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Hogwarts: I am Voldemort — Chapter 97 Compound Sine Wave Conjecture

Professor Crowley’s explanation is undoubtedly wonderful.

Through simple arguments, he ruled out the time and space characteristics of the repair spell, which gave Voldemort some confidence in him.

“So in your opinion,” Voldemort asked, “what is the nature of the Restoration Curse?”

“It’s difficult for me to give you a definite answer.” Professor Crowley said helplessly, “We have made many conjectures, such as energy aggregation characteristics, magnetic field repulsion characteristics, etc., which are all in the [Conjecture Book].”

Voldemort nodded. He saw that there were indeed many such conjectures in the catalog.

“I really can’t tell you everything. Please listen to me, sir. This is not laziness.”

Professor Crowley picked up the [Conjecture Book] and said, “There is a lot of professional content in it. If I elaborate on each conjecture, I think I would need to give you a lot of courses. It would be too complicated.”

Voldemort thought for a while and agreed with the other party’s statement. After all, his academic performance back then was really average.

“But I can tell you about our final conjecture. After all, it does not have many loopholes visible to the naked eye like other conjectures.”

Professor Crowley opened the [Book of Conjectures] to one chapter and handed it to Voldemort.

The Compound Sine Wave Conjecture of the Restoration Spell—so says the title of this page.

“Sine wave?” Voldemort frowned.

“Yes, let me tell you our guesses in as uncomplicated a way as possible.”

Professor Crowley cleared his throat, and after Voldemort nodded, he said, “The whole matter is a projected image, an aggregation of energy. Starting from the quantum concept, the smallest chemical and physical properties of all objects we see only have There are three things: electrons, positrons and negative electrons.”

Voldemort struggled to keep up with him, responding by nodding or shaking his head between Professor Crowley’s words.

“So the entities we see are actually images formed by energy waves. Can you understand this?”

Voldemort didn’t quite understand, but he decided to hear the whole theory first, so he motioned for him to continue.

“And what is the energy set that is not imaged by the energy wave? It is information, and what is information? The simplest piece of information is a sine wave. It can be said that all waves are sine waves.”

“I remember the sine curve, mathematically, but I forgot about the sine wave…” Voldemort said painfully, rubbing his temples.

“Sine wave is a signal with the singlest frequency component. Because the waveform is very similar to the sinusoidal curve you mentioned, it is called this.”

Professor Crowley explained, “Any complex signal is composed of many sine waves of different frequencies and sizes.”

Voldemort nodded, he understood this part.

“Sine wave represents primitive, simple and basic, can you understand?”

After Voldemort nodded, Professor Crouch spoke again, “We believe that the repair spell is a compound sine wave. It can effectively determine the original compound sine wave information of an object, and then restore the original state of the object through magic.”

“Where did the missing atoms come from?” Voldemort asked after thinking for a long time.

“Look for transformations close by, there are a lot of atoms in the air.”

As Professor Crowley said, he took out the book that Voldemort had given them before, opened a page, and pointed to the content on it.

“It says here that when the repair spell is used, it looks like going back in time. In fact, it’s not. It’s just that when I looked for atoms nearby, I found that the original fragments were in line with its needs.”

Voldemort nodded and asked doubtfully: “Then why did it return to its original appearance? During the process of item damage, the compound sine wave must have changed. How did the curse locate its original complete appearance?”

“Because of the wizard’s emotions.” Professor Crowley turned the book to another page and said, “It is mentioned above that the wizard should think about the original appearance of the object and use magic with the idea of ​​​​hoping that the object can be restored to its most complete state. curse.”

Voldemort raised his eyebrows. He thought this explanation made sense, but he was still confused: “Is it enough to mobilize thoughts and emotions?”

“Ordinary people definitely can’t do it, but since ridiculous wizards exist, I guess their ideas are unique.” Professor Crowley curled his lips and said with disdain.

Voldemort didn’t care about his disdain. Instead, he glimpsed something different from this person’s words – the uniqueness of the wizard’s ideas. So what exactly was this uniqueness?

This is definitely something worth thinking about, but Voldemort doesn’t intend to think deeply about it immediately. It is better to figure out the content of the repair spell first.

“What role does the spell, the rhythm of the wand’s waving, and the magic power play?” Voldemort asked.

“Both the magic spell and the waving wand are designed to create a repairing spell compound sine wave. This is why the spell requires a high and low pitch scale, and the wand needs a natural frequency.”

Professor Karauli said, and he raised his hand and waved it, as if he really knew how to use magic.

“And magic…” he said again, “that is the energy needed to complete all of this. The law of conservation of energy requires it, just like cars need gasoline and trams need electricity.”

Voldemort really wanted to try it right away, but it was a pity that there were these people in front of him.

“Please allow me to briefly describe what you said so that you can see if I understand anything wrong.” Voldemort began to use honorifics, and it was obvious that he began to recognize the other party.

“Okay, please state.” Professor Crowley said.

Voldemort nodded, thought for a moment, and then spoke slowly after organizing his words.

“The Restoration Spell is a compound sine wave, and the charm and the waving of the wand are designed to imitate this complex compound sine wave pattern.”

Professor Crowley nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

“Magic is the driving force. Through the compound sine wave formed by the magic spell and the waving wand, the energy is emitted, prompting the compound sine wave to play its due role.”

Professor Crowley nodded again, and extended his thumb to praise Voldemort, but there was an expression of concern for the mentally retarded in his eyes – Voldemort didn’t care about his thoughts, Muggles didn’t understand magic and couldn’t explain it.

“The function of this composite sine wave is to effectively find the composite sine wave information of a damaged object, and the emotion is to lock in the most complete part of this information.”

“Exactly, I think you already know the function of magic.” Professor Crowley said.

“Yes, the magic power promotes all of this to achieve the final effect after the above conditions are met. At present, it seems that there are indeed no loopholes.”

Voldemort thought about it and asked again, “But why can’t it be done to living creatures?”

“Two possibilities.” Professor Crowley said with two fingers deep inside. “One possibility is that the repair spell compound sine wave itself does not have such effect.”

Voldemort nodded, thinking of healing spells – that required a different rhythm of spells and wand waving.

“There is another possibility that the independent consciousness of living things is too complex, which may require more complex composite Zhengxuan waves.” Professor Crowley explained.

Voldemort’s eyes lit up, and he felt that both points were correct.

There is indeed a big difference between the repair spell and the medical spell, and the learning conditions for the medical spell are more complicated than the repair spell – the repair spell is a lower grade subject, but the medical spell is a higher grade subject.

“Does that mean that if you find the compound sine wave of the repair spell, when you use this magic, you don’t need a fixed spell and wand swinging method. You only need to let the magic simulate this compound sine wave, and you can use it?”

Voldemort suddenly thought of silent spells and wandless spells, which met exactly this condition.

“Theoretically, yes, but compound sine waves are very complicated. With the cooperation of magic spells and wands, they have been simplified a lot – just like using computers to replace brain calculations – if you abandon these, it should be difficult or impossible to do. “

It can be done, but it’s very difficult. Some wizards cannot cast silent spells in their entire lives, let alone cast spells without a wand… Voldemort thought to himself.

“Thank you, I think I understand.” Voldemort stood up and shook hands with the other person to express his gratitude.

Before this, he hesitated whether to delete the memories of these people, but when he thought about the possibility of cooperation in the future, he gave up. After all, the Forgetting Curse hurt the brain.

“Thank you for your generous funding. Here, I can tell you an additional piece of information.”

Professor Crowley shook hands with him happily. It was obvious that he was happy to leave. Perhaps these irrelevant contents had long disgusted the scientist.

“If that world really exists – although that is impossible – when the wizard truly understands the compound sine wave of this magic, he will understand the nature of this magic, and his control over magic will be greatly enhanced.”

“Why is there such a guess? Professor Crowley, I don’t think there is anything in the information I gave you to support your making such a guess.” Voldemort asked with a frown.

“Emotions, Mr. Riddle.” Professor Karauli picked up his package, “If emotions can have such a great effect, then the essence is even more so.”

Voldemort pondered, watching Professor Karauli and his team leave.

There are emotions again, going around, as if returning to this issue again, but the essence of what Professor Karauli said… everything needs to be verified, and Voldemort cannot make judgments out of thin air.


Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Status: Completed Author:


Me, Voldemort.
The holder of the yew wand and the master of six Horcruxes.
Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, the Dark Lord of the Death Eaters' faith.
Director of Admissions at Hogwarts-Azkaban Branch and leader of the wizard death squad.
Wizarding World!
I'm back! ! !


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