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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 34 The dust has settled

After seeing the fake Baker’s body completely covered by a layer of blue frost, “Flitwick” who had already hid aside was completely relieved. Then his whole body slowly melted like a wax statue and grew taller in a few seconds. Then it turned into another person – Avada Kendavia.

[…Mr. Ken, what do you want to say? 】

[Professor, according to you, by this time, “you” should be trying your best to crack the space magic and try to escape from the Room of Requirement, and it will be difficult to stop it with the magic you arranged, right? 】

[What I want to say is, since we can’t stop him, then we won’t stop him, or let him run into the dead end without us stopping him. 】

[In addition to the feature of “opening different rooms according to the user’s needs”, the Room of Requirement also has another feature, that is, even after entering a certain room, the content of the room can also be based on the user’s further needs. Change again. For example, making it bigger, changing the decoration…]

[So in that case, why don’t we build a fake “eighth-floor corridor” in the Room of Requirement? 】

[Anyway, neither you nor your fragments of consciousness will be judged by the Room of Requirement. Only Baron and I can transform it. In this way, we can build a fake eighth-floor corridor in the Room of Requirement in advance and hide it; don’t you have to use space magic to hide the door during the battle? At that time, the invisible Baron can take the opportunity to use his thoughts to change the Room of Requirement, and use the fake eighth-floor corridor to block the real door. 】

[In this way, even if the fake Baker breaks the space magic and finds the location of the door, he will only push open a fake door and enter the fake corridor, and is actually still in the Room of Requirement…]

[And in that case, he will greatly relax his vigilance the moment he enters the corridor, and his whole body will be full of flaws. If I drink Polyjuice Potion again and turn into Professor Flitwick or another professor pretending to help, his last vestiges of caution should disappear. The only problem is that I don’t know how to brew Polyjuice Potion, and the timing of drinking it…]

As a result, after Professor Baker’s explanation, Avada found that she had a high regard for Polyjuice Potion – the brewing of that thing did not require any additional magical assistance or advanced skills. It only needed to combine specific materials at a specific time. Just throw it into the pot in a specific way and cook it for ten and a half days.

In other words, anyone can make it as long as they have the recipe, materials, care and patience. The reason why it was listed as a banned book was that it had too special effects and was therefore controlled.

As for the somewhat difficult materials, part of them were collected in the Forbidden Forest, and the other part were purchased directly from Avada’s own money and letters sent to the medicinal materials store in Diagon Alley. He had money and didn’t have to steal Snape’s office.

As for Professor Flitwick’s hair, it would be even better – as an elderly British man, hair loss is inevitable even if he has goblin blood.

Finally, at the suggestion of Professor Baker, Avada and Baron chose to arrange a “flash smoke” spell to block the fake Baker’s vision, and used that opportunity to let Avada drink the Polyjuice Potion and change her clothes, and Let Balon begin preparing the dark magic.

Now it seems that the effect is remarkable.

From the beginning to the end, all the fake Baker’s actions were accounted for by the three people, and every step was firmly trapped. From the beginning, it was destined that there would be no possibility of a comeback. The previous fierce battle seemed dangerous, and the participants, Avada and Baron, were indeed very tired, but in fact they were as stable as a rock.

“Phew, it’s finally over…”

Avada, who had returned to his original form, put on a robe and then lay on the ground without any image. After experiencing a big battle and frequently performing tricks, his energy has been squeezed completely. At this moment, he just wants to fall down and have a good sleep.

Baron’s face on the side was also a little pale – the black magic just now had some damage to his mental power, but it was not serious and would heal on its own in a few hours.

“Yeah, it’s over…”

Baron also supported the wall, with a smile on his face.

For several months, the two of them had almost sacrificed most of their spare time to accept Professor Baker’s teaching and training in order to reach the strength standard to be able to execute the plan as soon as possible. Even with Professor Baker’s ingenious arrangements, nothing the two of them studied was more difficult than a fourth-grade level, and they were exhausted.

But this also means that the strength of the two has ushered in an exaggerated surge – anyway, Baron no longer knows what level he is.

“Hey hey hey, there’s still one last step left!”

Suddenly, a wry laughter interrupted the two of them as they were about to relax – it was Professor Baker.

“Ahem, sorry, I almost forgot.”

Baron coughed awkwardly, and Avada reluctantly got up from the ground. The two of them used the levitation spell to lift Professor Baker’s body and brought him to the black crystal ball. Then Balon waved his magic wand, first removing the frost on his body that was causing damage, and then activated the “Repentance” magic.

With the operation of the wonderful magic structure under the magic sense, a golden light emitted from the black crystal ball and shot into Professor Baker’s eyebrows. Then his body immediately began to tremble violently, and veins popped up on the back of his hands and forehead, as if he was suffering from severe pain.

Avada braced herself and observed the changes in Professor Baker’s spirit with all her heart. Under the guidance of “Confession”, Professor Baker’s spiritual power and magic hole had returned to the body, and were remnants of the original body. The spiritual power gradually merged, and the two magic holes, one large and one small, slowly moved closer together at a slower speed, and finally merged into one again, regardless of each other.


Suddenly, Professor Baker sat up suddenly like a flapping fish, shocking Avada and Baron.

“Merlin, I’m finally back…”

He took a few deep breaths, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with the corner of his clothes, turned his head and showed a smile to Avada and Baron who took a few steps back at some point and were watching him with vigilant eyes: ” Now, we have truly succeeded.”

“Look at your expressions, okay, I’ll keep my wand in your hands for now, as long as you return it to me before I go to class…”

Professor Baker laughed dumbly, and after moving his body a few times, he slowly got up. He held the crystal ball in one hand and turned the slings back into his sleeves with the other hand, making himself look less embarrassed, and then took the lead. The real door to the house opened.

“Don’t worry, you saved my life. Even if there is no contract, I can’t harm you.”

“Let’s go back first. I need to prepare the reward for you for a while, and it will probably be ready tomorrow… Come to my office tomorrow night. In addition to the galleons and knowledge that I promised, I also plan to prepare some other things. These things will make you feel that these few months of hard work were not in vain.”

“Okay, go back, take a shower, change clothes, and tell your friends that you can study and play with them again, haha…”

In the end, the two returned the two wands to Professor Baker and left the Room of Requirement with him.

Looking at Professor Baker’s retreating back, Avada frowned slightly, showing a slightly puzzled expression.

In his perception, the sense of dissonance that Professor Baker’s mental power originally brought to him still existed – this meant that he only allowed his main soul to return to his body, and did not further reintegrate the body and fragments. , the soul returns to wholeness.

But this also means that the magic called “Repentance” is not what I imagined, it can directly repair the soul. That being the case, why did Professor Baker name it “Confession”?


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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