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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 23 Professor Baker in the Crystal Ball


The two looked back in horror, only to see a normal Room of Requirement and nothing unusual.

“I’m here.”

The voice smiled bitterly: “Go forward and look at the black crystal ball under your feet…”

Only then did the two of them realize that in their panic, they had been paying attention to Professor Baker, but they had forgotten about the black crystal ball that was suspected of being a black magic item!

And the voice that is talking to them now is not Professor Baker. Who is it?

Avada and Baron pulled out their wands again, but did not move closer to the crystal ball that fell to the ground.

“It’s a good habit to be wary of the unknown.” Professor Baker’s voice continued with a sigh: “But I really don’t plan to do anything to you… You should have noticed how abnormal the ‘I’ with the body behaved before, right? Actually that one is fake, I am the real Benjamin Baker.”

“Are you the real Professor Baker?!”

Avada and Balon looked at each other in confusion – not to mention Balon, even Avada who knew the existence of Horcrux felt a little incredible: the soul fragments remained in the body, and the main soul ran into the Horcrux. What kind of way is this? number?

Or is there something else hidden in Professor Baker?

With heavy doubts and confusion, Avada took Baron back a few steps and slowly approached the door of the Room of Requirement: “I’m sorry, Professor Baker, your current situation is too complicated. We are just two ordinary people.” You are an ordinary first-year student who can neither confirm the situation nor help you… Let’s go find Professor Dumbledore and ask him to help you!”

“Please, please don’t!”

Professor Baker’s voice suddenly became anxious, and at the same time, the space inside the Room of Requirement was distorted again, turning into an invisible maze that could not be escaped: “My current state must not be known to others!”

“I can swear that I became like this definitely not because I wanted to harm anyone, or because I suffered the consequences after doing evil… But everyone has some secrets that they don’t want others to know, right? For example, Ken, , you were able to confirm so firmly that this crystal ball is a black magic item, what did you rely on? Are you willing to tell others?”

Avada frowned and stopped.

But Baron beside him showed a wary look: “So, this crystal ball is really a black magic item?”

“That depends on how you define dark magic items.”

Professor Baker gave a wry smile: “If you are talking about black magic in the academic sense, that is, magic that can only be used at the cost of damaging one’s own mental power – then this crystal ball is indeed a black magic item, and even in the dark It may also be the darkest type of magic…”

“But if you are like those classical wizards who believe that only magic used to do evil can be considered black magic, then please rest assured that this crystal ball has nothing to do with black magic.”


Avada, who was listening quietly on the side, had a flash of surprise in his eyes: with the cooperation of his magic senses, he discovered something incredible.

But before he could ask, Baron frowned and asked again: “I’m a little confused… Professor Baker, what’s going on with you now?”

“As a director of the Dark Arts Defense Alliance, why do you own the ‘darkest’ dark magic item and bring it to school? What is it originally used for?”

“Why is your body occupied by another person? And why are you in the crystal ball?”

“And you don’t want others to know about this, so what would you do if we didn’t come?”

After listening to this series of questions, the black crystal ball was silent for a long time.

“It seems that if I don’t dispel your doubts, I’m afraid I won’t be able to get your help.” Professor Baker sighed helplessly: “Then I will give you a rough explanation.”

Avada raised her eyebrows but remained silent, intending to listen to what Professor Baker would say – she couldn’t run away now anyway.

“Let’s just say that the me in the crystal ball now and the person who just controlled the body and walked out are both me, Benjamin Baker.”

“For some reason, during my adventurous journey, my consciousness split. This split seriously affected my thoughts, control of my body, and ability to cast spells. In order to solve this problem, I had to spend After several years of searching for a solution, I finally came up with a fairly acceptable plan: to create a special container to suck the split consciousness in, allowing my main consciousness to completely control my body.”

“And the black crystal ball in front of you is the container I created to carry the fragments of consciousness.”

Professor Baker’s voice revealed a certain kind of exhaustion: “In order to build it, I had to collect knowledge and magic materials from everywhere – including the reason why I decided to come to Hogwarts to be a professor. Hogwarts has all the The largest library in the UK, a forbidden book section that contains a large amount of hidden knowledge, and a secret place that I learned about when I was a student, is here. At that time, I thought that maybe this place could help me complete my goal as quickly as possible…”

“It turns out that my decision was correct. I gained a lot of useful knowledge and data through the library and the restricted book section, and the channels taught by the school also made it easier for me to obtain hard-to-find materials… Just a few days ago , I finally finished making the container.”

“So I happily came to the Room of Requirement, preparing to complete the split here secretly. To this end, I also added magic to the space of this room to prevent other students from breaking in – the one you just encountered.”

“Oh, by the way, you probably don’t know yet. When there are already people in this room, unless the people outside have the same needs as the people inside, the portal cannot be opened…”

“Isn’t that right?” Baron asked doubtfully, “But before we came here, we had already opened many rooms?”

“Listen to me as I continue.”

Professor Baker said with a bitter voice: “However, just when I started the ritual, an accident happened: due to the excellent performance of the container I made and some mistakes I made during the operation, my main consciousness was sucked in. container, but the fragment of consciousness stayed in my body and gained control!”

Avada didn’t know what to do or what her expressions were for a moment – she really just put her main soul into a Horcrux!

How could a crappy dark wizard be able to do such a shocking operation… No, how could a crappy dark wizard be able to make a Horcrux? !

“That’s why you can open other rooms.” Professor Baker smiled bitterly: “Because only a complete consciousness can be judged as a person by the Room of Requirement – however, my main consciousness has been locked into the container, and the fragments of consciousness are not enough. was recognized, so in the Room of Requirement’s judgment, I changed from ‘a person’ to ‘two items.'”

Avada nodded secretly, this was indeed true – Voldemort’s Horcrux had been in the Room of Requirement for so long, didn’t it still not affect other students’ room cleaning?

“In the future, the ‘I’ who controls the body will prove what I say. You should find that his lectures will become more and more boring and rigid, and his reactions will be much slower than before…”

“But in this case,”

Barron interrupted Professor Baker suspiciously: “Then after encountering something like this, shouldn’t you go to others for help? Why did you trap us when we were going to find Professor Dumbledore? “

“I have said it before,” Professor Baker said in a low voice: “Although it will not do evil, this crystal ball is indeed the most cutting-edge black magic creation. If it is spread, even if there is a reason, it will be enough to ruin my reputation.”

“What’s more, this crystal ball contains a large number of my unique technologies and some trump cards. Once it falls into the hands of others, these technologies may be analyzed. Then for me, an adventurer who has offended countless dark wizards, it will be very difficult for me. It’s a fatal hazard.”

“It’s true that I need help, but I hope that the fewer people involved in this matter, the better.”


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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