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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 16 A new way to influence magic power

Snape waved his wand, and a huge projection suddenly appeared above the classroom. It showed the table top of the podium and Snape’s hands, ensuring that everyone could see the details of his operations.

“The first step is to weigh the medicinal materials and determine the ratio, starting with dried nettles…”

Snape began to select medicinal materials and operate instruments with standard and smooth movements.

“Then it’s time to crush the snake’s fangs, pay attention to my movements…”

“Start cooking the slugs. Note that the slugs must be those with tentacles. Also, do not add cold water to the pot when cooking for the first time. Make sure the water is boiling before putting it in…”

“Melt the porcupine quills… Attention! Be sure to take the pot off the fire and let it cool for a certain period of time before adding the porcupine quills, otherwise you will be disfigured… In order to save time, I will use magic to cool it down. You will see it later. Don’t do this when operating, I’m afraid your crappy magic will blow up your crucible by the way.”

“Then the last step…”

Snape mixed the slug solution that had been boiled three times with other medicinal ingredients, and stirred it according to a certain rhythm and direction.


Since she was sitting in the front row, Avada could directly see Snape’s movements without having to look at the overhead projection. The picture that appeared during his observation almost made him scream in surprise.

In his perception, the magical structure contained in various medicinal materials was originally chaotic, and it seemed meaningless to single them out. However, when they were put into the slug solution, their magical structures gradually merged with the simple magical structure of the solution, forming a regular, wonderful, and brand-new structure!

The whole process is like putting a broken jigsaw puzzle back together, silky smooth and pleasing to the eye.

This is a phenomenon he has never observed in the past few years – if you want to obtain a certain magic structure, the most direct way is to directly cast spells and use mental power to change the magic around you. But this brand-new method in front of us, which uses the magic structure of magic medicines for fusion and splicing, can accomplish things that are extremely difficult to do directly by casting spells at an extremely low cost.

Take the scabies treatment potion in front of you as an example. It only takes a skilled first-year wizard about ten minutes to prepare it. If you want to use only a wand to realize the magical structure, it will be no less difficult. Yu releases a clear water like spring spell!

Clear water like a spring is a spell that can only be learned in sixth grade, so you can imagine how difficult it is!

Only then did Avada realize that potion science was a brand new way of influencing magic power that was different from any magic!

“You must learn potions well!”

He secretly made up his mind and decided that even if he was targeted by Snape in the future, he would shamelessly ask him for advice.

On the podium, Snape finally completed the configuration of the potion. He poured the potion into a glass bottle and held it up to show everyone. It was a bottle of light blue potion, glowing slightly under the dim light, and looked extremely beautiful.

“Then now, I will give you the materials for making the potion, and start making it yourself in pairs. I hope that none of you are so stupid that you can’t even get together a set of experimental equipment!”

“Ms. White, you are in a group with Mr. Shabby; Mr. McNeil, you are in a group with Mr. Alex…”

Snape walked to the back of the classroom and began to group the students by house, from back to front. And when he reached the front row and saw Avada and Baron, a look of amusement flashed in his eyes.

“Unfortunately, Hufflepuff and Slytherin students are both odd-numbered. So Mr. Ken, why don’t you team up with Mr. Shafik?”

“Just in time, you can also let Mr. Shafiq supervise your mind, which can’t even remember the recipe for anti-cold potion, so as not to cause any trouble in my class…”

He gave a copy of the ingredients for the potion to Avada and Baron, then turned around and inspected the classroom.

“Don’t worry, he actually thinks highly of you…”

Balon explained to Avada with some embarrassment: “The anti-cold potion is a magic potion that can only be mastered in the next semester. You can recite most of the formula when you first enter school, which is beyond his expectation. I think he should be I want you to guide me, but I just can’t let go…”

“Concentrate on the experiment, don’t whisper to each other!”

At some point, Snape appeared behind the two of them again and tapped their heads with parchment.


The two of them shivered, their faces straightened, and they quickly started the experiment.

“Dried nettles, snake teeth, porcupine quills, slugs…”

Balon is responsible for accurately weighing each medicinal material and handing the weighed medicinal materials to Avada for secondary processing. Avada put the poisonous snake fangs into the mortar and pounded them into powder with the hammer. Although this is a purely physical process, Avada had already memorized the magical structure of the reaction when she was watching Snape’s operation, so the details of how much to smash, whether to disperse or to agglomerate are very important. It’s no problem for him.

The next step is to break the porcupine quills into small pieces, cut up the dried nettles, and boil water to prepare the slugs. It has to be said that after countless generations of experiments and improvements, these old classic formulas have almost no room for optimization. Instead, Avada has found many hidden operational risks.

For example, if you don’t break the porcupine quills into small pieces, but directly grind them into powder and want to speed up the reaction, congratulations, the excessive reaction area will cause a magic change that should happen later to advance, and then follow other The ingredients that have not yet completed the reaction generate a structure similar to a magical “flame”…

Avada was complaining in her heart while working with Baron in an orderly manner, boiling, cooling, adding medicinal materials, boiling, stirring, cooling twice…

Under the guidance of detailed notes, Avada and Baron’s standard operations, and the use of magic senses to monitor every magic change at all times, the two people’s production progress progressed rapidly. Explosions and airflows came from time to time in the classroom. He stood out among the sounds, coughs, exclamations and Snape’s curses.

Soon, they came to the final step.

“Stir clockwise for seven turns, pause for three seconds, then stir for two turns counterclockwise…”

Baron looked through his notes and muttered in a low voice, while looking at Avada who was working on it. But I saw that he stopped after stirring clockwise for five and a half times, paused for two seconds, and then started stirring clockwise again.

“Hey, wrong step!”

Baron warned hurriedly, but saw Avada continue stirring calmly, and calmly explained: “Don’t panic, this is another stirring technique I saw in the library before, and it is just suitable for the current potions. . If nothing else happens, the effect of the potion mixed in this way will be two to three times that of the original version.”

This is also a lie. In fact, Avada finally found a flaw that can be improved. This flaw is extremely conspicuous in his magic sense, but I don’t know why people in the past didn’t touch it.

Balon nodded, not trying to stop him out of the trust he had built up in the Avatar during Charms class.

Finally, Avada completed the improved version of stirring. As the glass rod was pulled out of the cauldron, the originally colorless potion gradually turned into a deep blue color that was darker than the original potion. Avada took out the glass bottle, poured the potion into it, and shook it at Baron with some pride: “I’ll just tell you, believe me, I’m right.”


Balon nodded in admiration, then raised his hand and called Snape over to inspect their finished product.

However, Snape did not praise them after checking their potions, and did not even turn away directly. Instead, he sneered from his nose.

“Mr. Ken, do you think your genius brain has discovered an unprecedented improvement method?”

He took a piece of meat from an unknown animal from the shelf nearby, and then waved his magic wand to make it covered with scabies: “Come, let me show you the effect of this ‘genius potion’.”

He carefully opened the bottle cap and poured the blue potion into it. As the medicine came into contact with the skin, there was a sizzling sound. The skin on the piece of meat that came into contact with the medicine quickly turned black and damaged as if acid had been poured on it, leaving a large and shocking black spot in the end.

“Your genius technique tripled the effect of the potion, so it changed from killing scabies mites to burning the entire skin, Mr. Ken!”

“And if you still don’t give up and plan to dilute it with water, then I don’t mind watching the fireworks one more time!”


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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