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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 18 The surprise brought by the crown

“In other words, Ravenclaw’s crown has the function of improving the user’s wisdom, but because of that damn Horcrux, I dare not use it now…”

Looking at the exquisite crown that countless people were after so hard, and the extremely complex magic structure inside it, Avada lamented again, feeling quite helpless that he was sitting on a treasure mountain but couldn’t get it.

“If only Rowena Ravenclaw had left down the recipe for this diadem, so I could make a new one myself…”


When this idea crossed her mind, Avada was stunned for a moment.

Yeah, why doesn’t he just build a new one?

Anyway, the magical structure of Ravenclaw’s diadem was clearly visible to him. Although it was very complicated, if he was given enough time, he could completely recreate it with the guidance of his magical senses, and maybe in the process of replicating it. It can also analyze the functions of some structures, greatly improving your understanding of mental power!

This is where Avada’s talent is unreasonable – if we compare it to the technology of the previous life, Ravenclaw’s crown is like a very complex polymer material, and people only know that this material has excellent performance , but couldn’t figure out how it was synthesized.

Not only did Avada carry an electron microscope, he could directly see the molecular structure of this material. He could also rub the molecules atom by atom to pile up the material. And if he had sufficient knowledge of alchemy, it would not be impossible to deduce the production process based on the structure!

“Just do it!”

Avada almost immediately went to work analyzing the crown. If both the Horcrux and the crown were not of great importance, he would even want to carry the crown close to his body and study it whenever he has time!

“You can first split the structures that are obviously not part of it into modules and analyze their functions one by one…”

Avada tried his best to control his mental power, using his wand to try to reproduce the structures he saw in the void. Although the dismantled magic structure was greatly simplified, it was still very difficult for him to reconstruct it. It took him more than half an hour to complete the first module.

“Its function is, uh… to link with spiritual power?”

After the carving was completed, it took another half a day for Avada to gradually understand the function of this part of the structure.

“It should be the bridge responsible for linking the human body’s spiritual power with the structure that increases wisdom in the crown. The structure is very wonderful, but… it’s too complicated. I can’t remember it!”

This is another disadvantage of Avada’s poor memory: if you can’t remember ordinary knowledge, you can also write it down on paper and carry it with you, and take it out at any time to consolidate your memory. But how does he record something like a magic structure onto a carrier?

He can just find a carrier to change the magic in it and shape it into what he wants to record, but in this case the magic in it will return to its original state in less than five minutes – just kidding, if just enchanting it can be solidified for a long time , then wouldn’t the alchemist’s thousands of years of exploration become a joke?

“Okay, I’ve been busy for a long time in vain.”

“It seems that I can only wait until I find a structure to strengthen my mental power, and then transform my mental power in one breath without stopping.”

However, he was not completely without gain. After all, it was the result of his personal analysis bit by bit. His understanding and memory of its structure far exceeded what could be memorized by rote. After analyzing the first module, Avada felt that she had made great progress in spiritual power and magic such as “link”, and gained some new insights.

“Speaking of which, what would happen if this link structure was used to directly connect the mental powers of two people?”

“Wait a minute, if the transmission of information becomes one-way and the link goes deep into the subconscious level, wouldn’t it be the Imperius Curse?!”

Avada felt as if she had discovered something extraordinary.

“What is the spell of the Soul-Impering Curse? By the way, ‘soul out of body’…”

“According to the changes in mental power caused by this pronunciation and the structure of this link module, try to transform it into a one-way link…”

After trying it for a long time, Avada discovered that this module really had the potential to transform into the Imperius Curse!

Although his current understanding of mental power is still too weak to directly launch the real soul-stealing curse. However, through the transformation and utilization of the knowledge he already understood, he accidentally discovered another very practical spell prototype, and decided to find an opportunity to perfect it.

“Perhaps Rowena Ravenclaw referred to the model of the Imperius Curse when making this diadem?”

He originally thought that this structure might involve the principle of Legilimency, but he didn’t expect that an Unforgivable Curse was directly exploded. This was probably the attraction between similar people.

Avada didn’t think much more and continued to analyze the structural modules of the crown conscientiously. After about two hours, he completed the analysis of the other two modules and learned that their functions were “monitoring” and “protection” respectively.

To put it simply, it is an emergency fuse mechanism. Once something goes wrong with the user’s mind or the crown itself, or if someone wants to invade the interior of the crown through the mental interface, these two modules are responsible for emergency disconnection. And because the functions are too single and modular, Avada did not develop any new magic.

However, it is worth mentioning that Voldemort’s Horcrux magic did not touch these two modules, but was directly attached to the pure material layer of the crown, without touching its own magical structure at all.

I don’t know why he didn’t do it, but fortunately he didn’t do it. If a Horcrux Diary-level intellect gained the crown’s ability to strengthen wisdom and its own fame and attraction, what would happen?

Avada suspected that if that were the case, this Horcrux crown alone would be able to rule the wizarding world without Voldemort himself taking action!

“The magic to destroy Horcruxes must be researched as soon as possible. There are only five years left in Ansheng’s life…”

He couldn’t help but rubbed his head with a headache. Before school started, he felt that he had plenty of time, enough to allow him to relax for a while after completing all the arrangements. As a result, it was only the first semester, and his schedule was already overwhelmed.

Analyze crowns, improve talents, research Horcruxes, delve into potions and herbs, self-study advanced knowledge…

Oh, by the way, there’s also today’s homework.

When she thought of this, Avada was excited. She quickly put the crown back in her exclusive room and went straight to the library. After saying hello to a few acquaintances, she began to take out her homework and write hard. Fortunately, the workload of the first-year students was not large, and the level was too simple for him who had just analyzed the Ravenclaw Diadem. Except for one paper, which was a bit time-consuming, the rest were basically completed without much effort.

It was time to hit curfew again, and Avada returned to the Hufflepuff common room. As soon as he opened the lid of the barrel, he heard a lively discussion and saw almost all the first-year students crowded in the center of the lounge, chattering around a few senior seniors.

“What are you talking about?” Avada gathered around curiously.

“There’s a tea party in the lounge tomorrow!”

Someone answered excitedly: “Tomorrow, Wednesday, is the day of Hufflepuff’s regular tea party, and it is also the first time for us freshmen to participate in the tea party! There will be many senior seniors to answer our questions and help us move faster To learn more about Hogwarts, freshmen from other houses will also be invited to participate!

“And it is said that the volunteer chefs at the tea party are particularly good at making desserts and drinks…”

Celebrating the signing, one more update. If you readers like this book, you can vote monthly now!


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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