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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 27 The Collapse of the Horcruxology Building

“The first thing that can be confirmed is that the ‘other me’ does not know about me or the existence of this crystal ball. I deliberately blocked that fragment of consciousness during the process of making the crystal ball. He has no memory of this. It’s a natural information gap.”

“But apart from that, he has almost all my memories and personality. However, because it is just a fragment, its mental power is far weaker than my body, so it will be very slow to read these memories, and it will be difficult to control the body. He will be clumsy, especially when casting spells. So his combat effectiveness is probably not as good as that of an ordinary Auror.”

“And what you have to do is to help me arrange a magic to extract my consciousness in this room, and then lead the other me here, defeat him, make him lose the ability to resist, and finally use the magic arranged before Let me get back into my body.”

Avada was a little surprised: after experiencing such a serious weakening, Professor Baker’s body still has Auror-level combat effectiveness – don’t look down on Aurors just because they are a Deluxe, they are selected after the most rigorous selection. The most skilled and strongest wizard in the world, he is a veritable high-end combat power in the magical world!

“You may think it’s outrageous for two first-year wizards to defeat one Auror, but it’s not.”

Professor Baker continued: “His vigilance towards you is almost zero, and I also know all his fighting habits and weaknesses. In addition, we are calculated mentally and unintentionally. We can lay various traps in advance, and this is controlled by me. With the assistance of space magic… with our level, there will be absolutely no problem in defeating him.”

“At the same time, in addition to the time for setting up magic, I will also personally teach you fighting, as well as some techniques specifically targeted at my style and weaknesses… You must keep these techniques secret, as this is related to my life.”

“no problem.”

Avada and Baron nodded simultaneously.

“Very good.” Professor Baker tried to nod, but after realizing that he had no body, he could only continue helplessly: “Then, I will first give you the arrangement of the magic that extracts consciousness. It may be possible for you There are some difficulties, and there are still a lot of magic materials that you need to collect… Just to arrange this magic, I estimate that you will have to wait until February or March.”

“But it just so happens that this ample time is enough for you to train your fighting skills.”

“Then let’s start now… uh, did you bring your laptop?”


Avada and Baron looked at each other, and after confirming their looks, they shook their heads together – they were just here to sign the contract, and they never expected that Professor Baker’s progress would be so fast.

“…Okay, let’s start from tomorrow.”

Professor Baker said helplessly: “You can come here at any time to receive my teachings, but try to stay hidden so as not to be noticed by others. And it is best if two people come together, otherwise it would be a waste to teach the same content twice. time.”

“Okay, let’s stop here today. Remember to bring a notebook and pen when you come here tomorrow. What I’m going to talk about is much more complicated than the first-grade homework. Fortunately, those homework are not stressful for you…”

As the black crystal ball returned to silence, Avada and Baron also left the Room of Requirement.

“When will we come over tomorrow?”

While going down the stairs, Avada looked at Baron.

“After dinner.”

Baron thought for a while and then replied: “In the future, let’s not meet up after eating. We will go to the Room of Requirement separately. This will reduce the chance of being noticed. And if someone wants to take an astronomy class, then another person will go Find Professor Baker and tell him that the class for that day is cancelled. Anyway, there are only two astronomy classes a week, so it will have little impact on the progress.”

“On the weekend…”

Avada followed Balon’s train of thought and said: “You can’t spend all your time in the Room of Requirement on weekends. You must spend a certain amount of time to stay in this college, otherwise it will be easy to find abnormalities, not to mention that we Hufflepuffs have routine picnic……”

“Then go once on Saturday night, and you can go in for half a day on Sunday – whether it’s morning or afternoon will be decided on Saturday.”

Balon clapped his hands and finalized the plan with Avada.

“By the way, I always forgot to ask, what’s the deal with your name?”

After the current worries were resolved, Baron’s mind became more active, and somehow he remembered Avada’s real name that Professor Baker’s “consciousness fragment” read at Christmas.


Avada’s face turned green, and she subconsciously wanted to avoid the question, but she also understood in her heart that if someone only knew his real name, but didn’t know the meaning of the name, there might be big trouble in the future – for example, someone was yelling at him. When the Killing Curse was cast, he might have been pleasantly surprised before he died thinking “You know the Avatar too?”

Besides, Balon and he were friends who shared weal and woe, so there was nothing to hide from this alone.

“Have you ever heard of the Unforgivable Curse?”

“I’ve heard of it, the Cruciatus Curse, the Imperius Curse and the Killing Curse.”

“My name is the Killing Curse.”


Avada sighed and roughly recounted to Baron the dirty tricks of the Department of Mysteries. Baron’s face changed as he heard it, and in the end he didn’t know what to say.

“……come on.”

In the end, he could only silently pat Avada on the shoulder, leave such words of encouragement or condolences, and then bid farewell to Avada and walked to the Slytherin common room.

Avada watched Baron’s back gradually disappear from sight, paused, turned around, took a step towards the upward stairs, and then stopped again.

In the end, he shook his head secretly and walked silently in the direction of the Hufflepuff common room.

He had considered returning to the Room of Requirement after Baron left, going directly to Professor Baker to clarify the matter of the Horcruxes, and asking for the truth of the matter – anyway, there was a contract, and Professor Baker could not do anything to him. At most, he would be shocked. How does a first-year wizard know such top-notch black magic as Horcruxes?

After all, Professor Baker brought him too many doubts in this regard.

In his understanding, the so-called “soul” should refer to human spiritual power. When it comes to the study of mental power, Avada can be considered an expert – among other things, he can earn a Merlin First Class Medal just by relying on his talent optimization technology.

But even so, he never found any structure in the spiritual power that might lead to “split after killing”. At the beginning, he also believed that related structures might be formed after the spirit was eroded by black magic, and he came to the conclusion that “only the most evil black wizards whose souls have been completely eroded by black magic are qualified to split their souls through killing.”

But Professor Baker broke this view: his mental power did have traces of being eroded by black magic, but it also did not have the structure envisioned by Avada.

Although Professor Baker’s mental power was not seriously eroded by black magic and was far from being “completely eroded”, he had actually completed the splitting of his soul and made a Horcrux – and because a person can Make multiple Horcruxes, so it stands to reason that the “split structure” in your mental power should not disappear with the completion of the split!

All phenomena indicate the fact that the creation of Horcruxes – at least the division of souls – may not be as simple as Avada imagined.

What is the relationship between “killing” and “split”? Under what conditions can a soul be split? What is its principle?

Why is there a magic hole in the center of spiritual power? And why does the mental power split at the same time splitting the magic hole?

If Professor Baker is really willing to answer his own questions, then Avada will not only gain a lot of important Horcrux knowledge for nothing, but his understanding of spiritual power and the progress of Horcrux research will soar at an alarming rate, and he can also go further. Confirm the reason and process of Professor Baker making Horcruxes – If the condition for splitting the soul is really only “killing” and there are no requirements for the soul itself, then Professor Baker’s making of Horcruxes is really not a big problem.

He is a famous dark wizard hunter. If he sacrifices a few evil-doers to heaven to make Horcruxes, he will actually be making a contribution to the magical society.

And even if he was unwilling to answer, it would have no impact on him. Even if he didn’t want the Horcrux to be exposed, how could he reveal Avada’s knowledge of the Horcrux to others?

However, after careful consideration, he gave up this seemingly attractive idea.

After all, it was too precarious to let others know that he was interested in Horcruxes.


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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