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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 19 Tea Party and Finished Intelligent Agents

Although Avada’s schedule has made him extremely overwhelmed, he still does not intend to miss this memorable tea party. After all, he didn’t exist to kill Voldemort. All he wanted was a peaceful and happy life.

It’s just that the existence of Voldemort hindered his and most people’s dreams, and he himself did have the ability to get rid of Voldemort in advance, so he forced himself to be so nervous. But if he really has free time, or if necessary, he doesn’t mind relaxing properly, making friends, and occasionally enjoying normal campus life.

So the next day, when he returned to the Hufflepuff common room from the Astronomy Tower, he saw a scene he had never seen before:

The entire common room expanded several times out of thin air for some reason. Several long tables that seemed to have been borrowed from the kitchen were placed around the lounge, with various pastries and drinks placed on them: cakes, cookies, Scones, pudding, mousse, milk tea…

There are some small round tables scattered in the open space in the middle. Each table has a teapot on it and a few chairs around it. Many wizards and witches lingered at the long table to feed themselves, or sat around the round table to drink and chat. There was a cheerful atmosphere, and it looked like a large banquet.

However, people attending banquets tend to dress themselves meticulously and show the most elegant manners at the banquet. The wizards here are still wearing the casual clothes or pajamas they usually wear in the common room, and some even wear slippers to attend.


Avada immediately recognized that Qiu, who did not belong to Hufflepuff, appeared here and was chatting happily with another boy.

Avada took a few steps closer and saw the boy’s face clearly: it was Cedric.

“Yo, Ken!” The two raised their hands and greeted Avada with a smile. Avada also stepped forward and joined the conversation between the two: “Hello, Cedric, and Qiu, have you also been invited to the tea party?”

“She is one of the volunteer chefs for this tea party!”

Cedric laughed and patted Qiu on the shoulder, and Qiu smiled sheepishly and nodded in acknowledgement.

“It’s also thanks to what you told me at the opening party that I was able to discover her craftsmanship and invite her to the tea party – look over there, those puff pastry scones and red date cakes are her work.”

Avada glanced along and saw several plates of quite exquisite moon cakes and date cakes placed on a long table. Many people came to take them. It looked like they would be used up soon.

“Wait a minute, what’s with those crooked pieces on the plate?”

“Oh, that’s what I learned to do, isn’t it pretty?”


Qiu couldn’t help but rolled her eyes: “Actually, it tastes pretty good, but Seid had to shape the pastry into a sniffing shape. I couldn’t resist him, so that’s it.”

Avada looked at it carefully a few more times and felt that the shape was closer to a five-legged monster than a Niffler.

Oh, and the pastry with broken pastry seemed to be a moon cake. He almost thought it was a dementor figure.

“……come on.”

Avada gave her heartfelt blessing, and then parted ways with the two of them, no longer making light bulbs.

‘I didn’t expect that the opportunity between Cedric and Qiu would actually become me…’

‘Is it coincidence or fate? ’

‘If it’s fate, then what’s the point of my existence? What is my fate? ’

He didn’t know what caused Cedric and Qiu to become lovers in the original work, and he didn’t know whether the Department of Mysteries also conducted experiments in the original work and created a person named Avada Kendavia. But he is sure that he is definitely not a character in the original work – the plot is the same with him, but the plot is still the same without him. Is he a time traveler in vain?

You can’t, you can’t even survive the first semester, right?

While he was thinking wildly, he looked around for something. After looking around, he shook his head helplessly: “Isn’t that boy Baron really coming?”

As a relatively familiar friend, Avada must have invited Balon to the tea party, but Balon said something like “A qualified Slytherin should first enrich himself instead of meaningless enjoyment.” She rejected him and tried to drag him to the library together.

Avada was helpless about this: I am anxious to study in order to deal with Voldemort, what are you anxious about?

Although they had only known each other for a few days, it was not difficult for Avada to discover that Baron was the most traditional noble at heart—arrogant, martial, with a strong sense of morality, who valued honor and credit, and regarded taking responsibility as his bounden duty. . So he also understood Baron’s eagerness to improve himself and lead the academy to regain its honor.

But after all, he was still young and had little experience, so he was too naive and too impatient in this regard. How could a college’s reputation accumulated over the years be reversed by just one person?

But he hasn’t said this to Balonmin yet. After all, the two of them had only known each other for a few days, so it was inappropriate to have a casual conversation.

So he found his three roommates, Shabby, Summers and Stebbins, and chatted with them about their recent studies and life, while tasting and commenting on the food on the table, and by the way chatting with a few Seniors who are familiar with each other exchange experiences about school life.

“Are those people over there selling things?”

While wandering around, Avada found a group of people standing in a relatively remote corner, gesticulating and gesticulating. Sometimes they would take out some potions, magic materials or magic items and hand them to others, asking them to hold their wands carefully. Check, and finally separate after handing over or getting some Galleons and Sickles.

“Didn’t we tell you yesterday?”

Xia Bi explained: “Our college finally held a tea party, so we naturally took advantage of this opportunity to get together to exchange needs, exchange needs, and do some business. It is normal. And we basically don’t have to worry about credit issues here. , transactions are naturally much easier and more convenient.”

“I see……”

Avada was about to nod, but suddenly thought of something, and her eyes lit up: “Do you think I can buy intelligence enhancers over there?”

“Intelligence enhancer? Is there such a good thing?”

The reaction of the three people was even more intense than Avada’s: “Go and see, go and see, if there is such a magical thing, you must buy it!”

In the end, Avada was dragged over by her three roommates and asked about the seniors who were selling potions. As soon as I asked the first person, the other person enthusiastically said that it was no problem at all.

“Intelligence enhancer? That’s easy to say. Although I don’t have any ready-made ones on hand, I can brew it on site, and it will probably be delivered tomorrow afternoon. Don’t worry, my level of potions is sufficient. I haven’t received an E since I was in the first grade!”

“Really? That’s great. Each of the four of us wants a bottle. How much is the total?”

After hearing this, the smile on the other party’s face became brighter: “Each bottle is four galleons, thank you for your patronage, sixteen galleons!”

“How many?!”

The four people, including Avada, were all shocked by this offer – it has been more than a month since he learned about the magical world, and Avada has some understanding of the purchasing power of Galleons; and he only learned about it yesterday. I looked at how the intelligence enhancer was made (although I didn’t understand it), and I didn’t inquire about the prices of the materials and equipment.

“Is it expensive?”

The senior blinked in confusion: “The cost of a bottle of intelligence-enhancing agent alone is more than three galleons. Is it reasonable for me to earn about one-fifth of the profit? This is already a friendly price within the college.”

“Or…” He looked at the four junior students in front of him suspiciously: “You actually don’t know anything about intelligence-enhancing agents?”


Avada also looked at the three roommates in confusion: “I need intelligence enhancers because I have something that I urgently need to master. What do you want this for?”

“Eh? Isn’t intelligence enhancer a magic potion that makes people smart?” The three of them looked confused.


After some explanations, in the end, only Avada paid for an intelligence-enhancing drug, while Xiabi and the others turned their grief and anger into appetite and continued to clean up the pastries at the tea party.

Thanks to “Book Friend 20230718135251923” for the reward and “Qiu Yu’s Yellow Bird” for the first monthly ticket!


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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