and don’t be afraid,” he said again.

Voldemort looked at Hermione and motioned for her to speak.

“Due to some conflicts with Ron, I hid in the bathroom and cried during dinner. Then I suddenly heard a strange noise and a giant monster appeared…”

“Troll? What’s going on?” Dumbledore looked at Quirrell and asked.

“It was the curse of the Dark Lord. It attacked me and made me temporarily unconscious…” After Voldemort finished speaking, he glanced at the trio hesitantly.

Dumbledore waved his wand and for a moment the trio heard nothing.

“I felt malice, malice towards Muggles.” Voldemort fabricated a lie. “At that moment, I seemed to be driven, instructing the troll to kill Hermione.”

Dumbledore frowned and murmured: “It should be a curse with a confusion curse and a pointing curse. It has become stronger and clearer, maybe because it has something to do with him coming here.”

“He is here?” Voldemort asked in shock.

He was really shocked because he didn’t know how Dumbledore was sure that he was here.

“The castle told me,” Dumbledore said. “Well, let us continue to listen to the children.”

He waved his wand again, and Voldemort realized that Hermione was still telling her story and had not stopped because of the conversation between the two. The other two people in the trio also did not notice what had just happened.

Magical magic, Voldemort had no idea what Dumbledore used.

“I asked Snape to go.” Dumbledore emphasized again, “But you three did a good job, and Quirrell did a good job too. You must be thinking about protecting the students, right?”

“I couldn’t beat him, and I found that out that day in the restaurant fight, so I asked them to leave because I didn’t know…”

Voldemort did not continue speaking, but the meaning was already clear – he did not know whether Snape would kill the children cruelly.

“Professors should protect their students as if they were their own children, and you did a great job.”

After he finished speaking to Voldemort, he then said to the three of them, “The hot chocolate is delicious. You can take it away. If you want to drink it later, you can come to me.”

They politely asked the trio to leave. Harry and Ron were still nodding their heads stupidly. Hermione had already stood up to leave, and Harry and Ron followed suit and left together.

“I must say again, you did a great job, Quirrell.”

After the trio separated, Dumbledore rubbed his head in pain, “But my thinking is a little confused. I must ask you a question, which requires your careful thinking and judgment.”

“Say it, Headmaster, and I will answer you seriously.” Voldemort said.

“Is it Snape? Do you think it could be him?” Dumbledore did not raise his head, but his words were very serious.

After Voldemort was stunned for a short time, he didn’t know what to say.

Of course he knew it wasn’t, but he would be a fool to say it wasn’t.

He didn’t dare to say yes, because if the werewolf jumped the police, he would be voted out by the people.

He had to be cautious, the problem was that Dumbledore was still waiting for his answer.

“It’s hard to judge?” Dumbledore raised his head in surprise, “I thought you would say it was him.”

“I don’t know, Headmaster.” Voldemort said with a grimace, “This matter is too important. If I make a wild guess… Headmaster Flitwick will kill me if he finds out.”

Dumbledore suddenly laughed and said, “Yes, you are still a child, this is too difficult for you.”

Voldemort shrugged helplessly, and after Dumbledore chatted with him for a few more words, he let him leave.

Just when he was about to go down the spiral staircase, Dumbledore’s voice came from behind.

“Watch Snape, okay?”

If it weren’t for the calmness brought by Voldemort’s remnant soul, Voldemort would have been surprised and would have stepped on the air and rolled down the stairs.

You should say this to Snape…

“I understand, principal, I will.”

After saying this, Voldemort left without looking back.

It was in chaos, the world was completely messed up by him.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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