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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 32 Serial Trap

Listening to the fake Baker’s upright words, Avada, who was in the invisible state, couldn’t help but feel a little emotional. If he didn’t have magic senses and didn’t know about Horcruxes, he might really feel a little intolerant of the soul fragment in front of him.

Unfortunately, he not only understands Horcruxes and knows that Horcruxes like diaries do have the ability to act and think independently, but they are still part of his own body in essence; he also has magic senses and can easily see inside Professor Baker’s body. The spiritual power and magic hole are in an “incomplete” state, and have the same origin as the ontology in the crystal ball.

In other words, the fake Baker is like an artificial intelligence—it thinks and interacts with the outside world according to established programs (i.e., memories), but has no real self-awareness. And his behavior at this time represents the real Professor Baker to a certain extent, which means that if the real Professor Baker encountered this situation, he would most likely do the same thing, so to speak.

Therefore, let’s focus on helping Professor Baker return to his true form.

With this thought in his mind, Avada did not pause in the movements of his hands at all. He silently or whispered curses and launched the most skilled spells he could use to attack the fake Baker, and used the surrounding cover and movement to let him He will not reveal his position by casting a spell, and he does not care about the rapid consumption of energy.

On the other side, Baron, who was paddling with some small curses and being taken care of by the fake Baker without being attacked, was silently observing every move of the fake Baker.

‘Is it coming? That time…’

Suddenly, the fake Baker’s face turned pale in mid-air, but a flash of light flashed in his eyes. He turned his head and glared at a certain location on the ground, and at the same time quickly raised his wand!

‘coming soon! ’

“Confinement quickly!”

Almost at the same time that the fake Baker raised his wand and aimed somewhere, Baron immediately took action and cast a spell on the fake Baker that was much higher than before. But the fake Baker seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, and the spell failed with a slight tilt of his head.

Then, he glanced at Baron, who looked a little amused, and the wand in his hand pointed in another direction like lightning, and released a bright red light without mercy. Even though he was more than ten meters away and only slightly illuminated by the red light, Baron clearly felt a sense of fatigue welling up in his heart, making him drowsy – that was an extremely powerful coma spell!

‘It’s now! ’

Suddenly, the fake Baker’s body trembled, and all the slings that were firmly attached to the ceiling came off at the same time, causing his body to immediately lose support and begin to fall involuntarily. And that bright red light also missed its target and hit an open space, turning into light particles that filled the sky and dissipated.

“There are many obstacles!”

“All petrified!”

The moment the sling came off, and before even the fake Baker had time to cast a levitation spell, two spells hit his body accurately at the same time. The obstacle spell broke his head-bubble spell, and the petrification spell imprisoned his body – although the effect was only for a few seconds due to the fake Baker’s powerful strength, he was falling down at the moment!

Just like that, the fake Baker’s body fell solidly to the ground from more than five meters in the air.

[In this case, an invisible opponent is needed to put pressure on me so that I cannot quickly remove the toxins and curses. This way, I can be forced to use the “super-sense spell”. 】

[The Supersensible Curse was almost born to restrain the Disillusionment Curse. The senses of a wizard who uses the super-sense spell will become extremely sharp, and he can easily collect all the information about the surrounding environment, so that he can easily detect any disturbance and quickly determine the location of the invisible person. But this spell has a drawback, that is, the huge amount of information will cause great mental pressure, so it cannot be used for a long time, and it only lasts a few seconds at most. 】

[And when the super-sensory spell is lifted and the spirit suddenly relaxes, a gap will be formed that is very conducive to an attack. But of course I know this will be a flaw, so before ending the super-sense spell, I will first pretend to have found the enemy and react, deceiving the enemy into using the move during the gap period when attacking, and then I will actually end the super-sense spell. and attack the enemy. 】

[So, you only need to arrange a smooth spell on the ceiling in advance and activate it when the super-sense actually ends, so that I can fall without any precautions, thus creating a larger gap period. And your spiritual link allows you to seize this opportunity at the same time, use the confinement spell or the petrification spell to trap my actions, so that I cannot slow down myself, and then another person can break the bubble curse…]

[In this way, my body will not only suffer serious injuries from the fall, but also lose protection and be eroded by toxins and curses again. 】

“Professor Baker is so cruel to me…”

Looking at the fake Baker who fell to the ground with a muffled thud, Avada twitched the corner of his eye, then directly lifted the phantom spell and appeared, and came towards the fake Baker who had not yet gotten up. Cast a coma spell.


After all, the fake Baker was still an extremely experienced combat master. Even though he was seriously injured and had several broken bones, he endured the pain and rolled his body to avoid the spell. Then he saw the true face of the enemy and was extremely shocked. Exhale.

While his attention was completely attracted by Avada, Baron behind him had quietly cast a disembodiment spell on himself and lurked to an unknown place.

[At this time, I have been seriously injured and my condition has declined significantly, so I will start trying to leave the Room of Requirement and find other professors for help. At this time, the real me will control the space magic to hide the location of the door, so the only choice left for me is to get serious and fight with all my strength. In this case, Ken had only one thing to do after he appeared, and that was to defend with all his strength – even though I was extremely weak, it was not something I could win in a head-on confrontation. 】

[However, after I saw that the person who lifted the phantom curse was my student, I would not use fatal or overly powerful spells, and coupled with my own weakness, I would not be under too much pressure to defend. , I just need to put the Iron Armor Spell in place, no matter what tricks I try, I will remain unmoved and continue to consume my energy. 】

[Next, it will be Mr. Shafiq’s turn to become invisible, and then…]

Sure enough, as Professor Baker said, after the fake Baker withstood Avada’s attack and dealt with the trauma and fractures, he began to retreat while defending, trying to get closer to the door of the Room of Requirement. And when he discovered that the door had disappeared at some point, Avada’s pressure suddenly increased.

The legion created by the transformation spell, the waterfall appearing out of thin air above the head, the fire that bursts from time to time on the ground, the curse that can fall through the air through the iron armor curse, and the powerful magic continuously released from the fake Baker’s own wand… At this time Avada felt that she was not in a one-on-one fight, but was besieged by a large number of wizards – the extremely diverse and almost omnidirectional attack magic caused a single Iron Armor Spell to collapse after just a moment, and even more What’s more, every time he wants to release the Iron Armor Curse again, there will be a spell attack that takes effect through the air or is launched from the ground and can bypass the Iron Armor Curse, making him very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, his magic senses allowed him to detect the precursors of all magic, and then dodge or defend like a prophet, which greatly reduced the pressure he faced and made him even appear to be somewhat comfortable in the fake Baker’s crazy attack.

There was no language other than spells in the entire battle. It seems that the fake Baker no longer intends to ask the reason, and only wants to defeat the student in front of him and interrogate all the cause and effect; while Avada is also silently calculating the steps…

The two looked across the battlefield where countless magic spells were flying, staring closely into each other’s eyes.


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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