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Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse — Chapter 36 The End and a New Beginning

For Avada, the next few months are actually no different from a vacation.

Normal classes, normal homework, normal review and exams. Except for part of the time used to learn knowledge and analyze crowns, the rest of the time is used to chat with friends, relax, have picnics, tea parties…

There is no demon king growing on the back of the head lurking to cause trouble, no basilisks in the sewers glaring at people, no dementors wandering around in the sky, and no one locks his body into a Horcrux and asks for help… If If there is any way to live a more comfortable life than now, I’m afraid it would be to stop working after graduation and just lie at home and live happily with twenty galleons from the Ministry of Magic every month, right?

As for the things given by Professor Baker, Avada and Baron also studied them for a while and then put them aside, not planning to touch them for the time being – the crystal ball was still cooling, and the notes on the “Confession” magic were completely incomprehensible. , even the five hundred galleons have no place to spend in school, and they can’t go to Hogsmeade…

However, Avada carefully observed the sealed giant book, and estimated that the seal on it would be cracked manually next year.

I don’t know what is recorded on it that Professor Baker calls the “lowest, most essential mystery”?

Then, it’s the final exam of the first year.

Avada, who was originally full of confidence in his own level and believed that only Baron could pose a threat to him in the whole grade, had already set his sights on the throne of first place in the grade. But in the end, he made Pear dance in Swan Lake, concocted a perfect pot of amnesia potion, turned a mouse into a snuff box that might be sued by Disney, and accurately identified the devil’s net hidden in the vines. , and then recalled that the wizard who invented the automatic stirring crucible was called Gaspard Singleton… He answered a question wrong in his astronomy class.

So, with perfect scores in all subjects, the first place in the grade was taken by Balon and another Ravenclaw girl who was both smart and hard-working.

However, except for astronomy, Avada’s other six exams were also perfect, so he barely got a second place. He is also one of the more admired figures in the Hufflepuff common room – but it is still worse than Except for Cedric, that guy has been number one in his grade for two consecutive years.

In addition, Tonks, the eldest sister of Hufflepuff, returned to take the N.E.W.T. exam at the end of the semester, successfully obtained five certificates, and was officially hired by the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic. For this reason, the Hufflepuffs set aside a whole day to hold a grand celebration for Tonks next to the Black Lake. During this period, a variety of food and drinks continued to flow, and students from other colleges also came to have a meal. Absolutely—even at the invitation of Professor Sprout, many other professors participated in the banquet.

It is worth mentioning that Balon finally accepted the invitation to attend the banquet, which made Avada very happy.

Finally, at the final year-end banquet, thanks to Professor Snape’s extreme operations, Slytherin once again won the Academy Cup with an overwhelming advantage, achieving its sixth consecutive championship. The entire auditorium was decorated in silver and green, and the cheers of Slytherin students also rang throughout the school—mainly from the younger students, as the seniors had already won.

However, Hufflepuff was not at the bottom this time, because Senior Tonks officially became the first Auror in four years, and Dumbledore specially added a considerable amount of points as a commendation. So the one at the bottom became Hufflepuff’s comrade, Gryffindor… Gryffindor.

Anyway, the savior will start to show its strength next year, and Gryffindor will not lose.

Speaking of which, with the return of Tonks and the gossip among the students, the whole school basically knows that the famous savior Harry Potter will enter Hogwarts next year. As a result, the topics everyone talked about inevitably moved closer to him: For example, where is he living now, which college will he be assigned to, has his magic level surpassed that of Dumbledore, etc…

Avada had no intention of participating in these discussions. He would rather listen to other people’s ideas and have fun. But what he didn’t expect was that as the topic spread, the professors at the school began to use strange words frequently. And looked at him playfully.

He was confused at first, but then he realized it after thinking about it: Harry Potter was the first person in history to survive Avada’s Kedavra, so he also got a “Boy-Who-Lived” “The title…

The moment she figured this out, Avada was directly amused by the professors’ bad taste – why, she still had to perform a literal “Avada Kedavra” to justify the Killing Curse?

Or is it because there will be big events next year and there will be too many melons to eat, so we have to “Avada eat the big melon”?

In addition to the Harry Potter incident, there was another thing that surprised the teachers and students of Hogwarts – except for the few months just after Christmas, he had been diligent, powerful, knowledgeable, and kind-hearted. , Professor Benjamin Baker, who was lively and funny in class, took the initiative to resign.

The reason announced to the public was that Professor Baker had an accident when he was trying to break through the bottleneck and complete the magical transformation, which severely damaged his vitality. This was also the reason why he had been depressed in January and February. Therefore, he needs to quit his job, focus on recuperating, and strive to recover as before without any sequelae.

But Avada and Baron knew that Professor Baker probably wanted to deal with the problem of fragments of his soul (consciousness). But I just don’t know how he will deal with it in the end? Make another container, or find a way to complete itself?

“Oh, by the way, do you want to be a guest at my house this summer vacation?”

On the Hogwarts Express that was speeding towards Kingdom Cross Station, Baron, who had just finished discussing Professor Baker’s whereabouts with Avada, clapped his hands and looked at Avada expectantly.

“Of course, as long as your parents are okay with it!”

“Don’t worry, there is no blood theory in my family. No one will have any prejudice against you just because you are a Muggle. Especially if my father knows that you are still the second in grade, he will definitely welcome you as a guest. of.”

“That would be a great honor for me – but before that, I still want to go back to the orphanage to live for a while. My friends there haven’t heard from me for a year. I must go back to report that I am safe.”

“Of course, no problem. Where is the address of your orphanage? I will pick you up then.”

“The name is Mueller Orphanage, and the address is… How are you going to pick me up? My place is not a magical world, so be careful of violating confidentiality laws.”

“Our family also has a car. As long as the magic inside is not activated, it is no different from an ordinary Muggle vehicle. The person responsible for driving is a house elf. He can disguise himself as exactly like a human…”

“Okay then, when is the date set?”

“About mid-August, um…how about August 10th?”

“No problem, thanks for the invitation!”

With a long whistle, the train finally stopped slowly at Kingdom Cross Station. The platform was already crowded with adult wizards who came to pick up their children and take them home. They were all putting their feet up and raising their heads, trying to stand in the crowd. Find your own children.

“Next semester, everything is about to begin…”

“Harry Potter, the trio, the Philosopher’s Stone, Quirrell, Voldemort…”

After saying goodbye to Baron and leaving the crowded platform, Avada stood on the street and took a deep breath slowly, then stopped a taxi.

“To the Mueller Orphanage.”


Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Status: Completed Author:


"Hello, strange wizard, what is your name?"
"Avada Kedavra."
"Fuck! What are you doing?!"
"...I will call Avada Kedavra, Avada Kendavia."
"...Who gave you this bad name?"
"I heard it's the Department of Mysteries."
"You have a grudge against the Ministry of Magic?"
"No, they don't dare."
"...Then what should I call you? You can't just recite the killing curse when we meet, right?"
"You can call me: the leader of the technological explosion in the wizarding world, the pioneer of Muggle exploration of magic, the ruler of the Hufflepuff kitchen, the ducklord, the younofull..."


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