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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 357 Balon’s secret trump card

Seeing the confused faces of the audience below, little Barty couldn’t help but sneered in his heart.

‘A bunch of naive losers… What will surprise you is yet to come! ’

‘Dumbledore’s death, the return of the Dark Lord…these are countless times more exciting than playing games. I wonder if you are interested in witnessing them? But it’s useless if I’m not interested, because the broadcast magic I arranged will show every drop of blood spattered when Dumbledore died and send it back to Hogwarts, so that the master can see it as soon as he wakes up. A school that has completely surrendered to him, and then let those traitors and mudbloods die in complete despair…’

‘Karkaroff was quite reliable this time, and finally he was able to get the three brats to enter the ghost ship at almost the same time and initiate water teleportation, maximizing the pressure Dumbledore would have to face later. If he was lucky, he might even There is no need for that one to help…’

‘Hmph, for the sake of his merits, after the master recovers, he can beg for mercy in front of the master and let him punish the coward less. After all, although that guy is shameless and disloyal, at least he can still If you have some brains, at least it will be useful to the master if your interests are consistent…’

‘But don’t think that you betrayed your classmates and things will go away like this, Karkaroff… After the master can break through Azkaban, guess how those guys you have betrayed will treat you? hehe……’

Although according to the plan, he would start an unprecedented and great operation in less than ten minutes, little Barty did not feel the slightest nervousness or uneasiness at this moment. After all, their plan could not be more rigorous, and they have gathered the power of so many pure-blood families. Dumbledore, the old bastard, is still unaware of all this until now. And more importantly, they Obtained the commitment and help of “that gentleman”…

It doesn’t matter even if this plan fails. Anyway, once the backup plan left at Hogwarts takes effect, Dumbledore will never be able to completely kill the master again – and according to the information just passed yesterday, the arrangement The undercover agents at Hogwarts have almost started to take action now, and have even succeeded…

They have already become completely invincible!

“What a surprising scene – the giant squid’s super intelligence has actually become a disadvantage in front of Miss Delacour!”

All kinds of thoughts flashed through little Barty’s heart, but they did not affect him in the least. On the surface, he still maintained Ludo Bagman’s iconic enthusiastic smile, and continued to shout excitedly in an exaggerated tone: “Higher intelligence means a more sophisticated mental power structure, which naturally means that it is more susceptible to the influence of mental magic… And in terms of mental aspects, what else is better than the mixed-blood Veela? Della is better at it? Miss Kuhl almost effortlessly hypnotized this poor giant squid – wait, maybe compared with the other two magical creatures guarding the ghost ship, this giant squid is not so pitiful…”

“Very well, Miss Delacour finally entered the ghost ship, and her speed is almost the same as Mr. Klum’s – the gap between the three warriors has further narrowed, which also means that the final trophy competition may be unprecedented. The intensity…”

“The third ghost ship has also temporarily disappeared from the screen. I suggest that you make full use of this period of time to take a rest and relax, because after five minutes, you may not even be able to blink your eyes!”

After Ludo Bagman’s voice fell, the atmosphere in the audience suddenly relaxed visibly. A few seconds ago, he was watching the game on the screen attentively, and he didn’t even dare to breathe too hard. The students finally started a lively discussion, and countless voices converged into a noisy buzz, making the originally peaceful lakeside suddenly lively.

The Beauxbatons students were worried whether their Warriors would lose the game due to their current disadvantage, while the Durmstrang students were congratulating Krum on his wonderful performance, mixed with a lot of pride. There are many voices telling foreign students about their ancient “ghost ship”; as for Hogwarts, the most loud voices are complaining about their warrior Avada…

“This shady story is too obvious.”

Even Cedric, who has always been unwilling to maliciously speculate on others, couldn’t help complaining: “Project Ricken has had the worst luck in two consecutive projects. Last time, the stone pillar appeared directly under the fire dragon’s body, and this time he encountered it again. When it comes to the most difficult of the three guarding magical creatures, the long-horned water snake…”

“Even the other two warriors are obviously lucky.”

Someone around him immediately echoed: “In the last project, Krum directly got his best broomstick, and this time it was Delacour who faced off against the magical creature that could best be targeted by her talent… …If it was just the organizer Durmstrang who was operating behind the scenes, wouldn’t it be enough to give Krum a little convenience? Why should we help Delacour?”

“Probably to balance the game and make the competition more enjoyable. Think about it, even when being targeted, Ken can clearly lead the other two Warriors by one quarter. If all those off-court factors are eliminated If so, wouldn’t it be a one-sided crushing… The Triwizard Tournament is for mutual communication and friendship, and we have to give other schools a little face…”

“Yes, and even if he suffers such an obvious disadvantage, won’t he still be the one in the lead? He is not lacking in this kind of luck… Why don’t you say anything, Baron?”


Baron, who had been silent just now, raised his head as if suddenly awakened: “…It’s nothing, I’m just thinking about something.”

After chatting with the people around him for a few more times, and seeing that no one else was paying attention to him, Baron took a long breath as quietly as possible, letting his lungs filled with cold air forcefully beat his head. His heart was slightly suppressed, and at the same time, he reached into his pocket with his slightly trembling palms covered with cold sweat, and firmly held a key-shaped object…

He didn’t know if the information his father told him was really accurate, and he didn’t know if something as horrifying as he said would happen in a few minutes… But once the information was true, then he would be needed – Knowing a shocking secret and already prepared for today’s events, he took the risk to bring the students present to a safe location to protect them from the aftermath…

With the magical key given to him by his father.


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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