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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 316 Did Voldemort limit the IQ of pure blood? ?

The meadow in front of me is about a hundred meters away from Durmstrang Castle, but it is still covered by Durmstrang’s protective magic. Although it does not have a large-scale ecological area like the Forbidden Forest, Durmstrang has still designated a large area as his campus, but most of it is open grassland and lakes, and this secretly enchanted grassland is one of them. .

“It seems like there is no hidden trick…”

Avada squatted down like Baron, pulled out the wand, touched the ground with the tip of the wand, and carefully sensed the magic contained in this area. He first confirmed the types of magic, and after ruling out any possibility of hidden traps, he began to explore more actively and carefully.

This enchanted area is generally circular, with an area about the size of two football fields combined. The ground reinforced by magic and the grass on top have become extremely tough and difficult to destroy. At the same time, they are quite resistant to most magic.

At least, when Avada secretly tried to use transformation on the ground under his feet, he immediately felt huge resistance. It felt that the energy required to transform the material here was at least several times that of normal material. As for the Not to mention more basic spells such as the Earth Separation Curse…

“To achieve this level of reinforcement for such a large area in just one night…this must have been more than just a wizard holding a wand and casting spells. They must have spent a lot of magic. Materials and potions.”

Cedric also took out his wand to sense the magic in the ground. It took him a lot longer than Avada before he raised his head and murmured: “Spending such a high price to strengthen an empty land… will What is it used for?”

“Maybe it’s to keep some destructive magical creatures in captivity, or to conduct powerful magic experiments.”

Avada casually grabbed a piece of yellowed withered grass, felt the tenacity passing through his fingers and analyzed it: If this is really the venue for the second competition event…maybe it is a beast fight? For example, the fire dragon or the Chimera beast, which can be regarded as a classic event of the Triwizard Tournament. “

“Maybe we are facing some levels that require large venues?”

Baron also scanned this large open area: “Is such a large place enough to create some special environments – such as a complex maze?”


Cedric seemed to agree more with Baron’s guess: “The hardening of the ground is probably to prevent players from directly digging tunnels to take shortcuts, and to protect the integrity of the maze during some battles inside. It would be too much for students to face the fire dragon directly. A little too radical…”


Avada and Baron looked at each other silently and curled their lips at the same time – they are the type who like to lurk underground.

“Not necessarily. After all, the organizer this time can even handle things like murders. It doesn’t seem to be a surprise to let the warriors face the fire dragon…”

As Avada spoke, she recalled the fire dragon level of the Triwizard Tournament in the original book.

He remembered that the competition did not seem to require defeating the fire dragon or causing much damage, but only required taking away the golden egg guarded by the fire dragon – which was a bit too simple for him now. You don’t even need to use your trump card, the End of the World Curse. You can simply use the Phantom Body Curse and the Stealth Package to bypass the fire dragon and take away the golden egg. You can easily complete this level.

‘Wait a minute, the Disappearance Curse seems to be a control magic. In theory, I shouldn’t be able to master it. If I show it to the public, I might get into some trouble…’

Only then did he remember that the most powerful and commonly used methods he had mastered seemed to be almost all invisible magic – the Disillusionment Curse, the Soul-stealing Curse, the Apparition that ignored restrictions, Spiritual magic, space magic, and soul magic, which has recently achieved some success…

In particular, once the two items of apparation and soul magic that ignored the restrictions were exposed at this stage, he conservatively estimated that he might not be able to get a moment of peace in the next ten years.

“Anyway, there’s no way to completely confirm it yet… Let’s observe it for a few more days. Anyway, there’s still a week.”

Avada carefully sensed the underground magic again, and after some consideration, she finally decided not to secretly leave a few back doors for herself: “And it’s also close to the Hogwarty Express. If If there’s any big news, we’ll be the first to see it – don’t worry about it now.”


Balon and Cedric nodded in agreement, so after chatting with Avada for a while, they returned to the Hogwarts Express with him – during Avada’s absence, his There is always a house elf in charge of cleaning the room, and his luggage is not too much, so the supervision in those days did not cause him any trouble now.

‘A huge solid site, and a large number of staff… It feels more like a facility-type level like a maze, similar to the last level in the original work. ’

Lying in her room, looking at the lights originally embedded on the walls of Durmstrang Castle, the dots of lights gradually dimmed row by row, but Avada’s thoughts were still active: ‘But this is As for the second level…compared to the one in the original work, the difficulty of this Triwizard Tournament is completely different…What could be causing this? ’

‘Forget it, I should get used to it – from the time I drove Dumbledore away from the diary and almost occupied Hogwarts, I should have realized that the enemy I was going to face this time was no matter in terms of ingenuity, means or structure. They are completely different from those in the original work. But if I have to say the reason… maybe it’s because I took care of Voldemort from the beginning and pushed them into a hurry? ’

‘The co-author is Voldemort dragging down the IQ of the entire pure-blood group? Once I deal with Voldemort, the seal on their brains will be lifted? ’


This outrageous conclusion suddenly popped up in her mind, causing Avada to stop thinking for a moment.

‘never mind. ’

He simply turned off the light, staring into the darkness, gradually arousing the sleepiness deep in his mind, while using his little energy to continue to think about the second level of the Triwizard Tournament, and what happened after Barty Jr.’s entrance. A possible conspiracy…

‘No, there’s something different this time – Barty Crouch Jr. in the original book was the mastermind of the entire incident, but this time he was just a powerful thug who was rescued by the way. This is probably one of the reasons why the difficulty of this competition has changed drastically. As for Ludo Bagman himself who was replaced by him… he must not be dead, otherwise he would not be able to provide the raw materials for Polyjuice Potion. I don’t know where he is imprisoned now…’

‘…But having said that, if a script as difficult as the Magical Murder Case was used in the original work, I don’t know how Harry Potter would respond? ’

Things got done faster than expected. Updates will resume from today. Thank you for your concern and support!


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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