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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 17 The Dilemma of Improving Talent

Avada, who has lived in two lives, realized for the first time that the enhancement brought about was not necessarily a positive effect.

At the same time, this also made him respect the achievements of those pioneers even more – in generations of exploration and research, many of the most basic things have been optimized to the limit, and each step is based on thousands of years of experience. Condensation cannot be overturned with just one of his magic senses.

Of course, this respect has its limits. After all, there are countless examples of stagnation in development due to constraints of experience. And his “magic senses” are likely to be unprecedented, which almost gives him the natural power to question and improve everything.

However, you must be cautious and cautious when questioning and improving, otherwise it will be a joke like just now.

After being scolded by Snape, and frantically apologizing to Balon, and gaining understanding and comfort, Avada, who was tortured, finally survived until the bell rang.

Snape was the first to announce the end of get out of class and walked out of the classroom. Then most of the students quickly stood up and walked out the door – the explosions and pungent smell made them want to escape from the classroom in the next second. The blue bottle of potion was still placed on Avada and Balon’s desks, so many students walked past them and saw their bottle of potion that Snape had criticized.

But most people just glanced at it and left. After all, their finished products were worse and they were not qualified to laugh at the same time. And those Slytherins who successfully completed the potion did not step forward to taunt him for Balon’s sake.

Avada, however, ignored those strange looks. After saying goodbye to Baron in a hurry, she picked up her schoolbag and chased him out, stopping Snape who had just left the classroom.

“Professor, please wait!”

“Huh?” Snape turned around in surprise. He knew his reputation quite well, so he never thought that any student would dare to chase him and ask questions, not to mention that the student who chased him had just been reprimanded by him.

“Professor, do you know anything about ‘intelligence-enhancing agents’?”

Avada asked the question bravely, and then quickly took a deep breath, preparing to face the storm of ridicule and reprimands.

“Oh, intelligence enhancers.”

Snape raised his eyebrows and said slowly: “It seems that our genius Mr. Ken finally realized that his brain is not that good and wants to become smarter through potions?”

“So now that you already know that there is a magic potion like intelligence enhancer, you must know that this is a magic potion that only fourth graders can learn to make, and it is also very difficult for fourth graders. Do you think you have already Have you mastered all the knowledge from the first to fourth grade perfectly? Or do you think that the intelligence-enhancing agent is like the scabies treatment agent, which can be prepared with just a little movement of your hands, and can also be strengthened with your genius technique? “

“And the effects of intelligence enhancers usually only last about a day. Do you plan to drink it like water, enjoy your genius mind for a few months, and then become an idiot forever?”

He glanced at Avada who was stunned with satisfaction, turned around and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

It’s not that Avada was deceived, it’s just that he didn’t expect that things like intelligence enhancers actually have time effects and side effects.

It seems that he can only analyze the structure of mental power bit by bit to see if there is any way to forcibly improve his talent.

After the potions class was the herbal medicine class taught by my own dean, Professor Sprout. But to Avada’s expectation, Professor Sprout did not take them to the greenhouse to display various magical plants. Instead, he asked them to flip through textbooks, take notes, and talk about magical plants in detail in the classroom. biological classification, several common physiological structures, and a simple history of the development of herbal medicine.

According to Professor Sprout, they currently do not have any knowledge or foundation of herbal medicine, so even going to the greenhouse is meaningless. Therefore, you need to sit in the classroom and study honestly, wait until the knowledge reserve is sufficient, and then go to the greenhouse to transform this knowledge into practice, and learn more profound knowledge in practice.

After finishing the day’s classes, Avada went straight to the library after eating and looked through the fourth grade potions textbook to see if he could prepare the intelligence enhancer by himself and observe what it was like. How to influence mental power to improve people’s talents, and then try to develop magic or potions to permanently improve talents.

After he fully watched the production process of the intelligence enhancer, he understood what Snape meant when he said “it is also very difficult for fourth years” – he couldn’t understand it at all.

The names of the medicinal materials, the types of instruments, the techniques used, the formulas used for calculations, and many symbols and terms directly blocked Avada from knowing the slightest information about the intelligence-enhancing agent. . And if he wants to understand these things, he has to understand all the potions knowledge from the first to the fourth grade, and now he has not even fully memorized the knowledge from the first grade.

“It’s so ambitious.”

He sighed secretly, and at the same time he admired Hermione Granger even more, whom he had never met before. She successfully brewed the Polyjuice Potion in the second grade, which was at least accessible to the sixth grade advanced class. What kind of monster was this!

“My magic senses are only suitable for use in research with physical objects. As for such purely theoretical and purely computational subjects, I am no different from ordinary people.” He shook his head with some annoyance and put back the fourth-grade textbook. on the bookshelf.

“Let’s go to the Room of Requirement again and see what I can gain from the things there.”

Avada left the library, then ran upstairs and came to the stairs on the eighth floor. Suddenly a figure appeared around the corner, and he almost bumped into it.

“Professor Baker?”

After stopping and seeing the appearance of the person clearly, Avada asked in surprise.

“Are you…Ken?”

Although he had only met him once, Professor Baker was deeply impressed by this student with an outrageous name and excellent performance in class, and he immediately recognized his face.

“What are you doing here, Mr. Ken?”

‘I still want to ask you, the Defense Against the Dark Arts office is on the third floor…’

“Oh, we have astronomy class tomorrow, so I want to go see the astronomy tower in advance, professor.” Avada said the excuse she had prepared a long time ago.

“It’s a good habit to know the venue in advance.” Professor Baker nodded and walked downstairs to leave.

Avada looked at his back and frowned – Professor Baker’s mental power was even more out of place than in the morning. Although he couldn’t see anything abnormal under the vision of his magic senses, he just felt a strong sense of violation. .

“Spiritual power…”

Avada sighed, and actually went to the Astronomy Tower to prevent the professor from secretly returning to spy. After returning to the eighth floor, he quickly entered the Room of Requirement. He first took the crown out of his exclusive room, and then returned When I arrived at the “hiding room”, I started looking for any magic items suitable for my current research.

There will be another update around nine o’clock


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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